All posts by amy

Happy 7-Months to our Giggles!


dsc_5978dsc_5808This girl – this girl is a bundle of energy, a ocean full of giggles, an explorer in the making. Last week Clara celebrated her 7-month birthday and she continues to be a complete joy to our family.


dsc_5836dsc_5944A few weeks ago Clara started putting up on things and standing. This was a bit of a surprise to us, since she is still shaky sitting up by herself. She has now had a few falls from standing up when one one was watching. She just loves standing!


dsc_5807dsc_5833In recent days Clara has become a bit wary of having strangers hold her. People are always wanting to hold her and it’s been interesting to watch her response. I noticed the other day she was less inclined to let Caucasians hold her.

dsc_5811dsc_5967Clara is a pacifier baby rather than a thumb sucker. At first I thought this would be better in our very dirty culture…keep the hands out of the mouth, right. However, she is still nursing 1-2 times at night, unlike her thumb-sucking siblings who were started sleeping through the night around 4-months.


dsc_5986dsc_5991Clara loves to laugh – I cannot say this enough. Everyone who meets her talks about how she is always smiling. She’s of course, not perfect…she does cry! Love this sweet little girl and so thankful for God’s gift to us in her!


After lunch photo…


Just a little after lunch photo. Our table is on our porch. Everyday we get to enjoy eating outside and watching the highway traffic go by. People enjoy staring up at us too, as we are the only non-Asians in town. I get a little tired of people standing at the road and staring at us, so I started giving them a friendly wave and big smile. One Sunday morning this got me in trouble. The woman I waved at assumed I was flagging her down because I wanted to buy her market veggies. Oops…we ended up with some greens thanks to my waving.


Even unto death…


This week Josh participated in the funeral of a Jarai church leader. His name was Romah Hiem and he was in his early 30’s. Romah left behind a wife and three children, ages 6  to 1 years old. (The picture above shows Hiem’s casket, lowered in the ground. According to Jarai custom, the deceased is buried with his possessions–even valuables such as a motorcycle–so he can have his things in the spirit realm. Hiem’s grave had nothing but an open Bible, an open hymnal, and the flowers traditionally thrown in by mourners.)


(In the above picture, the widow leaning over the casket is Romah’s widow. Following Jarai custom she has shaved her head.)

Josh met Romah Hiem at the end of Jarai Bible School last week, when all the participants went to pray for him. He had been sick for months and had seen multiple doctors without any significant help. The family was expecting him to die soon at home. Later that week after the family got enough money to pursue surgery, Josh drove Romah and his wife to the Vietnamese border to go to a hospital in Vietnam. Romah died a few days later from a burst kidney.


Josh preached the graveside message (in Khmer) about Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life.

One of the saddest things about Romah Hiem’s death is that his wife was not allowed to be with him in his hospital room. He died alone. I don’t think she even got to say goodbye. Heartbreaking. After the funeral she asked Josh pray often that she would see her husband again. We weren’t sure if this meant she was afraid of leaving the faith or if she was suffering from not being able to be with her husband when he died. Josh promised to pray, and reminded her of the promise of Jesus that he had just preached: everyone who believes will be raised to new life.

I think one of the things that has affected me most since moving out to Oyadao is watching people physically suffer yet remain strong in the faith. This week we sat with Pastor Chuol as he wept because of his intense pain, yet he continues to say he will believe in God whether he suffers and dies, or is healed. Sobering. You could not be in that room without weeping too. Romah Hiem suffered intense pain before he died, but he did not turn his back on his Lord, an easy thing to do in this animistic culture. They refuse to sacrifice to the spirits. They refuse treatment from witch doctors. They remain strong until the end.

Revelation 12:11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. (ESV)

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

New Rec Leader…


Since moving to Cambodia, we’ve been praying that the Lord would provide Khmer friends for our children. We’re watching God answer that prayer in our new home here in the town of Oyadao.


We have been blessed with several neighbor children who are great playmates for our kids. Almost everyday our kids are outside playing with their new friends.


Somehow I have become the new “rec” leader. One afternoon I went out to help the kids use our parachute. We played some games with the parachute and then played some Khmer games. Now they ask if “Ming” (Aunt) is coming out to play every afternoon. Sometimes we play outside. Sometimes I have the kids up on our porch. This week we taught them how to play Uno. I really enjoy being a Ming, but it is a bit exhausting as I also deal with attitude issues, speaking a second language, and doing some translating for our kids.

We’re so thankful for the friends God has given our children. We’re praying they choose to follow Jesus.


I’m going to take a moment to comment on life here.

This week (M-W) Josh participated in Jarai Bible school. They studied Matthew using the lessons from the book our team leader wrote. Josh was assigned to teach one lesson on Tuesday (he taught in Khmer since all the participants understand Khmer). Saturday he was asked to teach an extra lesson on Monday for someone who had another commitment. Thankfully it was the same lesson he taught at Khmer Bible school a few months ago. Then when he arrived Monday morning he was asked to fill in for another lesson that same day. So proud of my man for teaching 3 lessons.


We have yet to find a helper and so far have no leads on anyone who would be able to work for our family. My days are very full. (Just took a break to remove a dead rat from under our house!) Meal prep is time consuming. It takes hours to prepare lunch and dinner for our family. Most mornings I go nonstop from getting up, to breakfast, to teaching the kids, to kitchen things. If I stop, lunchtime comes and there’s nothing to eat. 🙂  I’ve only mopped twice since we’ve moved in and there’s plenty of housework I’m leaving undone. By the time I get done putting the kids to bed at night I’m ready for bed myself.


However, this is a good tried. I’m tried because I’ve spent the day taking care of my family and interacting with my neighbors. (Honestly, even though I enjoy it, sometimes I dread doing the latter because I just want a break.) This is the work God is giving me now.


I’m very thankful for Josh who helps so much, making the oatmeal and scrambled eggs every morning and washing the evening dishes, among other things. I’m very thankful for kids who enjoying playing with each other and have great imaginations. Thankful for all the blessings God has given our family. So while we’ve entered a new stage and my days are very full with work – we’re thanking God for everything He is providing. Thanks be to God.

Happy 6-Month Birthday Clara Grace


img-20160915-wa0004img-20160915-wa0002Our little 6-month old girl is now on the go! Just a few days ago she started inching forward and now she’s into a full army crawl. Watch out world!


img-20160915-wa0007img-20160915-wa0009Clara continues to be our happiest baby yet. She laughs all the time and always seems so excited to be included in everything. So thankful for our little Giggles!


Made it Home.


img-20160908-wa0020img-20160908-wa0019Last Friday we were able to move into our new rental home. It appears that all the plumbing problems have been fixed. We’re spending the week unpacking and doing projects.

img-20160908-wa0020img-20160908-wa0021We praise God for allowing us to move here. It is a perfect fit for us: much larger than we expected, great neighbors to play with, lots of access to people. We’re thankful for all God has done.

Still waiting…


Can you tell Clara is tired of waiting for a home…or maybe she’s tried of seeing Angkor Wat.

DSC_5479 DSC_5485Late Monday afternoon, the day before we were planning to move into our new rental home, we found out that our home had some plumbing issues. So instead of moving into our new home we moved into more temporary housing while deciding what to do. We’re very thankful for the Crowley’s kindness to lend us their downstairs.

The main problem was water was leaking down the side of the house from the bathroom. It appears that the water was coming from the toilet (which hadn’t even been sealed when they installed it).  Another problem was that they didn’t install any water cutoffs for the plumbing. Josh has spent the past two days at the house to make sure things are being taken care of.

As of Wednesday night it looks like we’ll be able to move in a day or two. We’re trusting the Lord for His timing. Who know what will happen next. Life is an adventure!

Here we go…


IMG_20160823_171120 IMG_20160824_153147Lord willing we’ll be moving our belongings into our new home this Friday. We hope to sleep there Tuesday or Wednesday night. We’re so thankful the time has finally come!

IMG_20160824_145941 IMG_20160824_150111It will be different living away from the missionary community here (it’s about a 35 minute drive). I think it will hit the hardest when Josh has to travel and I’m home at night by myself, fortunately our kids are very resourceful and are working on building door barricades (just kidding).

So thankful to be moving soon. Thanks be to God!

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Happy 5 Months Clara Grace


DSC_5783 DSC_5782Can’t seem to keep with how fast our 5-month old is growing! Clara continues to be a joy – I just want to eat her up! She loves playing on the floor and grabbing things. She can turn around, but has yet to creep forward on her own. She now wants to sit up and play. She does pretty well sitting up, but still needs something or one to catch her, since she doesn’t have perfect balance yet.


DSC_5748DSC_5727Sometimes I step back in wonder…I’m the mommy of three girls. What a sweet gift from God. Before we had kids I wanted 6 boys, but I’m so thankful for the precious girls God has gifted us with. Wouldn’t trade these girls for anything. Praying they will become the best of friends

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DSC_5399DSC_5539Of course I can’t leave out Isaiah. He is such a sweet boy, full of energy and life. Love him. I remember there was a time I wondered if I would have more than 2 kids. So thankful for these precious four and the man God has given me to live this adventure with. Thanks be to God!


Still Waiting for Home…


IMG_20160804_091345 IMG_20160804_091326Here in Cambodia we walk the path the Lord sets before us. Sometimes the way is easier than we’d planned. Sometimes it’s not at all what we’d hoped for. Our original “plan” was to move into a new home at the end of June. The adjusted “plan” was to move into our new home August 1st. It’s August 11th, we’re still in temporary one-bedroom housing, and the landlord just told us she thinks it will be another 3 weeks before we can move in. This isn’t the path we were planning on…but it’s the Lord’s path, it’s a good path…lead on O King Eternal.


Grammy and Grampy Grace in Siem Reap


DSC_5254 DSC_5245A few days before my parents left Cambodia, we took them to Angkor Wat. (The trip worked out perfectly since my parents flew out of Siem Reap at the end of our visit.) The big events were an elephant ride and exploring the temples. It was really fun watching my mom take in everything. I think she had a blast. My dad was very hesitant about riding an elephant, but once he got on, he had a great time with the kids.

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DSC_5308 DSC_5311Thankfully, besides a short rain shower, the heavy rains held off until we were finished for the day. We were very thankful for that. Thankful we could share the trip with my parents.

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Grampy Grace and Grammy in Cambodia!


DSC_4638 DSC_5492In the middle of June we were delighted to welcome my parents for their first visit to Cambodia. It had been over two years since we’d seen my parents. They went through quite a time to get here, missing their flight from Seoul, Korea and arriving a day late. We really appreciate all the adventures they went through to come all the way to Cambodia to be with us. We appreciate all the time and money they spent to make a trip halfway across the world to see our world.

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DSC_5109 DSC_5090The kids were really excited to see Grammy and Grampy Grace (as they started calling my dad). We loved hearing them laugh with delight as they played together. Becca learned some new tricks from Grampy Grace and enjoyed hearing stories about Grammy’s first graders. Anna who typically is a bit resistant at first was warm and friendly when they arrived. Isaiah had so many memories of my dad from when he was 1, he was really excited. Clara was her happy self to meet her grandparents for the first time.

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DSC_4905DSC_4909The first part of my parents’ time with us was pretty rainy and we spent a lot of time inside. We spent one morning moving a lot of our belongings into storage. We were able to visit the Sleeping Buddha and a waterfall on non-rain days.

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DSC_4813 DSC_4822Among other local things, my mom enjoyed going to the market and riding the moto and my dad enjoyed eating pork and rice at a local Khmer rice shop we affectionately call The Shack.

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DSC_4845 DSC_4855It was really great to have my parents here. We’d been looking forward to their visit ever since they mentioned it before we moved to Cambodia. It was nice for us to be able to show them our life…some things just can’t be explained without experiencing them. Between having little kids and the time difference, it’s hard for me to talk on the phone, so it was really nice to be able to talk to my parents in person without having to be on a device.


DSC_5107 DSC_5311We really enjoyed my parents’ visit.  I’m very thankful for my parents’ complete support of our being here. They are always so excited for us and grateful we’re here. They encourage the kids in their adventures here. That means a lot. I’m thankful for the way they raised me to go and serve the Lord and the ways they encourage our whole family as we serve the Lord in Cambodia. Thankful that they were able to come and see our lives here. Maybe they’ll come again during our next term….

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A big thanks to my mom for all the pictures. I haven’t even seen the pictures she took on her phone yet. Next week I hope to post pictures from our trip to Siem Reap with my parents. Maybe I can get my mom to guest post on her impressions from their visit sometime.


Happy 4 Month Birthday, Giggles!


DSCF2679 DSCF2693This month (July 13th), Clara celebrated her 4-month birthday. For awhile I’ve been calling her Smiles #2 (since we called Anna Smiles), but I have switched to calling her Giggles. Clara absolutely loves to laugh. Sometimes she just looks up at me smiling with anticipation as she waits for me to make her laugh. She is sunshine during this time of transition.

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DSC_4760DSC_4757Clara started rolling from tummy to front in at the end of June. She is now a fast roller and can cover a lot of ground. She’s also working on inching forward. This sweet girl is on the move.

DSC_5691 DSC_5694A short update on our family: On July 11th we moved out of the house we’d been watching and went to Phnom Phen for a week. We had a friend coming for a three-day visit and needed to renew our visas and driver’s licences. It was the first time the kids and I had been back since we left last July…don’t miss it at all! The best part was seeing friends and eating at our favorite Khmer restaurant.


DSC_5704 DSC_5701This week we moved into temporary housing while we wait for our rental home. We’re in a one bedroom flat…we’re praying they can have our house ready by August 1st. It’s going to seem HUGE after living here.


8 Years with my Man!


DSC_4401 DSC_4281Tuesday Josh and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. So delighted that God is blessing me with my man. Being in Cambodia has brought us closer together (we’re finding that living overseas can make or break a marriage). If not for my dear man, I’m certain I would have lost it here. So glad to have his faithful friendship and leadership.

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DSC_4444IMG_20160615_162700Thankful for the four precious children God has blessed us with. So glad I get to be on this parenting journey with Josh.

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DSC_4368IMG_20160615_162148Our major accomplishments for the year: we’ve moved to Ratanakiri and delivered our 4th child together. Looking forward to our new adventures together in this next year!


DSC_4923DSC_4926For our anniversary Josh and I went to the Ratanak Resort. It was a lovely place to relax and spend extra time with each other.



Aunt Emily Comes to Visit


DSC_4508 DSC_4493I’m guessing around the age of three, I started praying for a sister…three brothers later, I stopped. I still remember the night when I was 12 as my mom put me to bed and said she was going to Dr. Matthews the next day. I knew Dr. Matthews was the baby doctor and giggled embarrassingly as I tried to ask my mom if she was having another baby. Several weeks later my mom and I had a special date to go to the ultrasound – it’s a girl!

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June 4th my sister, Emily, came to spend two weeks with us. She was in Cambodia to serve with a doctor in another province for three weeks and planned a visit to us at the end of her trip.

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DSC_4265 DSC_4268The kids were excited to see their Aunt Emily. There’s something really special about younger aunts. They kept Emily busy all day long. I think it might have been more exhausting than working in the hospital. 🙂

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DSC_4463DSC_4273Emily’s first week we were car-less. Josh was out Monday and Tuesday doing permissions work, then he left early Wednesday morning to take someone to the hospital in Phnom Penh. He was gone for four days. I was so thankful to have Emily with us during that time. It was the first time for Josh to leave since Clara was born and it was his first time in Cambodia to be away from us for more than 2 nights.

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DSC_4378 DSC_4383Emily’s second week here we did a few more things. We visited the sleeping Buddha and watched the sunset.

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IMG_20160612_184938 IMG_20160612_185024We visited the local night market that was set up for a week and rode the bummer cars. Emily and Josh ate crickets.

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IMG_20160615_162700 IMG_20160615_163625We went in search of a waterfall with water. The first one we went to was water-less!

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IMG_20160618_133122 IMG_20160618_133649At the end of her trip Emily was able to visit Angkor Wat and some of the other temples with Josh before she flew out the next morning.

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WIMG_20160618_155706e reaIMG_20160618_163745lly enjoyed having Emily here. She was a big help and we enjoyed the extra time with her. I was blessed to spend some extra time with my grown up 21 year old sister. It was really fun to chat with her and see how much she’s grown up from the little girl she was when I was still living at home. We were all very sad to see her go. Thankful that God answered my prayers for a sister.

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Happy 3-Month Birthday, Clara Grace


DSC_4283 DSC_4289Monday Clara turned 3-months old. She’s quite the little mover in her pack-n-play: she rolls from tummy to back, moves from one end to the other on her tummy (not sure if this is intentional), often does an 180 degree from the position I left her in.

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DSC_4273 DSC_4352Clara loves to laugh. She seems to think diaper changing time is really hilarious. The other day Josh had to ask her to stop laughing while listening to Dr. Casillas’ sermon…she was a little too loud.

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2014-06-04 DSC_4341The dress Clara is wearing was mine. I thought I’d left it in the States and was happy to find it recently when I was going through clothes. So thankful for our sweet smiley Clara Grace.


Isaiah’s 4th Birthday


DSC_4244 DSC_4258Isaiah chose to wait to have his birthday cake until Aunt Emily arrived on Saturday. He also wanted Uncle JD and Aunt Kim to come for cake too.

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DSC_4251 DSC_4252We had pizza for supper and then enjoyed cake and ice cream. For his birthday we gave Isaiah his first real Legos and a car rug (bought at IKEA in Bangkok).

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DSC_4221 DSC_4234So glad to have this crazy little man in our crazy little family!
