This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this: Micah is almost 2 years old and finally his right bottom lateral incisor is coming in. Normally it’s one of the first 8 teeth to come in. But Micah’s molars came in before this little tooth started popping through. For months I’ve wondered if he even had a baby tooth there. But it’s finally appeared. Weird!
Check out those big blue eyes and long lashes! I keep telling him his nursing days should soon be over….but those eyes are hard to resist!
Micah is a very sweet and cute boy. He’s very good at imitating his siblings when they are unhappy or complain. He gets to tones just right. It’s hilarious, since he seems to be making fun of them. This month he’s really started talking and trying to use words. Too much cuteness. He loves his siblings and has also learned to tattle on them. He brings much laughter to our home. Thankful!