July 10th we started our last weeks of traveling before we settle in PA to start packing to return home to Cambodia (we’ll get back to my parents on the 29th). On the 10th (Wednesday) we drove to VA and stayed with the Gustafsons’ again. We were able to return the stroller they kindly lent us during our travels and enjoy being with them again. Thursday we spent six hours revisiting The National Museum of the United States Army. First we went through the special D-Day exhibit. Then, once again, the older kids went through the exhibits, while the youngers enjoyed the area designated for younger kids. It was a very rewarding day for me as I watched our kids live out our educational goal for them: Learn to Learn and Love to Learn.
Friday we drove to Charlotte, NC and enjoyed visiting with the Cole family. We spent evening Friday and Saturday morning together. It’s been over 10 years since we’ve seen the Coles, and it was a delight to catch up with them. Becca especially enjoyed their girls and spending time talking about literature. The boys had lots of nerf wars. The little boys enjoyed grinding coffee beans with Michael.
Saturday afternoon we drove to the Lake Toxaway area and started the Sutter Family Reunion. (I don’t have the pictures from this but will post what I have.) Besides my older brother’s family who was in the process of moving to Florida, everyone was able to attend. The 16 cousins had a great time hiking, playing games, biking, and running around the campus together. Ezra learned how to ride a bike without training wheels (we started by pushing him down a grassy hill to help him get his bearings). Thankful for the time everyone had to get to know one another and play together.