Cambodia Get-together & New Jersey

Last Friday we had the special treat of getting together with the 2 other families, plus one college student, from our Cambodian missionary family: Farmers, Smedleys, and Jon Pawley. We all just happen to be in PA at the same time. We met at a park and spent several hours fellowshipping. The kids enjoyed playing games. It’s always a treat to be with family from back home in Cambodia!

Saturday we headed to NJ to take a scenic train ride starting in Flemington with the “2 Wheelers.” It was fun to have a train ride – everyone enjoyed it!

We spent Saturday late afternoon and evening with the Puccios. The kids enjoyed swimming. It was fun to watch Mr & Mrs Puccio, who were my SS teachers, take the same interest in our kids as they had with me and my friends throughout our childhood years. These are precious people who I’ve known as long as I can remember.

Sunday we were at NDC, in Piscataway, the church where I was born. There are still a handful of people there from my growing up years.

Sunday evening we met at my Uncle John’s house for a get-together with family. All my Dad’s siblings were there and a few cousins. My brother, Sam, came to see us with his family. They are moving to FL this week, and we really appreciate their making time to drive down to see us during their very busy week.

Monday we visited again with my Uncle John. Over a year ago he ended up in the hospital with multiple blood clots in his leg and almost lost his leg and then his life. We’re thankful for the progress he’s made so far, but he has a long way to go. It was good to spend time with him. This was also the first time for me to be back in my grandma’s house since her death….a bit sad.

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