Happy 1st Birthday, Maria Grace

This week Maria celebrated her 1st birthday! Our sweet little girl has made amazing progress with her walking in the past two weeks and is now on the go. We’re all so delighted with our little girl, and all her siblings love her. She’s a spunky little girl who loves to talk with expression and hand motions. (The dress is the one Yayyi gave Anna for her 1st birthday.)

Maria had two birthday parties – one at Canaan Land with her cousin Levi who turned one the day before. Emily made smash cakes for the birthday babies, and Maria loved hers.

Maria’s second party was with the extended Jensen family. We spent Saturday evening until Tuesday morning with Josh’s family. We all enjoyed a relaxing time being together!

My birthday is two days before Maria’s, and I also had two parties – one with the Rodriguez family and one with the Jensen extended family. Dad J and I share a birthday! It was special to celebrate with friends and family.

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