Baby Bump – 20 weeks (and miscellaneous)

Oct 2009-2

My little baby bump is growing! This past Thursday was the first time someone actually noticed (without any prior knowledge) that I’m pregnant. It was rather exciting to have someone shriek and exclaim, “Are you pregnant?!!!!” My kids at school keep me informed on the growth of my belly (“Mrs. Jensen, your tummy is getting bigger.”) and many love touching my baby bump. Baby Girl Jensen is doing well and I’m enjoying feeling her move. I feel her movement more on the weekends, but that’s probably because she’s wondering why her mommy isn’t talking really loud, singing, playing instruments, and dancing/moving. Weekends are probably pretty boring for our dear little girl!IMG_0756

Oct 2009I finally took some pictures of my classroom. I moved to a different portable this year and love the extra space! After my ultrasound last week I had all the kids vote on the gender of our baby. I also brought a printout of the ultrasound picture to show them all. My pregnancy is quite a learning experience for some of my students and has led to some interesting conversations in the classroom. After seeing the picture, one 3rd grader asked if the baby would be born with skin! I was also given advice about eating and taking care of myself from the 5th grade boys. This week they were concerned that it was not good that I was pregnant and wearing a belt with my shirt. When they asked why I had a belt on, I explained that it was a decoration and not tight at all.IMG_0776

Oct 2009-1Josh has had the flu all week, so I made him some homemade chicken rice soup. I always tend to put too much rice in the soup and then it’s more like stew than soup. I had to stop by the store and buy some chicken broth to add to my concoction! (The roses in the picture are a gift Josh brought home to me last weekend – my husband is so sweet!)

5 thoughts on “Baby Bump – 20 weeks (and miscellaneous)

  1. You look so cute! And it is definitely growing. I remember the first time someone noticed I was pregnant with Stefan, too. That’s fun. Your classroom looks great. I’m so glad you have a better set up this year.

  2. Amy, you have the glow! You are even more beautiful than usual. The extra weight 🙂 looks good on you. Thanks for sharing pictures of your baby’s growth. I look forward to seeing both (all three)of you soon. Stay well, and thanks for taking such good care of your husband. (He was always a good patient.)
    Love y’all!

  3. as dave always used to say to me, “you are looking cutely pregnant!” wow, nobody even noticed i was pregnant until i was 6-7 months along. my kids kept asking, when are you going to get big? i just felt fat!! enjoy it! soon you’ll forget what it was like to be pregnant.

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