All posts by amy

In Memory of Our Little One

Today is the day our little one was supposed to be born, but God in His sovereignty said no. Our comfort is that God is in control of all things, even miscarriages. Our joy is that “Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face” (William Cowper, “God Moves in a Mysterious Way). For Mother’s Day, Josh gave me Piper’s book on Ruth. It’s been a great encouragement to me to see God’s hand in Naomi’s life to perform His good and sovereign will for her life and for eternity.

“Thousands of Christians who have walked through fire and have seen horrors embrace God’s control of all things as the comfort and hope of their lives. It is not comforting or hopeful in their pain to tell them that God is not in control. Giving Satan the decisive control or ascribing pain to chance is not true or helpful. When the world is crashing in, we need assurance that God reigns over it all.”  ~Piper in A Sweet & Bitter Providence p. 27

“The life of the godly is not a straight line to glory, but they do get there. The life of the godly is not an Interstate through Nebraska, but a state road through the Blue Ridge Mountains of Tennessee. There are rock slides and precipices and dark mists and bears and slippery curves and hairpin turns that make you go backwards in order to go forwards. But all along this hazardous, twisted road that doesn’t let you see very far ahead there are frequent signs that say, “The best is yet to come. ” ~Piper in A Sweet & Bitter Providence pp. 99-100

Apartment 105 (Happy 80-Week Birthday, Becca Bear!)

Welcome to our new apartment! Last fall, we put ourselves on a waiting list for some two-bedroom apartments near campus. In April, we received a call that a unit was available for us (at that point we were not planning on moving, since Becca was surviving in the closet). After looking at the apartment, we didn’t feel comfortable with moving there, but since we were in the looking mood, we decided to go across the street and see if the other nearby apartment complex had anything available. They did — an apartment that they were redoing. To make a long story short, we signed the papers and prepared for our move . . . but we didn’t think we’d like it that much, since we loved our first apartment.

We now frequently talk about how much we like our new apartment.  We are thankful to the Lord for providing above and beyond what we asked for . . . even when we’d stopped asking! We love having the extra space — Josh can concentrate on his research, we don’t have to worry about waking Becca up when we’re in our room, and people can use the bathroom without going through our bedroom.  We also love having “all bills paid” — living with 75 degree air conditioning all the time is very nice! I was a little worried about using a gas stove/oven — but I love it, and I love having a big window in the kitchen!

We really like our apartment manager. He lives on site with his family (wife and 4 kids) and is very friendly. When the building’s air conditioning broke, he was out there at 11PM and then again the next morning trying to fix the unit. One evening last week, Josh and I were in our bedroom working on our computer (since we have wireless access on that side of the apartment — legally, since it’s UTA wireless from a nearby building), when we heard banging on our window . . . it was our apartment manager saying hi and telling me I had put our outgoing mail in his box instead of the outgoing box! [And I think it’s cool that he shares a first name with the found, ruler, and emperor of the Mongol Empire! -Josh]

The past two Wednesday mornings, Becca and I have gone to the free kids concert at The Levitt Pavilion. She doesn’t really enjoy the music, but she does enjoy the fountains. We plan to go every Wednesday this month for the kids’ concerts. Friday evening we went to a park that has water play. Becca loved it and we all enjoyed getting wet.

Becca is enjoying helping in the kitchen. She likes scrambling eggs in the mornings and really enjoyed helping me make pizza dough and brownies recently. We have lots of fun in our new apartment and are enjoying running around. Becca continues to fill our house with joy. We are so blessed to be married to each other and to have our precious little gift, Becca Bear. What a kind and gracious God we have!

The Month of May

The month of May has flown by for us. We began the month with moving to our new apartment and then leaving for our trip to SC. Before we left on our trip, we had everything unpacked and put in its “place” — only the pictures remained to be hung on our return. I hope to post pictures of our apartment next week for those who have been asking.

Josh graded his students’ final exam when we returned and is now working some hours for the adoption agency and continues to collect Jarai data for his dissertation. The picture on the left is Josh with Hendy, one of Josh’s Jarai consultants. During the school year, Josh met with Hendy on Saturdays; now that they both have more time they are meeting twice a week. On Memorial Day we attended the Jarai church picnic. We both enjoyed meeting more Jarai speakers.

I’ve spent my days playing with Becca. I’m delighted that she has finally learned to say “mama” – I love hearing her little voice call me. [When Amy is gone, Becca walks around saying “Mama! Mama!” –Josh] She loves going outside and now enjoys being in the pool. We got together with Yani and Amaris last Tuesday, and last Friday we went to a ladies and children’s pool party at the Woods’. We were also able to mingle with some of the Special Olympics – Texas players. They held an event on campus last weekend.  One of Becca’s favorite things to do is playing in the waterfall fountain on UTA campus.

One funny Becca story. This past weekend Becca and I were looking at the pictures in The Jesus Storybook Bible. We came to the picture of healed Namaan and I told her how Namaan was happy.  Then I turned back to the picture of Namaan with leprosy and Becca lost it – had a breakdown – yelped and turned and hugged me. She hates the picture of Namaan with leprosy. When she sees it she cries and flails her arms. It’s rather humorous. She continues to dislike the picture . . . but she still asks to see it by saying “illlllll” – what I said when I showed her the picture. (See video on facebook)

On Memorial Day (after the Jarai picnic) we had the Countrymans over for our own Memorial Day picnic. Josh grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and we all enjoyed dinner, water balloons, and swimming. Memorial Day weekend, Josh and I attended an outdoor concert to hear the Quebe Sisters Band. They specialize in Western Swing and sang like the Andrew Sisters. We enjoyed our evening out — thanks Yi Ling, for babysitting!

Gary and Karen Isham had a lovely graduation reception for me at their home. Everything was beautiful and very classy. I was honored to be given such a nice reception with our friends here in TX.

That pretty much sums up the month of May for us.

Visiting with Family

Thanks to members of our families who love to take pictures, we hardly took out our camera during our SC trip but still  have over 700 pictures from our time with family and friends. I’m using this week’s blog to highlight pictures from our time with both sides of our families. A big thanks to all who took pictures for us that week! Uncle Joey takes great pictures with and of Becca!

Visiting with Uncle Jon and Aunt Ashleigh. Becca loved their house and enjoyed doing a rain dance with Uncle Jon in his fire pit.

Grammy and Granddaddy Sutter


Aunt Emily – who always makes Becca laugh!



Meeting Cousin Colette Elisse Sutter. Becca is very happy to have another cousin! Becca also enjoyed her time with cousin Bella.


Visiting the mountains of GA with Grandma and Grandpa Jensen

Great Grandma Martin, Great Grandma Buecher, and Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Jensen


Graduation 2011

We enjoyed our trip to SC for my graduation. It was an especially exciting day for my side of the family, as my youngest brother, Joey, graduated with his BS in Accounting, my sister-in-law graduated with her MS in Accountancy, and I graduated with my Ed.D. in Instruction and Curriculum. Four years ago, when Joey started his freshman year, we figured that if I remained on track, we’d graduate the same year. I didn’t think it would happen . . . thanks for the extra motivation, Joey!

Graduation day was a bittersweet, emotional day for me. Sweet, because it was a celebration of the completion of hours of work and a testimony to God’s grace in my life, but also sad because I should have been walking across the platform with a big belly and about a month of pregnancy left. I would gladly trade my doctorate for the little one we lost. But I have confidence that the Lord’s ways are perfect and that all details of our lives are in His hands.

I am very thankful to my committee members for their assistance throughout this project: Dr. Brenda Ball (dissertation committee chair), Dr. Dan Turner, and Dr. Sue Quindag. I am particularly grateful to Dr. Steve Walter (committee member) who introduced me to the data from the Eritrea National Reading Survey and suggested that I investigate the effects of writing script. I am also thankful for many family members and friends who encouraged me throughout my degree.

A very special thanks goes to my sweet wonderful husband, Josh. I would have given up on my degree if not for his love, support, continual encouragement, and watching our daughter so I could have uninterrupted times of research. He also read through my manuscript multiple times and provided help with formatting details.

The completion of my dissertation is a testimony to the faithfulness of the Lord. While working on the initial stages of this research, Becca was born three months before her due date. During the final stages of this research, I went through a miscarriage with complications that lasted three months. During both of these times, working on dissertation research was the last thing I wanted to do. But the Lord faithfully carried me through and gave me the time and strength to complete my dissertation. The greatest thing I will take away from working on this project is the ways the Lord faithfully helped me through the difficult times.

We have lots of pictures from our visits with both sides of our families. If I have time, I’ll do an extra blog post, if not stay tuned for more next week. . . .


Our big news this week is that we moved to a new apartment. The Lord opened up the door for us to move into a 2-bedroom apartment right across the street from where we were living. The move keeps us close to campus — where Josh walks to school and Becca and I explore — and it allows Becca to have her own room. Also, it is about the same price that we were paying for our 1-bedroom apartment. As you can see from the picture above,  our family has grown since we moved into our first home. We’ve been through many adventures in Apt. 253. It was a wonderful apartment and we have many good memories there.

We’ve spent the week packing and cleaning our old apartment and moving, cleaning, and unpacking our new apartment. We’ve very thankful for all who helped with our move: Micah and Anna, Pastor John, and Parke — and also for Lynnelle for watching Becca during our move and feeding us dinner that night, for Heather who made us a wonderful meal, and for Vitaly who lent us lots of boxes. All made our move smooth and we’re very grateful for each person’s gift of time and work.

As of today, I’m finished with all the unpacking. I’ll take pictures of the completed rooms once we finish hanging things and get rid of the boxes. The main things I have to get used to are not having a washer or dryer and cooking with a gas stove. So far, we’re pleased with our new apartment and are very thankful for the Lord’s direction.

Josh has been a wonderful husband during the entire moving process. He’s given up lots of research time to move us to our new place. I’m very thankful that I’m married to a man who has such a servant’s heart. Becca has gotten used to the new apartment and is enjoying the extra space.

One quick cute story about Becca. Every morning Josh and I have devotions together. Becca used to sleep through them, but recently she’s been getting up before we’re finished. This week when we were kneeling to pray, Becca expressed the desire to pray with us. She knelt between us at the couch and folded her hands as Josh prayed a short prayer and then said “Amen!” at the end. It is so cute, I wish I could get a picture of it. Since then, we’ve had her pray with us each morning.

From One Onesie to Another (see pictures)

Our precious little girl is growing up so fast. This week she’s discovered the joy of hiding from Mommy. In the past when we’ve played hide-n-seek, I’m the hider and Becca is always the seeker. But this week, Becca learned to hide all by herself. Granted, she always hides in the same place (behind her bed in the closet), but she loves being found. It always catches me off guard when I look around for Becca and realize she’s waiting for me to find her.

We enjoyed celebrating Josh’s birthday last weekend. Friday night we got together with some friends to celebrate. We were limited on who we could invite due to our small apartment. Five extra people made it feel very small! Becca and I are delighted to have Josh as the #1 man in our lives. Josh is keeping busy with his teaching and research. The end of the semester means a break from teaching and additional research. Ph.D. students who are working on dissertations don’t get the summer off.

(Unexplained pictures include a visit to the park, playing on campus near our apartment, having dinner at the Thai House with Yi Ling, and hanging out at home.)

Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Man!!!

A very happy 30th birthday to my amazing husband and Becca’s wonderful daddy! I am so privileged to be married to you, my darling. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife and for showing me love each day of our marriage. You are the most wonderful man in the world and I adore you!

Josh, you are the man who make us smile many times each day. Thanks for being our favorite man! Happy Birthday!


~your girls

70 Weeks with Our Baby Girl!

In the past 70 weeks, we’ve seen Becca grow from a tiny baby to an energetic toddler. Becca’s newest outside activity is climbing the 17 stairs to our second floor apartment. On Saturday, she decided to use the railing to pull herself up, instead of crawling up the stairs. It takes a while (old smashed pieces of chewing gum are very interesting to little girls), but Becca is determined to climb up all by herself (with very close supervision, of course!).

Becca’s newest indoor activity is building towers with her blocks. On Monday, I found her building little towers all by herself and was so delighted with her. When I expressed my pleasure to her, she made the sign for more. Yes, more, more! She can stack three blocks and is working on getting a fourth one up there.

We’ve established a bedtime routine for Becca that’s been in place for a few months now. When Becca is all ready for bed, she sits on my lap and drinks a bottle of milk (she gets so excited to see that bottle full of milk) while Josh reads to us from The Jesus Storybook Bible. This is an excellent book that goes through the Bible and shows us how Every Story Whispers His Name. We pray that Becca will understand at an early age that she needs Jesus to be her rescuer.

After we read to Becca, we sing her the Goodnight Song. I’m not sure what the official title is, but it’s the song my dad sang to me when he put me to bed. We would sing it to Becca every night before we left the NICU and we still sing it to her every night before she goes to bed. After singing, we pray, tell Becca that we love her, and remind her that “most of all Jesus loves you.” Our prayer is that Becca will come to love Jesus with all her heart.


Happy 16 Months, Becca-Bear!

After two days apart, we were all delighted when I came home from SC. I was so excited to fly back to TX that I woke up early Saturday morning, and even though I was tired, I didn’t sleep a wink on the plane. I could not wait to be back with Josh and Becca. Josh did a wonderful job taking care of Becca and managing our home so I didn’t have a lot of work to do to prepare for Sunday. He even made Becca’s weekly batch of sweet potatoes. We celebrated my return by taking a trip to the park.

My time in SC went well. I was able to attend BJU’s opera with Mom J and Rebekah Pringle. I was also able to see many friends at the surprise post-defense party my family planned for me. It was good to see many people who have been with me on this journey for the past 5+ years. The highlight of my trip was having breakfast with Mrs. Burch. It was wonderful to sit and talk with a godly older woman whose friendship I cherish.

In case you haven’t heard, I successfully defended my dissertation. We are thanking the Lord for answering so many prayers these past two years, as I’ve finished my classes and worked on my research. I was on the verge of tears all Friday night and Saturday, because it is such a relief to be finished. Lord willing, I’ll be walking in graduation with my youngest brother Joey (BA in Accounting) and sister-in-law Ashleigh (MBA). It will be exciting time for my family.

If you’re wondering what I’m doing with all my free-time . . . I haven’t noticed yet that I have “extra time.” Becca is keeping me busy with all sorts of activities and I have a list of things I need to do. Right now I’m enjoying my family and not having the pressure of dissertation deadlines. There has been talk of submitting a version of my research to a journal, but I’m waiting a little while before I start working on that.

Saturday Becca turns 16 months old. It’s hard to believe it’s been 69 weeks since her birth. She loves going outside. Josh is back teaching and working on his research. I’m very blessed to have both Josh and Becca as my family!

Spring Break Week!

This morning I’m flying to SC for my dissertation defense (scheduled for tomorrow). Normally Friday afternoons are when Becca and I go to the park; in fact, when we were there last week, I realized that in exactly a week I would be in a very different setting (defending a dissertation is a bit different than playing at the park!). But you know what I’m going to do the Friday after my defense? Go to the park and play with Becca.

Defending (and, Lord willing, completing) my research are not going to make me a different person. There will be no noticeable change in me, accept the fact that I won’t have school work to do in my spare time. I’ll be delighted to be done and delighted to get back to taking care of my precious family. I appreciate your prayers for me as I defend Friday afternoon. The Lord has been so faithful in helping me work on my research.

This week, Josh is on spring break! We’ve enjoyed the extra time with him without the pressure of his having to prepare for and teach class. Tuesday afternoon we took Becca to the zoo. The zoo was packed with children on spring break. Becca really enjoyed seeing the animals, at least the ones she could see up close. (She wasn’t too impressed by the roaring lions — guess they weren’t close enough.) She was certainly worn out by her day at the zoo.

It’s been amazing to watch Becca progress in her walking ability. She is fast! It’s hard to believe that she’s only been walking a month. On Sunday she was walking all over the church building and didn’t seem to be concerned where she left her parents.

67 Weeks with Becca-Bear!

One of the things I’m trying to teach Becca is to have a happy, thankful heart. From the pictures on our blog, people might assume that Becca is always happy, and though she is a very happy baby, she still has her unhappy “gimmie” moments. Typically, when Becca is crying about not getting her own way I remind her to say thank you. It’s always neat to watch her stop and say “thank you,”  even when she’s still displeased about something. So in a little way, we’re planting the seed in Becca to be thankful and happy when things aren’t going her way.  A phrase that I’m saying a lot these days is “do you have a happy/thankful heart?” It’s also a phrase that I need to ask myself throughout the day.

Friday night we had dinner with René, Yani, and Amaris Rodriguez. We’re very thankful for René and Yani’s friendship. Yani took the girls down to the pond and Becca absolutely loved the ducks and swan. If it weren’t for the metal bars, Becca would have jumped in with the ducks. She wasn’t even afraid when the swan was nipping at her.

Becca’s new toy is our recycle bin. She fits perfectly in it and loves being zoomed around the floor in her own little vehicle. It’s cute to hear her squeal as we race through our rooms with it. Oh and if you haven’t noticed, Becca had her first little haircut this weekend. I cut her bangs back so she doesn’t have to deal with hair getting into her eyes.

On Friday, Josh presented a poster at the 18th Annual University of Texas at Arlington Student Conference in Linguistics and TESOL. His poster presentation won an award. Josh also participated on the grants panel. Speaking of grants, Josh just found out that he’s been awarded an NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant for his project entitled “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Clauses and Clause Types in Jarai.” The money from the grant will help pay Josh’s Jarai consultants and other research expenses. Becca and I are very proud of Josh, and we’re very thankful for the Lord provision for Josh’s research.

I continue to prepare for my defense next week. I haven’t had a lot of time, since Becca has decided to take really short naps this week. She must know that her mommy is leaving her next week and wants to cash in on extra time with me! I’m looking forward to being finished and not having my research hanging over my head.


4-Year Dating Anniversary

Four years ago today, my precious husband asked me to officially date him. I was wild with excitement to be Joshua Jensen’s girlfriend — what could be better than that?! I’ll tell you what’s better…being Joshua Jensen’s wife. I love being married to my darling man. Thank you so much, Josh, for asking me to date you and for continuing to date me into marriage. I adore you!

(If you’re looking for pictures of Becca, see today’s first post.)

Planting Trees

A few weeks ago I was introduced to a song by Andrew Peterson, Planting Trees, in which he compares raising children to the process of planting a tree.

We chose the spot, we dug the hole
We laid the maples in the ground to have and hold
As Autumn falls to Winters sleep
We pray that somehow in the Spring
The roots grow deep

And many years from now
Long after we are gone
These trees will spread their branches out
And bless the dawn

At 15 months, we are in the very early stages of planting our sweet little tree. Even in this early stage when cultivation may not seem as important, we still want the ways we interact with Becca to provide her a lifelong pattern of loving Jesus. I’ll admit, as a mom, I worry about being a Christ-like example for Becca with my words, actions, and attitudes. I desire her to see Christ in me and don’t want my sin to be a stumbling block to her.

My prayer is that I will continue to grow in Christ, so I can show Becca Christ in my life.You might wonder, how can a 15-month-old see Christ in her mommy? Here’s just a few ways I’ve come up with: the ways I interact with Josh, the ways I consistently enforce the expectations we have for Becca, the ways I praise Becca for doing good, the ways I show patience toward Becca, and the ways I speak to Becca. It is my prayer that we will be faithful in planting our little tree so she grow to bless others with the love of Christ.

Of course, trees grow in stature. Becca had a great doctor’s appointment this week (see previous blog post for stats). Though she eats a lot (evidenced by how much food I make and freeze for her every week), she is our cute petite girl. She fits into a set of 3-month Carter onesies her Aunt Ashleigh just sent her, and she’s getting good use out of all her 6-month clothing.

We’ve been enjoying the weather. Becca and I usually go outside for about an hour each day. Becca’s new favorite outside activity is throwing things into the little creek that runs near our apartments. She is very eager to pick up sticks, leaves, tennis balls, etc and then “run” down to the creek to throw them in. When we’re inside, Becca enjoys discovering new things in our little home.

Becca started using her potty this week. I thought we would just practice sitting on it, but Becca knows exactly what to do. Though we’re not officially potty-training yet, we’re having fun using the potty multiple times a day. And it saves me from cleaning up messy diapers.

Two weeks from tomorrow I defend my research. I appreciate your prayers as I prepare for my defense.

15 Month Check-up

Becca had her 15 month check-up today. Except for being small for her real (15 months) and adjusted (12 months) ages, the doctor gave Becca a glowing report on developmental progress! Just thought we’d share Becca’s current stats. (I’m giving the percentiles for 12 months, since her weight and height are nonexistent in the charts for a 15 month old.)

Weight: 18.5lbs. (12% for 12 months)

Length: 27.5in.(7% for 12 months)

Head Circumference: 47cm. (95% for 12 months)

Precious Moments

Wednesday morning, 5AM — the cries of Becca-Bear bring me to consciousness. It’s too early for her to be awake, besides the fact that I haven’t slept well all night. Maybe she’ll go back to sleep…wait…wait…wait…I don’t think so. I get out of bed and rescue Becca from her “prison”; perhaps she’ll fall back to sleep. She does, but only in my arms and certainly not when I lie her back in her bed.

I pick Becca up again and take her to our living room. For awhile she sleeps while I hold her on the couch. Then she refuses to sleep unless I’m standing. I’m tired, but as I hold our little girl, I reflect that these are precious moments that are fleeting. Before I know it, little Becca-Bear will be too big to hold and too old to need her mommy in the night. All precious moments — even the tiring ones — need to be enjoyed and savored before they’re only a distant memory.

On Friday, February 18th, Becca took her first steps, and since then she’s been progressing in her walking. She is very proud of herself and appears to think running is far better than walking. I’m very thankful we have carpet, since Becca has fallen several times and smacked her head on the floor. But when she falls, she gets back up and tries again.

Becca has her first official “help-mommy” job. She has been doing a excellent job taking her dry diapers out of the dryer for me. It’s so cute to watch her “help.” Speaking of help, in January we received a neat gift from Uncle Jon and Aunt Ashleigh — a diaper sprayer. It hooks up to the toilet and works really well cleaning Becca’s messy diapers. I highly suggest it for anyone who is using cloth diapers!

Becca got a special box from Uncle Jon and Aunt Ashleigh on Tuesday. Aunt Ashleigh sent us all sorts of treats she found at Greenville’s Switcheroos’ Consignment Sale. Becca loves her new book and bugs and we’re looking forward to getting lots of use out of the clothes and shoes. Mommy even got some new clothes. Thanks, J&A!

Josh continues to work on his research. He gathers data twice a week. On Fridays he Skypes with a consultant Lubbock, TX, and on Saturdays he drives about 20 minutes away to meet with another consultant. We’ve very thankful the Lord has provided these two men for Josh to work with. I continue to have a blast watching Becca, and I work on my dissertation when she’s sleeping. Being a mommy is the second best thing in the world, just after to being Josh’s wife. I’ve very thankful for the roles God has given me, and I’m enjoying the precious moments I have with Josh and Becca.

Happy Valentine’s Day 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day to my #1 Valentine! Thank you so much for loving me and for being such a  wonderful, loving husband. Thank you for the delicious Valentine’s Day meal you made me yesterday. You are so sweet! I am blessed every day by you! I love you with all my heart!

Happy Valentine’s Day to our #2 Valentine! Becca you are our sweet gift from God! We love you so much, Becca-bear!

Happy 1 Year Home-Coming Anniversary, Becca-Bear!

Today marks one year since Becca came home from the hospital. She’s come a long way from those first days we had her home with us. Now instead of spending most of the day feeding Becca and making sure she gets her medications on time, we fill our time with playing “where’s Flopsie?” and learning how to put markers back in their box.

Thursday night we were all awakened by the apartment fire alarm system. We stumbled out of bed and made our way outside and then sat in the car until the firemen said everyone could return to their apartments. It was a false alarm, apparently (or at least, no worse than someone overcooking their midnight snack). Becca slept through the first part of the alarm, and once she came out of a daze, she was quite happy to enjoy the excitement.We had enough snow on Friday to take Becca out sledding. She enjoyed her rides down the little hill, and we enjoyed our time outside in the snow. Saturday Becca was sick all day with a fever. It was very similar to her one-day fever during the Christmas holidays. It turns out that she has another tooth popping through, and I think I can safely say that both fevers were related to teething.

Looking over the past year, it’s been neat to remember the many ways the Lord has answered our prayers concerning Becca. Thank you so much for praying for our little girl. She is truly God’s gift to us, and each day with her is a treasure.

Warm and Icy Weather

We’ve enjoyed a variety of weather this week. Over the weekend it was sunny and warm. We enjoyed the extra time being outside. Becca didn’t like walking in the grass, but she did enjoy crawling on the sidewalk. She was a little hesitant about the stones, but they didn’t stop her from moving right along.

Then, on Tuesday morning we woke up to an icy world. There was a dusting of snow on top of the ice, and it was great for sliding and slipping on. Since Tuesday the temperatures have been in the teens and twenties, so the ice hasn’t had a chance to melt. The UTA campus has been shut down, and had rolling blackouts on Wednesday.

Becca continues to be lots of fun. She now consistently says two words: “d-yes” which means “yes”; “gen – gen” which means “again.”  It’s really cute to hear her ask for something “gen-gen!” Becca also has started kissing us; she opens she mouth wide and presses it against our cheeks. She also kisses pictures in her books. It’s funny to watch her head go down multiple times as she kisses certain pictures.

Becca’s newest skill is picking out and bringing books to me so I can read them to her. We spend a lot of time each day reading books. And now that she knows how to say “gen- gen,” we read some books multiple times in a row!

As you can see from the picture, Josh and I continue to work diligently on our degrees! We appreciate your prayers as I work toward meeting my major deadline. I have to defend by April 1 in order to graduate this May.