Last week our little man turned 2! Leading up to his birthday, I kept asking him if he wanted a cake or gifts, but his answer was always no. But he did approve of my singing Happy Birthday. He felt quite differently when I showed him his tiger cake to see if he could recognize it and then put it back in the fridge. Micah loves tigers.

Micah was not cooperative for picture taking. He seemed to think it was a game. He also has a terribly funny awful smile when he’s posing for a picture. It’s a joke in our family to try to imitate it.

We had hotdogs and macaroni & cheese for dinner with cake afterwards. Micah was such a delightful gift receiver. He got a few box of poppers and ran with them one by one to throw them over the edge of the porch so they could pop. It was so cute, and he was so happy. He really was a joy to watch receiving his gifts.

Micah is a sweet fun boy who is full of fun and trouble. He loves to have a good time. We’re so thankful for him.