Micah turned 3 months old on February 16th. It’s amazing how fast babies change in such a short time. He has such a sweet and fun loving personality. Loves to laugh and play. We just love him!
On the 16th Micah still wasn’t keeping his head up much, but since then I’ve seen him holding it up for longer periods of time. His new trick this week is rolling over from his stomach to his back. He does this by sticking his bottom in the air and pushing his shoulder over. It’s really cute and he’s really persistent about it. The only problem is that once he’s on his back, he won’t go to sleep.
Micah’s biggest milestone of the month is sleeping through the night! The week before Micah turned 3 months he started sleeping from 10PM to 6AM. I was holding my breath, thinking it was too good to be true. But since then he’s continued to sleep all night, every night, occasionally getting up around 5 to eat. I’m so thankful for this development! As I tell my friends and neighbors here, it’s a very special gift from God to me. Our first three kids started sleeping through the night around 4 months. However child #4 & #5 didn’t sleep through the night until they stopped nursing. That’s exhausting. I was determined that we wouldn’t do that again (but sometimes it can’t be helped). I’m so thankful for the extra sleep! Of course, if it’s not the one it’s the other. I’m still awaken during the night by other kids – Ezra seems to be getting his 2-year old molars. But I have hope that I can start catching up on the past years of lacking sleep. Haha! Thankful!
The little girls enjoyed holding Micah. As long as they don’t move him around too much, he enjoyed it too!