Matthew Progress, COVID-19 Update, New Addition

Jensens in Cambodia

In the background Josh sits with Andrew, the translation consultant. Near them are two “uninitiated” native speakers (both wearing scarves). These two men are available for the team to read the text to and test how well it is understood. Closer to the camera are four of the five Jarai translators. Josh’s co-worker joined from Ohio via Zoom but went to bed each day at lunch (1 am in Ohio!). The consultant check of Matthew 15-28 lasted two-and-a-half days.

Since April, Josh and the translation team met all their goals for translating the book of Matthew. In July, the committee of church leaders finished checking through the remaining chapters of the book. The team spent June and July adding footnotes and cross-references. Last week an outside consultant met with the team to check the last 14 chapters of Matthew.

So now the entire book of Matthew has been consultant checked and is in the final stages of revising. Please pray for the team as they work through the final edits and prepare the book to be printed.

The team has already begun to draft chapters of Genesis. Josh’s co-worker is in the States for a year and Josh has many extra responsibilities as he supervises all five team members (his normal 2 full-timers, and his co-worker’s 3 part-timers).

Four ladies’ leaders from our church came to our house to ask Amy to start meeting with them again. One of them shared that since normal church stopped meeting, she’s become consumed with her farm work and had lost her joy in Christ. Please pray God would encourage these ladies.

Our children finished the school year on July 1st. We had a special graduation ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments and allow them to perform for us all. It was a fun evening for us all. We’ve started the new school year with Becca in 5th grade, Isaiah in 3rd grade, and Anna & Clara in 1st grade.

We are happy to share with you that we’re expecting Jensen Child #6 during the second half of November. Due to COVID-19 international travel restrictions, we plan to go to Phnom Penh to deliver our newest addition.

In June we celebrated the 6th birthday of Davi’s youngest son – the boy who had to have his blind eye removed back in November. Last week Davi told Amy that the biggest miracle she would love to see God do is call her sons and daughter (girl in the smile face shirt) to believe in Christ.

Prayer and Praise

Please pray with us as we seek to speak the truth of Christ to our neighbors. Pray that God will use their fear to turn them to Christ.

Praise the Lord for the completion of checking the book of Matthew. Pray for the team as they work through the final changes and finish up tasks before printing. Pray for them as they work on the book of Genesis.

Please pray for Josh as he supervises and assists the team as they finish Matthew and begin full-time work on Genesis.

Please pray that soon churches will be allowed to meet again at full capacity. Pray that the Jarai believers will not grow weary during this time of meeting in small groups and that they will be diligent to encourage one another in the Gospel.

Please pray for Amy as she homeschools 3 grades, watches Ezra, prepares lessons to teach the ladies’ leaders, and meets with our neighbor once a week to read through the book of Mark.

Please pray for a safe pregnancy and intervention-free delivery during the second half of November.

Please pray for Becca, Isaiah, Anna, Clara, and Ezra to grow in their knowledge of the Lord. Please pray God would give them growing faith and that each would find joy in doing the work God has given him/her to do at his/her age.

Please continue to pray for Pastor Choul. There is no change in his condition. He has good days and bad days. He doesn’t seem to be declining — just bad a lot of the time. He’s so wasted it’s amazing that he’s alive. But in some ways he looks healthy (for example, his skin looks good). God has some good plan in this, but it’s not obvious. Pray for spiritual encouragement as Choul continues to suffer.

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