A Glimpse of Our Week

The top picture shows just some of the many cards Becca received this past month. Thank you to all who have been praying for Becca and our family. Becca is doing great and one would never guess she had surgery 2 weeks ago.

Last Thursday the Rylands joined us for a very yummy dinner — provided by them. They also gave Becca a collection of early Berenstein Bear stories with some of Becca’s favorites.

Saturday Morning: One of the things we love about living in Arlington is all the free activities the city offers. The city’s Ecofest had some fun children’s activities (bounce house, petting zoo, crafts, etc). Becca especially enjoyed being in the petting zoo and (later) decorating a pot.

Even though the Ecofest was on the first day of fall, it was still hot in Texas! We let Becca play in the fountains. I was hoping we could keep her from getting too wet (surgery site), but how can you keep a little girl from getting completely soaked!

Sunday Evening: The weekend before Becca’s surgery we went to a free outdoor concert. The next day Becca asked if we could go again to hear the beautiful music. Arlington offers free outdoor concerts during the months of June and September. The concert we attended a couple weeks ago was solo piano music. This past Sunday evening’s concert featured Bryon Stripling and the UTA Jazz Orchestra.  I wasn’t sure what Becca would think, but once Stripling came out and starting playing the trumpet, Becca loved it, and she danced during the entire concert (Isaiah was not impressed!).

On Monday we made a fall decoration for our front door. The leaves from the tree are Becca’s hands and Isaiah’s feet. In honor of fall, Becca ate an ice-pop while I, with sweat on my brow, was putting our tree up on the door! No blog post tomorrow…I’m waiting for Monday to celebrate Isaiah’s 4-month birthday!

3 thoughts on “A Glimpse of Our Week

  1. Love it! What’s your trick with the hand and foot prints/cut outs for Isaiah? I can never get a good one of Megan. Love all of your creativity. Such cute pics of the kids this week. Love you.

  2. Wow Becca!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your room!! You did a great job decorating it with all your cards!! And the Thanksgiving poster on your front door looks wonderful. Remember when you and Grammy made a poster to welcome Isaiah home from the hospital? That was so much fun!!

  3. Waited patiently all week for new pictures. As always, they are all great. So thankful that Becca is doing so well. We love you all and now look forward to getting the next blog about Isaiah’s 4th month celebration.

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