All posts by amy

Girls’ Retreat 2017 (Becca Grace)

Last month we celebrated Becca’s eighth birthday. The last official thing we did to celebrate was to have a mommy-daughter retreat. The Tuesday after Becca’s birthday’ Becca and I headed to a hotel to spend the night. Becca was so excited and filled her backpack full of activities for us to do together.

We arrived at our hotel around 1pm and had a full schedule until Josh and the kids joined us the next morning sometime after 10 to enjoy the pool for an hour.

 Our first activity was swimming. I usually don’t get to swim with Becca, since I’m usually watching the younger kids. Becca was delighted to have a racing partner.

After swimming, we took advantage of the hot water and both took long hot showers. Then it was on to crafts. During our retreat we started making friendship bracelets and pom-pom animals, I taught Becca how to play Monopoly Deal and Phase 10, and we did face masks.  We had dinner at the hotel – Khmer sweet and sour. This year we finished reading The National Velvet (340 pages) and so we watched the movie (starring Elizabeth Taylor when we was a kid). Becca was thrilled.

In the morning we woke up and had tea in bed while we read the Bible. Then Becca wanted to take another hot shower (ah, the small pleasures of life). We ate our breakfast by the pool. Then we played Phase 10 until the rest of the family arrived.

Every year Becca and I usually have a sleep-over for her birthday, but it has always been when Josh was away and was only during the hours the other kids were in bed. Becca was thrilled to have so much extra time to spend together. She was thrilled that when she woke up in the morning, I was still in bed and not off helping someone else. We had a wonderful time.

My hope is to continue doing this each year and to someday have a yearly Girls’ Retreat with all our girls. I told Becca someday when she’s 35 I hope to still be doing this with her. We’ll give the husbands some extra funds to watch the kids and me and the mamas will go off for a night. 🙂

Horse Riding in Siem Reap 2017

The second full week in November we took a trip to Siem Reap. We had a few reasons for going, but one of the highlights of the trip was horse riding. Last year we gave Becca a one-hour horse ride for her birthday. Since then, she’s been saving her money to go again. We were really proud of Becca’s careful saving of her money for a year to go horse riding again.

We had a lovely morning at the horse farm. Becca had a half-an-hour lesson in the ring before she went out on her ride. The lesson was mainly for helping her get used to riding the horse and riding a gallop.

This year Isaiah decided to ride with me. It took some convincing, but he finally agreed to go. He was so thrilled to be up on the horse. For the first 10 minutes he waved at everyone who passed us.

Josh, Anna, and Clara rode in a horse cart. Clara insisted on wearing a helmet most of the trip.

Becca had a delightful time and was thrilled with her horse and the ride.

Some other fun things we did were swimming in the hotel pool (Clara was amazing with how much she loved jumping in the water), eating a Burger King, and shopping.


Happy 8th Birthday, Becca Grace!

This month we celebrate Becca’s 8th birthday! It’s always an exciting time of year and every year seems to get more involved. For this post I’m just going to focus on Becca’s party and a few of the other things we did to make the month special. In following post I’ll do more about our trip to Siem Reap and a blog about Becca’s accomplishments for the year.


We started out the celebrating with Becca’s Birthday Countdown Calendar which included a variety of things: a day swimming at a special pool in Ban Lung that had water slides, a trip to Siem Reap to ride horses, (Becca saved money all year to be able to do this more in a following post), gifts, snacks, and a few other things.

Becca’s big gift this year was a new bike: with a basket, bell, and seat to give people ride in the back. She is delighted to have a bike that is more her size now.

For Becca’s birthday, she wanted Cheerios for breakfast, hotdogs for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner. We had to move the hotdogs to dinner the night before her birthday, since it was too much to do everything on a Sunday.

We were delighted to have the Carson family join us. They work with the Tampuan and drive out our way every week to go to church, so it wasn’t too much farther for them to come to our house. They had lunch with us and then helped get ready for the party. It was nice to have some extra hands and Becca was delighted that Kathleen and Hannah could come to her party.

The big event was Becca’s neighborhood party. We had a party last year and our neighbor kids have been waiting all year long to do it again. This year Becca planned a horse themed party. She wanted  to have a horse cake and make a horse piñata.

The horse piñata was a challenge since we’ve never made anything besides a balloon shaped piñata. We were pleased with the results. (We did have trouble with the rats eating the piñata after we did the first layer!!) Becca spent weeks making all her own horse decorations for the party.


We had about 40 kids at the party, ranging from 1.5 years to 16 years old, plus we had 4 other adults besides ourselves. We’re never sure how people many will show up, since it’s an open invitation. About 11 of those kids were Jarai from our church. I made 48 cupcakes and a small extra cake, not knowing how many people would be there.


We started out with playing kickball. We’ve taught our neighbors to play at Bible Club and it’s a favorite game of Becca. Then we moved on to pin the tail on the horse. Becca designed the game herself. It was really fun to watch everyone play.

Next we did the piñata – which is what everyone was looking forward to. After everyone, including some adults, had a chance at it, I whacked it open. Then I decided it would be safer and happier for all if I stood on our ladder and threw the candy out. Exciting times!

Before cake, we sang the Khmer songs we’ve written for Genesis 1:1, Exoduc 20:3 Romans 3:23, and another Khmer song I’ve written. It was so neat to see our Khmer neighbors and our Jarai friends from church singing together (we’ve taught the songs at our Bible Club and at our church).

After singing we had cake and that was the end of the official party! Kids stayed around playing until dark.

Then we had our spaghetti supper, did family gifts for Becca and put everyone to bed….except Becca! It’s a tradition in our family to let the birthday child stay up late on their birthday. Becca, Josh, and I played Monopoly until 10:30!

I will admit that Becca’s birthday often comes at a very busy time of year. We were in Ban Lung overnight Friday for the expat Thanksgiving get together. We also had overnight guests in our home that Wednesday. I think I was so tried from doing everything – cooking, cleaning, prepping – that by the weekend I didn’t have much heart for running a party or going to one. Thankfully, I asked several close friends to pray for me and I woke up Sunday feeling more motivated. I was very thankful. The party went well and we were all very pleased. The best part was the Becca completely enjoyed her day and went on and on about how wonderful it was – everything. That made my day! Happy Birthday Becca! We love you!

Thanksgiving 2017

We have so much to be thankful for that I am overwhelmed with the thought of listing the many things we can thank God for. So for this week, I’ll just focus on one: our family. Look at them – I am so blessed by the life of each individual in our home.

My husband – who is a kind, patient, humble, loving leader-lover He’s my best friend – the person I’d like to spend all my free time with. He makes me laugh. He keeps me going. He’s proud of me and encourages me. He loves me – and that’s the most amazing thing of all.

Becca – our first born daughter who has taught me so much about being a mommy. I love her creativity and her imagination.

Isaiah – his laughter and desire to help. His hope to someday conquer his sisters with an army of brothers.  His big grin.

Anna – her forlove  life and her sense of humor. Her desire to have sleep–overs every night. Her craziness.

Clara – her adventurous spirit, her desire to do everything everyone else is doing. Her jokes. Her singing.

Those a just a small spattering of things I’m thankful for in the precious family the Lord has given me. Such joy flows in our home because of each one of them. Now – I will add that we are by no means perfect and we have our issues and frustrations (we’re a normal family!) – but that’s not the point of this post. I’m thankful for so much when it comes to the wonderful people who fill our home. Thanks be to God for the gift of each of them.

While Josh taught at Bible School….

Josh was away in Ban Lung at the Pastor’s Bible School from Sunday afternoon (Oct 29) until Friday evening (Nov 3rd). It was the longest he’s been away from us since moving to Cambodia. I tried to make it a special time for the kids, so it wasn’t just life-as-normal minus Daddy.

Each child had his/her own special night to stay up with me for a sleepover. They each picked their own snack and activities for the evening. Anna’s night was Sunday. We popped popcorn (without the lid on for a little while to see the popcorn fly out) and read lots of books.

Isaiah’s party was Tuesday night. He wanted to make coffee (decaf) and eat cookies. He made the cookies Monday morning as part of our Cambodian Coronation day celebration. So we drank coffee with ice cream and whipped cream and ate cookies. Then we read books and chatted. Isaiah actually made our morning coffee for us all week long. He was glad to take Josh’s place drinking coffee and praying with me each morning.

Becca’s night was Thursday. We made baked apples and played Monopoly. It was Becca’s first time to play and the game lasted over two hours until I was completely bankrupt! On Wednesday we had a special party for Becca celebrating her completion of the All About Reading curriculum. We had special pedicures, played games, and had ice cream sundaes. The party lasted all day long.

As for Monday night – I was worn out and went to bed as soon as I was done talking to Josh on the phone. Wednesday night I did a few projects.

Two different days while Josh was gone two middle school age girls came over to learn how to make banana bread. I found a recipe using the stove-top, instead of an oven. It came out quite well, and I was excited that I could show the girls how to bake something they could actually reproduce in their own kitchens.

Friday night Josh came home and we were all happy to see him. The kids made him special banners. I was delighted to get my best friend back and have an adult around who could speak English. I probably talked Josh’s ear off for the next several days.

Our Jarai Church

The Church of Saom Kaning

We are thankful that the Lord has led us to worship and fellowship at the church in Saom Kaning. The village of Saom Kaning is one of the largest Jarai villages in the area and has one of the larger churches, as well. However, because of Pastor Chuol’s sickness these past two years, the church leadership has been in something of a crisis. In the last few months the church leaders seem to have made marked progress in their exercise of positive leadership. We thank God for these men. Last week, seven men from our church attended the Ratanakiri Pastors’ Bible School for a week of classes on systematic theology, called Theology for Worship. Josh taught four lessons and stayed with the students during the evenings. It was a great opportunity for him to get to know the Jarai men better.

Please pray that the Lord would encourage the church leaders at Saom Kaning and give them wisdom to lead the church without an official pastor. Please pray that they would grow in their understanding of God’s Word — how to apply it in their families and in our church.

If you look closely enough you can find Clara (right)and Becca (left) in the back of the group church picture.


The pictures above are from Bible school. One is of a session, the other is of Josh’s sleeping spot for the week.

Cambodian Coronation Day 2017

Monday we celebrated our fourth annual Coronation Day in Cambodia. As always, we had our own coronation ceremony. Isaiah and Anna made cookies (Clara ate the dough!). All the kids made their own crowns. Our ceremony included the procession to the thrones, the crowing, entertainment for the newly crowned King and Queen, popcorn, cookies, and dancing.

Jarai Ladies Bible Teachers

Every other Friday afternoon I get together with the ladies who teach the ladies Bible class at our church. Right now we’re going through the book of John. Each week, I go over two lessons with the ladies and then they teach the lessons the following Sundays. We communicate in Khmer, but the ladies teach the class in Jarai.

This month we got ahead (partly because I taught the Sunday class one week and partly because we were able to go over three lessons in one meeting). I thought we could use the extra time to get together at our house for a time of fellowship. When I invited the ladies to come, you would have thought I had invited them to a hanging…they gave me all sorts of excuses for not coming. Finally, I convinced them to come. I told them it would be short.

I was a bit nervous that things wouldn’t go smoothly. About an hour before I picked the ladies up, I came up with a craft and activity to do. Josh and I just finished working on a song (Romans 5:8 in Jarai), so I taught that to the ladies and we made a simple craft with the verse on it. I think they all enjoyed doing it. Afterwards I served pumpkin bread (think a cross between bread and pie), brownies, and cucumbers (the pumpkin bread was the hit). It was fun to be able to bond a little more with these precious ladies. So thankful for them!

Happy 19 Months Clara!

Ok, so I lied last month…now (as of this week) Clara is official weaned. Sweet girl. She had a really rough time with it and was very emotional for a few weeks, but now she’s back to her normal self. I tried to tell her she was spoiled and that none of her siblings got to nurse this long, but it didn’t seem to impact her. And I must be getting older, since I wasn’t in a hurry either.

Clara is always on the move. She’s fast. Fun. And loves mischief. Loves to laugh and play rough. She loves looking at our animal encyclopedias every morning and any other chance she has. She just loves animals. And wow is Clara a talker! She fits in with our family perfectly.

Check out the teeth. Clara’s teeth definitely have their own idea about the order they’re presenting themselves.

One thing I’ve really been enjoying is some extra time playing with Clara. When Isaiah was this age we were traveling doing fund raising. When Anna was this age we had moved to Ban Lung and were trying to figure out life. This is the first time since 2012 that I don’t have to start all over again and figure out life.  I’m loving it!

So thankful for these precious years with our kids. We are blessed! Happy 19-month birthday Clara Bear!

Family Night

Every other week we try to have a family night. It’s usually on Tuesday or Wednesday night, depending on our schedule. Sometimes family nights include special meals. This week we grilled hotdogs and hamburgers (my first attempt at making hamburgers from ground beef), mac & cheese, and brownie sundaes. These meals can be time consuming, since I also must make the hotdog rolls and hamburger buns. Josh grilled the meat on our Cambodian clay pot grill. (I’m very thankful for noodles and Velveeta cheese, which makes that an easy process.) We’re able to order the hotdogs and ground beef from a restaurant company in Phnom Penh. Thankful we have that option to provide us some fun meals.

Isaiah was in charge of dessert. It was a hit! He made brownies and added ice cream, whipped topping, and Hershey’s chocolate syrup.


For family night, Becca and Isaiah gave a “brass band: concert. They were quite excited about it. Afterwards Anna did a show with her Little People. Usually Josh and I do a show, but this week we didn’t. After all the shows, we played a few games and then headed to bed.

Our family nights are very simple: sometimes we do individual plays, sometimes we play hide-n-seek, sometimes card games, or sometimes each kid picks an activity for us to do. Our kids are not hard to please and it’s a wonderful way for us to relax and enjoy some extra time together. Thankful for the family God has blessed us with.

(Photos were taken on our phones…which don’t take very good pictures, but are much easier to snap pictures with.)

Nature Lodge September 2017

Last week (Monday-Thursday) we went to the Nature Lodge in Mondulkiri (about 3.5 hours drive from our home). It was nice to get away from our normal full schedules and have some time away from our regularly scheduled duties. One highlight was climbing a huge mountain of red dirt. We made the hike once as a family and then Josh, Becca, and Isaiah went back another day so the kids could slide down the dirt mountains.

A highlight was the horses and cows that wander around the Nature Lodge property. The kids enjoyed feeding the horses carrots.

We had some friends from Phnom Penh staying at the Nature Lodge at the same time as us, so our kids enjoyed playing together. Other highlights were swimming in a pool nearby, eating at restaurants, sleeping in a cabin, and getting locked in our cabin when Isaiah broke the key from the inside (Fortunately, Josh was able to jump out the window and get a second key to unlock the door). We’re thankful for the time we had away. (Though by Anna’s face in the top picture, you wouldn’t be able to tell. 🙂


Happy 18 Months Clara Bear!


This week Clara turns 18 months! She’s one-and-a-half! One thing Clara loves is to play the piano…and she loves pressing all the buttons. Books Clara loves are The Hungry Caterpillar, several different animal photograph books, and If You Give  Pig a Pancake. Clara absolutely loves pigs and wants everyone to stop and look when one is walking through our yard. She says lots of words and is talking all the time. Clara now consistently wants to ride in the normal swing and isn’t content in the baby swing. And she’s just about done nursing. She’s a big girl now. Love her!

Praying Mantis

One advantage of living out here is all the insects we get to observe. Some are quite amazing. Some we could do without! A few weeks ago, Anna came in with this large praying mantis on her hand. We have two kinds of praying mantis here – green and black. Becca once said, “if only one kind of animal can get to heaven, it will definitely be the praying mantis, because they are always praying.” Also “you know what they are praying, Dear God, give me victory over my wife so she won’t kill me.” (Female praying mantis kill the males after mating with them.)


Homosexuality – picking up your cross

Homosexuality. We each have our own personal reaction to the word. We can tell you what it is, how we feel about it, and how we’re dealing with it and its ever growing—indeed, bombarding—presence in our society. We can’t ignore it . . . not even in the northeastern corner of Cambodia.

As I’ve thought about the issue of homosexuality and our dealings with people caught in that sin, I have been burdened by a truth in Scripture that I believe we need to keep in mind as we call homosexuals to turn from their desires and follow Christ.

In Matthew 16:24 Jesus tells His disciples that if anyone wants to follow after Him, he has to deny himself and take up his cross. That was easy for me. I was a young child when I made the decision to follow Jesus. Following after Jesus meant that I was accepted in my community – my parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and teachers were all thrilled for me. But for the homosexual it can truly be a cross – dying to everything they know and are. It’s a cross to say, “I’ll forsake myself and the whole life I’ve created for myself for the sake of knowing Christ.”

You see, Jesus never promised that when we come to Him, He’ll remove all our sinful inclinations. He doesn’t promise that when a person with homosexual desires turns to Christ He’ll remove those desires and change them into heterosexual desires. Picking up the cross for a homosexual may mean fighting those desires every day and never being sexual fulfilled; it may mean never having even the hope for sexual fulfilment on this earth. This is a hard cross to bear.

In 2 Corinthians 11 Paul writes about a thorn in the flesh that he’s pleaded with the Lord to remove. The Lord says no. He tells Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, and my power is made perfect in weakness.” We don’t know what that thorn in the flesh was, but what if it was a specific temptation to sin that Paul had to fight every day? Something that constantly reminded him of his need for Christ. Christ wouldn’t take it away, but He promised the grace to live with it every day for the rest of his life.

This is a message we need to keep ever present in our hearts as we reach out to those in the homosexual community. Coming to Christ means picking up a cross that many of us cannot grasp the weight of. Coming to Christ doesn’t guarantee He will change your sexual desires, but He will give you the grace you need to fight each day.

I’ll never forget the look in a friend’s eyes as I shared these truths with them. It was the look of a lost child, who wanted something but understood what it would cost. Could one really forget everything that was behind and set aside every weight to know Christ and the power of His resurrection? This is hard. But our God is greater. He is enough. We must pray. This is war and Satan would love for us to cry out to people that coming to Jesus is easy and that everything will be okay. But that’s not what Jesus said. He said the world would hate us. He said it was a cross. But He promises us all the grace we need, and His Spirit, and a peace that passes all understanding. Thanks be to God.

May I encourage you my friends, in the midst of your world where you may feel bombarded with the homosexual agenda – to stop and consider the cost of what following Jesus means for these dear people. It’s not something for us to laugh at or to ignore. It’s something for us to pray about. To weep over. And to teach our children to weep over. May God gives us each the wisdom and ability to love, to weep, and to call all those who are weary and heavy laden to the rest that Jesus promises.

A Waterfall Visit

Last month we visited a new waterfall about an 1.5 hour’s drive from our home. We’re in the middle of rainy season, so the water was rough and very dirty. We’re looking forward to going back when the rains have stopped. It looks like a great place to play.

The kids enjoyed running about and climbing into a tribal wedding house that was on display.


Happy 17-Months Clara Grace!

Happy 17-month birthday to our Giggles! You are almost one-and-a-half! Yay! Or I should say “hooray!” as Clara often says when she sees something she’s excited about. Clara continues to be a very happy little girl. She loves playing outside and is always trying to imitate her siblings. The other day she was trying to jump rope and play soccer.

Recently we started writing down all of Clara’s words. (I’m sure we’ve forgotten a few.) Daddy, Mommy, Becca, Isaiah, Anna, Clara, SreyLey, Powl,  bowl, ball, book, outside, pig, chicken, dog, cat, kitty, raisin, no, yes, banana, egg, salt, baby, Zebee (her stuffed animal), potty, me, um, hooray, “I’m sorry,” “Mommy – where are you?”, snack, bath, teeth, apple, milk, food, night-night, bed, nap…

In the past month all four of Clara’s molars have come in. The last one still needs to break through. Her teeth are definitely not following the normal schedule as far as the order they come in.

These last pictures were taken in June (15-months). We love our girl and are thankful God gifted us with us!



Meet Scamper

Meet Scamper – the newest member of the Jensen household. We always assumed we’d get a cat once we moved to Cambodia, but until this year we really didn’t see a need for one. Unfortunately, we have rats/mice and traps just don’t seem to do the trick. Thankfully, our friends the Farmers had some kitten that were trying to find homes for and they gave us Scamper – a very friendly and already litter-trained cat.

We brought Scamper home on the 5th of July and he’s been great. He must be the world’s friendliest cat. He sleeps in our beds (if he can’t get under the mosquito net he just settles down on top of it), follows us around, and goes outside with us when we play. He’s great with the kids and allows them to carry him all over. He even lets Clara walk around holding him (once I saw her pulling him by the ear).

It’s been fun to watch our kids love having such a friendly cat. For me it’s living out something that I always wanted as a child. I was supposed to get a kitten. When I was 6 my parents agreed. We spent weeks studying cats and cat care. We had a cat bed made and I put together a cat-care notebook as a school project. Everything was all set for us to pick up a kitten from the animal shelter one Saturday morning. I was so excited. Then early that morning my dad received the call that my grandfather had ended his life. Rightly so, the kitten was completely forgotten and I never got one. It’s all a memory. As I watched our children so excited about our new kitten and Anna dance around with delight, I got all choked up thinking this would have been me. And though I don’t usually put much stock in emotional healing, I wondered as Scamper curled up on my lap that night if this wasn’t some small part of some emotional healing that the little girl of 6 inside of me had been waiting for. Yes, I finally have my cat and now I can share him with our sweet children and watch their delight too. A sweet unexpected blessing from our Father.

Happy 35th Birthday to Me!

July 20th I celebrated my 35th birthday. This was my first birthday in three years that I wasn’t packing for a move or unpacking from a move. That alone is a wonderful birthday present! Our kids outdid themselves this year with making sure I felt loved. Becca and Isaiah got up at 1:40AM to hang some decorations, sweep the outside porch, start the coffee for the morning, and go downstairs and plant some flowers (weeds) that Isaiah had found in the back of our yard on either side of our steps. I knew they were planning something. I was awake and knew that they had opened the porch door, but I had no idea they went downstairs. I can only imagine them out there digging holes to plant flowers at 2AM. All their work was done around 2:40 and I made sure that they all made it back in bed. We have such sweet kids!

For dinner, we grilled chicken on our Khmer clay pot grill and ate it with baked potatoes and salad (sans the lettuce). Isaiah made muffins in the morning. Becca made cherry bars for my birthday dessert (we brought a can of cherry filling from America). The kids all made me jewelry for my birthday. Josh had the day off and helped the kids finished up their birthday gifts and was around all day to help. It was a lovely way to celebrate. We ended the night by playing games.

I was planning to write about all these things I’ve learned and ways I’ve grown, but I don’t have time and our internet is terrible right now. Life is very full…and there’s so much more I could do doing. There are so many needs screaming out to me – there’s always more to do with the responsibilities I already have – more ways to do them better, and more new things that could be done. But one thing I’m learning about more and more is my weakness and the wonderful strength of God. He will lead – I can follow. He will give – I can use. He will prohibit – I can submit. He will day by day take my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Looking forward to seeing Him work these next 35 years of my life.