Our kids woke up Monday morning, November 16, to missing parents and Aunt Ayra watching them. Ayra shared the news with them and they were all very excited. We called them once we got settled in the hospital room.
Our kids were very excited to meet and hold their new baby brother Monday afternoon. They were smitten. Clara was so amazed at how cute her new brother was.
Ezra was interested in Micah and said his name very nicely, but he was more interested in the massage chair in the room. All the kids made cards for Micah and me.
We’re very thankful to Sterling and MK Burke. They drove down from Ratanakiri as soon as they heard Micah was born to watch our kids. MK stayed for about a week to help us, and Sterling came at the end of a week to take her back home.

On Thursday we brought the Micah home and the kids made welcome home signs. The next morning they surprised us with a breakfast buffet. Aunt MK taught the kids to make breakfast.
We spent the next few weeks getting to know our newest family member! Ezra did really well with being replaced as the youngest. He really enjoyed going outside with the older kids and being a big boy.
And before Becca’s 11th birthday we took a special picture:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 year olds!!!

Whenever I had ultrasounds, the doctor could never see Micah’s face, since Micah always had his hand over his face. We found he still like the same position after birth.

Lastly – pictures of Micah on his due date – November 21, 2021. 5 Days old! Glad he came early, so we could start enjoying him!
Many precious days of holding our little infant and napping with him. So sweet. So peaceful!
Great pictures of a beautiful family. Love and hugs to all!