After over a week and a half of sickness, we’re finally coming up on the other side, though still hanging on to coughs and congestion. The only ones to remain healthy are Josh and Maria. We had to postpone Pirate Day. It’s been a blur. Yesterday was our first sunny day in over a week. So nice to see the sun! Ready for September to be over and looking forward to starting October fresh and healthy!
Last Friday my best Jarai friend’s son drowned. The wake lasted four nights, and the funeral and burial were Tuesday. Josh was at the wake every evening and spent the night sleeping under the house with the family and church people (Friday, Sunday, and Monday nights). I was there every day with Biah next to the body and then casket (they didn’t get him into the casket until Sunday afternoon). Before we left for America Biah told me I was like her “friend, sister, mother, and husband.” This gave me the confidence to be present and to hold her when she wept. I have experienced much this past week (never before have I held the stiffen hand of a dead child, or smelled a body decomposing). Never before have I seen such expressions of grief. Someday I shall record it in more detail. In the end – after they had finished tiling the grave shut ad put the roof on, Biah said “It’s ok. God does what he does.” Thanks be to God for His grace in the life of this grieving mother. Thanks be to God.
Last month Maria hit 13 months, and she really thinks she’s as old as all her other siblings! She says a few words: yes, baby, mommy, and daddy. She loves looking at books. She examines the pictures as thought she’s actually reading the book. I’m not sure we’ve ever had a child who pays such attention to details in books at her age. One other thing she loves to do is “write.” We were quite surprised when she picked up a pencil the other day and held correctly at the tip and started to “write” on a paper. It looked better than my pencil hold! The next day when I tried to get a picture, her hold was similar but not as good. So fun to watch!
A few days before Maria turned 13 months, I put her in two of my baby dresses and took some pictures. Maria is not one to pose for pictures; she’s too busy and too interested in seeing her picture on the camera to stay still.
Our time in the States was hard on Maria. She was a very happy baby when with us, but she wouldn’t nap in her pack-n-play or go to nursery. The days she was held by other people were often her worst nights – it’s as though she was anxious, often waking up 4+ times per night. I wasn’t sure what to expect on our return to Cambodia and was wondering how in the world I was going to teach school and read the Bible with ladies in the afternoon, if Maria wouldn’t nap unless being held in silence. Thankfully, after about a week in our home, I tried putting Maria down to nap listening to music (Who Made You). The first time I let her cry for 20 minutes and then she slept for 20 minutes. Two days later she went down with only a little crying. Now she’s napping twice a day and as long as the music is playing, she’s been doing fine. I’m so thankful. It’s made a big difference to my day. Maria is a sweet little girl who loves her siblings. She loves playing chase.
Yesterday we started our 2024-2025 school year! Looking forward to 9th, 7th, 5th, 3rd, kindergarten, and fun grade! Every year before the start of the school year I get overwhelmed with the thought, “How am I going to be able to teach all these grades and care for the little children?” It’s a huge job. God gives grace, and I find myself praying through a lot of my day. Thankful for these precious years with our kids.