All posts by amy

First Birthday Celebration in Cambodia


DSC_7516 DSC_7523We celebrated my birthday on Tuesday instead of Sunday. . .things have been a bit crazy. Becca & Isaiah made my cake…never knew a box cake with store bought frosting could taste so good. For dinner Josh bought some chicken from a street vendor.

DSC_7525[Josh here. Amy’s sweet not to mention it, but the main thing I went out to buy was beef on a stick — like sissh kabobs. I bought four sticks, and grabbed a chicken thigh portion while I was at it, all grilled out by the road. The beef looked a little funny to me, but hey, this is Cambodia. When I got home and put it on the table, my doubts increased. When we bit into it, we realized I’d definitely made a mistake: this was not beef. After a visit to the meat department of a local supermarket today,, where I examined the different meats on offer, I’m pretty sure that what I bought was chicken gizzards on a stick. Maybe next time.]

In Cambodia. . .


DSC_7489 DSC_7482We arrived safely in Cambodia, July 4th at 10PM. All our flights were good and the kids did well with all the traveling. In Seattle they misplaced our double stroller, which made the rest of our airport time in Seattle and Seoul a little tricky with three kids and 8 carry-on bags. In Seoul our gate was next to a playground.


DSC_7485 DSC_7486We were greeted by the Hancock family and Jeremy Farmer. We stayed at a CMA guesthouse for our first week, then we had to move into a hotel untol our home is ready for us to move in. We spent our first week finding housing, buying a car, getting needed documents, and buying furniture. Our kids loved playing with the six Farmer children.  We’re thankful to Jeremy and Bonnie Ruth for all the did to help us during our first week in Cambodia.

A Week Away (June 15-21)


DSC_7064 DSC_7062Back when Josh suggested that we take a vacation in June, I thought it would be impossible. As much as I wanted to, going away the month before we headed for Cambodia seemed like a bad idea. But – Josh wasn’t kidding and we went. It was a wonderful time for our family to get away and take a break. Three different days we took a mile-long hike to a waterfall – Josh carried Isaiah on his back, I carried Anna in a front carrier, and Becca was a champ and walked the whole way!

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DSC_7045DSC_7050 We’re very thankful for the week God gave us together. It was a great way to relax before our journey to Cambodia.

Josh and I also had our anniversary dinner while we were away.

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DSC_7398 DSC_7393Josh’s parents were able to join us for a day. We enjoyed our time with them.DSC_7388

Today we’re flying to Cambodia!


Today at 8:08AM our flight leaves Atlanta and we are starting the trip to our new home! We will arrive in Seattle around 10:37AM (1:37 EST), fly out of Seattle at 12:25PM (3:25PM EST) and arrive in Seoul at 3:35PM (2:35AM EST), and finally fly out of Seoul at 6:45PM (5:45AM EST) and arrive in Phnom Penh at 10:10PM (11:10AM EST – July 4th).

We appreciate your prayers for our three flights: 5 hours, 11 hours, and 5 hours. The kids are excited about flying and we’ve got lots of activities packed to keep them busy. Thank you to all who contributed to their flying backpacks!

DSC_7397Please pray for Josh as he leads our family over to Cambodia. Pray that he will have wisdom to make decisions as we choose a home and buy other appliances, etc. during our first week there. Pray that God will give Josh good health.

DSC_6840Pray for me as I entertain the kids on the flight and help them with the time change (+11 hours from Eastern Time). Pray that the Lord will give me energy and keep my milk supply steady for Anna.

DSC_6825Pray for Becca to enjoy all the flying and to have grace, as it will be a long, long day for her. Pray that Becca will be secure in our love for her as we make so many transitions. Please pray that she will learn to love Cambodia and have a desire to learn the language.

DSC_6798Pray for Isaiah to be content on the flight and enjoy all the different activities. Pray that the mosquitoes will not devour him (they love him in the States).

DSC_7292Pray for Anna Grace to enjoying sleeping on the plane. Pray that she can adjust her feeding schedule to the new time zone.

Thank you for your prayers! As we adjust to life in Cambodia, I’ll still be posting on the blog; however, the next few weeks will just be pictures from the past month. It will be a while before I work on the blog.

[Note from Josh: if you use the WhatsApp mobile texting app, you can add Amy to your contacts list using her cell number; you can add me to your contacts list using mine. Even though our numbers will be useless as of today, you can still text us via WhatsApp. If you don’t use WhatsApp, ignore this paragraph.]

Celebrating 6 Years of Marriage

DSC_6535IMG_2244kissToday we celebrate 6 years of marriage. Thursday we fly to Cambodia. We’ve spent the past 6 years preparing for this journey. We rejoice in God’s goodness to us these past 6 years: allowing us to finish our doctorates, blessing us with 3 children, providing our support for Cambodia in less than a year, among many other things.



I’m very thankful for the husband the Lord has given me. I am blessed to be call the wife of Josh Jensen. I’ll take a short moment to write one of the many things I value in my husband: I really appreciate how in marriage Josh has always been on my team. We’re a team at home, when out together in public, and when in the presence of others without each other. Josh doesn’t make fun of me in front of others or when I’m not around (I don’t have to worry about what kind of wife stories he’s telling at men’s meetings, because he doesn’t.). He always presents decisions as ours instead of his or hers. In all that he does he watches my back and is an excellent teammate. I life, secrets, little and large faults are all safe with him. This is one of the many things I value about my man.


Happy 6th wedding anniversary my man. Looking forward to many more years with you in Cambodia. Thanks for always being on our team!

Happy 11-Week Birthday, Anna Grace


DSC_7223 DSC_7214Happy 11-week birthday, Anna Grace! Your last “birthday” in the States for several years. Next week we’ll celebrate by arriving in Cambodia.

Anna is now full of smiles and coos. She is a very social baby, especially when her tummy is full. I’m so thankful for the precious daughters God has given us.

Goodbyes in PA



DSC_6577 DSC_6569We traveled through PA in late May and early June. While there we spent some time with my family. Isaiah was especially thrilled to spend more time with his grandpa.


DSC_6687 DSC_6670While in PA, we took part of a day to enjoy Mr. Burd’s wood-heated pool. The water was great and we all had a great time.

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DSC_6867 DSC_6863It was good to be with my family before we left. We’re very thankful for their excitement about where God is leading us.

Till we meet again. . .

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Goodbyes in NJ



DSC_6400 DSC_6409On May 31st we traveled to NJ to be at a supporting church on Sunday. The church is where I was born and my dad pastored until I was 16. That Saturday all my Uncles and Aunts got together for a farewell party. It was great to be with them all (wish I took more pictures!).

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DSC_6425 DSC_6440Saturday evening we spent some time at my grandma’s house. Becca and Isaiah got swing rides from Uncle Johnny. My grandpa pushed me on the same swing when I was little, just like Uncle Johnny did.

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DSC_6508 DSC_6513On Sunday Josh preached at the church where I was born (literally – I was born in the parsonage, since my mom didn’t make it to the hospital).  Sitting in the pew hearing Josh preach from the same pulpit I heard my dad preach from for 16 years was special (I was able to snap a picture when Josh was finished – the bird was not related to the sermon.). A lot of people said that Josh reminded them of my dad when he was young.


DSC_6507 DSC_6497Becca and Isaiah went to my grandma’s Sunday School class. Grandma has taught three generations of her kids in Sunday School – my dad, me, and Becca & Isaiah. Isaiah was supposed to go to nursery, but once he saw Uncle Johnny and snacks he refused to go to nursery and Grandma allowed him to stay.

DSC_6526 DSC_6527While in NJ we stayed with the Grooms family. I taught Raychelle 3rd grade Sunday School when I was a teen. It is so neat to see how the Lord has led her – she just graduated with a nursing degree and would like to pursue missions. We were delighted to get to know the Grooms family more. Mr & Mrs Grooms were my teachers growing up and it was good to see how the Lord has blessed them and their 6 children.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Isaiah!



DSC_6633June 1st was Isaiah’s 2nd birthday. Since we were traveling during that time Isaiah ended up having five birthday parties. My uncles and aunts had a cake for him on Saturday. The family we stayed with in NJ had a party for him Sunday night. My parents had a party for him Tuesday night. That Saturday the family we were staying with had a party for him. And we had a SC party for him this past Tuesday. (Pictures below in order, left to right.)

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2013-06-01DSC_6778Isaiah has grown a lot in the past year: he learned to walk, and he now runs, climbs, and is all boy; his talking exploded with a large vocabulary and he sometimes uses full sentences; he has quite the sense of humor; he loves to read books, usually geared for Becca’s age; he loves playing with his big sister; and he loves music.

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DSC_6890 DSC_6893Becca was really excited about her gift to Isaiah. Weeks ago she decided she wanted to get Isaiah a piggy bank and put some of her own money in it. She could not wait for Isaiah to open his present. You can see her excitement in the picture — the gift was a hit! It was really sweet to watch Becca have the joy of giving.

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DSC_6980DSC_6885We are thankful for the gift of Isaiah to our family. He adds so much joy and laughter into our lives. We look forward to year three and all that God has in store for our little man. Happy Birthday Sai-Zai!

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Too Much Cuteness to Capture – Happy 8-Weeks, Anna Grace


DSC_6712 DSC_6691No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to capture how cute we think Anna is – oh well! Anna is starting to smile and coo more often. She has a lot of hair coming in on the top of her head and we’re looking forward to braiding soon. She’s done great with the last two weeks of travel. Today we travel home from PA – last partnership development trip until we visit from Cambodia!


Sutter Sibling Gathering – May 26



IMG_0476 IMG_0467On Memorial Day my parents and all my siblings gathered in Goshen, NY, (where my older brother lives) for a last family get-together before we leave and to celebrate Jon’s 30th birthday. It was a crazy day with three babies and three other little ones (we were missing Megan). Thankful for the family God has given me. Looking forward to seeing how much the family has grown the next time we’re together.


IMG_0412IMG_0430Three new Sutter cousins were at the gathering; see the photo on the left (names l-to-r): Anna (April 11th), Jesse (April 27th), and Jude (March 8th).

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Bao Bao & Henry Fussy



DSC_6258 DSC_6259Last week we visited the National Zoo in Washington, DC. Our purpose was to see the pandas for Becca.  The day we went, half the zoo was closed and there were several school groups there. We had to keep in mind that our goal was to see the pandas and not have an amazing zoo trip. We were able to spot and watch Bao Bao, the baby panda, on our way into the zoo. Becca was thrilled to see a real panda. We saw the mama panda on our way out of the zoo. The trip was a success. Isaiah was happy to see elephants, and he had a close face to face encounter with a gorilla!

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DSC_6276 DSC_6273Sunday late afternoon as we drove from VA to PA, we saw the new ferris wheel at National Harbor. Knowing how much Becca loves Charlotte’s Web and the fact that Fern rides in a ferris wheel with Henry Fussy, we thought Becca would enjoy the ride. She could be Fern and Isaiah could be Henry Fussy (and he was fussy since he didn’t want us to stop: he was in a hurry to get to Grandpa & Grammy’s house). We took a detour and enjoyed riding the ferris wheel. It was worth the extra hassle – Becca said “this is the world’s most fun!”

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Happy 6-Weeks, Anna Grace


DSC_6244 DSC_6248Anna celebrates her 6-week birthday by going on her first long trip. Lord willing, she’ll do well with all the miles in the car and nights in different homes.

Isaiah wanted his picture with Anna – but he wanted her to have her eyes open. The photo session ended quickly after his attempt to help her!

Fun in the Sun


DSC_6228 DSC_6213We’ve been enjoying the warm weather this week: it gives us a chance to play outside!

Today we leave on our last postdeputation trip. We will stay in five different states: NC, VA, PA, NY, & NJ. Hard to believe it’s almost officially over. Once we return we’ll have 27 days before we leave for Cambodia – to God be the Glory!

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