Serving where you are…



DSC_9743DSC_9730We’re missionaries. In Cambodia. We’ve been here over six months. Sometimes the weight of my personal missionary expectations and the perceived expectations of others in the States is heavy. No one turned to Christ this week. We didn’t disciple any Khmer people this week. Oh wait, we didn’t even share the Gospel in Khmer this week. Ummmm, because we can’t share the Gospel in Khmer yet. We can’t even have deep conversations with people in Khmer, because we don’t have that skill yet. What did we do this week: studied Khmer and tried to practice Khmer.


DSC_9770 DSC_9763We’re in the midst of language learning, and sometimes it feels like what we’re doing is all for us – it doesn’t feel like ministry.  Lots of time in learning and studying. Language learning doesn’t exactly feel like Gospel-furthering work. It also doesn’t make for interesting updates to send to our supporters back in the States. Dear Supporters, this month we learned ### new vocabulary words and studied more information about Khmer grammar. We tried to talk with our neighbors but can’t seem to find much to talk about (we’ve had the same conversations several times already). Please pray for us. Oh, the children are doing great. ~The Jensens

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DSC_9746DSC_9776There are lots of English ministry opportunities available. We could spend all of our time here doing ministry in English, but then we’d never learn Khmer. So what do we do? We serve where we can: once a month I teach the children in our church; Josh preached in December (in English!); he has had opportunities for discipleship; and he helps with tear-down after church. But while we serve in little ways, we put our major focus on studying Khmer so we can someday minister to the people of Cambodia in their own language. For now, language-learning is our Gospel-furthering work. It might not feel like it. But this is the work God has called us to do now. Please pray for us as we strive to not grow weary in our well doing. Pray that we will run this race with endurance.

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This week I had the opportunity to watch some other MK’s while their parents went to appointments in Phnom Penh. It was a blessing for me to do this. For now, I’m thankful for the opportunities God gives us to serve in the language-learning phase.

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I didn’t watch the youngest, but took his picture anyway.

1 thought on “Serving where you are…

  1. Praying for you and Josh that this language will become a second nature to you both! God bless you!

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