Goodbyes in NJ



DSC_6400 DSC_6409On May 31st we traveled to NJ to be at a supporting church on Sunday. The church is where I was born and my dad pastored until I was 16. That Saturday all my Uncles and Aunts got together for a farewell party. It was great to be with them all (wish I took more pictures!).

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DSC_6425 DSC_6440Saturday evening we spent some time at my grandma’s house. Becca and Isaiah got swing rides from Uncle Johnny. My grandpa pushed me on the same swing when I was little, just like Uncle Johnny did.

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DSC_6508 DSC_6513On Sunday Josh preached at the church where I was born (literally – I was born in the parsonage, since my mom didn’t make it to the hospital).  Sitting in the pew hearing Josh preach from the same pulpit I heard my dad preach from for 16 years was special (I was able to snap a picture when Josh was finished – the bird was not related to the sermon.). A lot of people said that Josh reminded them of my dad when he was young.


DSC_6507 DSC_6497Becca and Isaiah went to my grandma’s Sunday School class. Grandma has taught three generations of her kids in Sunday School – my dad, me, and Becca & Isaiah. Isaiah was supposed to go to nursery, but once he saw Uncle Johnny and snacks he refused to go to nursery and Grandma allowed him to stay.

DSC_6526 DSC_6527While in NJ we stayed with the Grooms family. I taught Raychelle 3rd grade Sunday School when I was a teen. It is so neat to see how the Lord has led her – she just graduated with a nursing degree and would like to pursue missions. We were delighted to get to know the Grooms family more. Mr & Mrs Grooms were my teachers growing up and it was good to see how the Lord has blessed them and their 6 children.

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