Our littlest man is on the move! On the day Micah turned 5 months old, he was playing on this mat while I was sitting on the floor a few meters away working on my laptop. While I was working, he successfully turned himself around and made it all the way to me. It was he first time I’d seen him move deliberately and successfully to a spot that far away. Watch out world! Since then he’s all over the place and is starting to get up on his knees as well.
Now that he can move around our house, Micah isn’t too happy to sit in his chair or to be up on the couch with us. But this means I’ve got to keep reminding his siblings to watch out for him and I have to keep an eye on what he aiming for. He loves playing on the floor and is so happy when we get down and lay with him. I usually spend time every afternoon playing with him – he laughs and laughs.