These were Amy’s words when we went out to the ice-covered car this morning a little after 7. We’d started the car about 5 minutes before, and some of the ice on the windshield was melted, but not enough. Not finding my ice scraper, I made do with my umbrella (hey — it was better than my fingernails).
Sorry, no photos.
Last night when leaving work, John (always the gentleman) used his ice scraper to remove sleet from his female co-workers’ cars, and two of them said….”What IS that thing? Where do you get one?” HAH Guess “we’re not in Kansas anymore!”
That’s hilarious. Ice in TX, 60 degree weather in SC and PA. Go figure. Global warming…we better do something quick. 😉
I’ve read that the Old Farmer’s Almanac is predicting “a long period of global cooling” (First Things, Nov 2008)!
[And yes, I know that global warming doesn’t mean warmer in all places at all times. It’s just fun to mock secular end-timers — the older of whom warned everyone about the coming ice age back in the 70s.]