Two Saturdays ago we took a family trip to the market. Josh usually goes alone, since it’s rather hard to manage the kids, especially with all the attention they attract. Our helper showed up unexpectedly that Saturday (said she missed us after her 3-day holiday). So Yayyi went with us to the market and ended up being a great help with Isaiah — and it allowed me to take some pictures.
I had Anna secure in a front carrier, but Isaiah got carried off a few times. He was happy when some ladies sat him down and gave him fruit. (All the while I’m thinking my kid is going to get sick.) Overall Isaiah didn’t really enjoy the market: he disliked the mud (our feet got very muddy) and all the people reaching for him.
We were really proud of how well Becca did. She was very interested in what was going on and didn’t ask to leave. She even bought some hair clips.
We buy most of our food at the market – chicken, eggs, veggies, and fruit. We do however go to the local supermarket for a few things including popcorn kernels for our nightly 8:30 popcorn snack. 🙂