Three Weekend Trips to BanLung

The past three weekends we’ve had overnight trips to BanLung (the main town that’s a 45-minute drive from our home). We had not planned to have so many trips in a row, it’s just the way the everyone’s schedule worked out.

The first Sunday in June we gathered in the evening to celebrate the faithful service of the Olson family in Cambodia. After many years here, they are returning home for an indefinite period to help with Kevin’s parents. The missionary families up here met for a pot-luck meal and a time of sharing. Robin Olson is one of the most thoughtful people I know. She is always thinking about how she can help others. A few days after we moved to BanLung, she showed up at our door with a chocolate cake. She has helped me multiple times with various things (loaning me books, bringing things to the kids, visiting me, bringing food when we hosted missionary fellowship, etc). I want to follow her sweet example of constantly thinking of others.

(The pictures below are of our Clara and Elisha, one of our co-worker’s children. Clara is 6 months older than Elisha, but is much lighter than him.)

The second weekend in June, we gathered on Friday to have fellowship with the other EMU families in the area (Crowleys, Kanes, Famers, and Brooke). Both the men and women were able to have separate prayer times. I think it was the first time the five women have prayed together. It was a great blessing to me. Saturday morning about 14 ladies from different missionary organizations met together for breakfast. We enjoyed our time together.

The third weekend in June, the Olson family hosted the weekly missionary fellowship at their house. Usually, the missionaries meet on Saturday night, but the Olsons’ moved their week to Friday night so we could attend. That night we stayed at a hotel because our co-workers were leaving the country the next day and it didn’t work for us to spend the night with them. We went in a few hours early on Friday so the kids could enjoy the hotel pool.

And so ends our weekends of travel. We enjoyed the extra fellowship and encouraging conversations with our missionary co-workers. Thankful that they are only a drive away.

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