Tennesee, The Ark, & Kentucky

We left Texas on June 20th for our two-day drive to Tennesee to visit our good friends the Burkes. (We stayed over-night in Memphis.) It was great to visit with Sterling and MK and meet their girls. We were with them from Friday afternoon until Sunday after lunch. Always a pleasure to be with Cambodian friends. Sunday evening we arrived in Cincinnati and stayed in a hotel to be near The Creation Museum.

At the Creation Museum we split up into two groups: Josh, Becca, Isaiah, and Anna made up one team; Clara, Ezra, Micah, Maria, and I made up the other team. This allowed us to go at an enjoyable, appropriate pace for each group. The older group went to a lecture on the Golden Ratio, while the rest of us toured the museum. We met for lunch and then went to a lecture on animals and then went to the planetarium. In the afternoon the older group went through the museum exhibit, while the rest of us walked around outside and then went to the 4D show on the Days of Creation. The older group went to the 4D show after we did and by then it was 5pm and time to head back. We’re very thankful for our friends who arranged for us to use their friends’ lifetime passes to the museum – which included entry and the planetarium showing. (Note – this year kids 10 and under are free and both the Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter. So if you have a lot of young kids, this is the year to go!)

Monday evening we had dinner with the Lyons family. This was our third time to see the Lyons. Our first visit with them was planned and the last two were unexpected. Every time we say goodbye we say, “See you in 5 years.” And then somehow 5 years goes by really fast! The Lyons (who live in SC) just happened to be visiting Michael’s parents in Cincinnati.

Tuesday we spent the day at The Ark Encounter. We enjoyed the zoo first, hoping that the crowds in the ark would lessen in the afternoon. Everyone enjoyed The Ark Encounter. At the end of our visit we attended a drama by the BJU drama team on the lives of two Russian pastors. After the show, we headed to Lexington, KY to spend two nights with our friends the Raslaus. We had a great time of fellowship with this kind family. Then Thursday, June 27th, we headed out to drive to PA. Thus completes our long trip: GA–>AL–>TX–>TN–>OH–>KY–>PA. We had a wonderful month visiting with friends in many states. We’re thankful for each one of them and the time we were able to spend catching up on their lives and being encouraged on the Lord’s work in their hearts.

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