She sang “Jesus Loves Me” to the monks…


IMG_20150203_094642 IMG_20150203_094630Most of us missionaries want to send exciting stories back to their supporters about the opportunities God gives them and their children to share the Gospel. Wouldn’t this make a good one: Dear Supporters, during a recent Cambodian religious holiday our daughter climbed on top of our gate and sang “Jesus Loves Me” to several Buddhist monks who were waiting to receive gifts from our neighbors. Pray for continued Gospel witness in our neighborhood.

IMG_20150203_093307 IMG_20150203_093320It’s a really precious story until you find out that before she sang Jesus Loves Me she sang Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof,  proclaiming at the top of her lungs to all the monks: “be glad you got a man!” And while climbing to sit at the top of the gate she said: “hello monkeys.”  Fortunately they thought it was funny and had a good time pointing to each other and asking if the other was a monkey. Hmmm…guess we won’t use this story in our next update.

IMG_20141221_130544 IMG_20150118_130946While we don’t have any exciting Gospel-furthering stories to share right now (the kind that make kids want to be missionaries when they grow up), we do know this: we are doing the work God has called us to. We’re learning language and slowly trying to build relationships with our neighbors. It might not be exciting to write about, but it is God’s work in God’s place for us. May this be what all our lives are like: doing God’s work in the place where God has put you, whether or not it’s exciting to share with fellow believers. Be faithful to what God has called you to in the place God has put you.

5 thoughts on “She sang “Jesus Loves Me” to the monks…

  1. Amy, that is so precious! You never know what the Lord can do with that simple little song. How God uses children!

    By the way, we’re in Relay for Life season here… Just want you to know that Becca will have a luminary from our church. 🙂

    Love y’all!

  2. That’s such a great story! No reason it shouldn’t make it into the next update! 🙂

  3. Amy, this is so cute and funny! I thought it was so cute that Becca was singing Matchmaker! How adorable! Train them up young to love musicals! Yeah! You guys are doing a great job raising your kids.

  4. Thank you Amy. Loved it! Especially appreciated the part about doing God’s work where God has put you whether or not it’s exciting to share with others. I needed that.

    Love to all!

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