Maybe you’ve wondered why we don’t post more photographs of the Cambodian and tribal peoples we interact with here. There are two reasons:
Moms with small children don’t have extra arms for carrying cameras. Between carrying water, diapers, toilet paper, etc., I don’t really have room to carry my camera. And if I did, I wouldn’t have time to pull out my camera and take pictures when out and about. Typically our children or others need all my attention when I’m out of our home.
Expats with cameras can arouse suspicion. Up in this province, and even in the country’s capital, there have been ministries that come in, do a little work, take a lot of pictures, and then send those pictures back to the States to obtain more funds. (Or at least, that’s the impression that the local Christians have.) For this reason even the Christians here can potentially be suspicious of missionaries who take a lot of pictures.
So if you’ve been wondering where all our native pictures are, now you know. It’s a mommy who can’t manage child #4 (i.e. the camera) and it’s a protection from arousing unnecessary suspicions. Someday when we’re established in a village and people know who we are, this won’t be such an issue. And by that time, our kids will be taking the pictures!