Our biggest news is that we purchased tickets to visit Cambodia in June. It all started last Wednesday when I was perusing ticket prices and found some really good deals. Saturday morning we finalized our purchase. Purchasing the tickets means that our time in Texas will soon be coming to an end – we have less than 4 months left.
Saturday night Josh took Becca to Chick-fil-A’s Valentine’s Daddy Daughter Date (reservations required). Not only is my man a wonderful husband . . . he’s also a fantastic daddy!
Monday morning I decided to take the kiddos to the Fort Worth Science Museum (thank you Ishams for the membership). I didn’t know the Fort Worth Stock Show was happening. We took advantage of our free admission (a benefit of being museum members) and walked around the buildings to look at the animals. Becca got tired of walking so I let her ride in the stroller – both kids thought that was great. (Know anyone who is selling a used double stroller?) [Update: we found one on Craigslist! Hopefully we’ll get it tomorrow morning!]
So exciting!!! 😀
Yeah for Cambodia tickets! (I’m trying to tell myself that, because I’m going to miss you guys when you’re gone. :-)) We can’t wait to have you in Greenville every once in awhile for a short time. And, I just LOVE that dress for Becca. She looks so precious and grown up in it.
Great pictures, esp the one at the upper left of Becca and Josh. I need to print one of those. The Science Museum brings back fun memories of my being there with you. Lots of fun activities. Isaiah seems to love whatever y’all do! (looks a lot warmer there than here)