Last week we had Isaiah’s 11th birthday celebration at home. On his actual birthday we were in PP, for an extra check on the baby. We had Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast, went swimming and had lunch at the pool, and had Diary Queen ice cream on the drive back from the pool. But all this did not count as his actually birthday celebration, since we weren’t at home. 🙂

Isaiah’s countdown calendar had quotes from books he’s read, and each day he was supposed to guess which book the quote came from before he opened the door. Several of the days before his birthday we were in PP. His birthday movie was Boys Town.
Isaiah chose tacos for his birthday meal – it’s avocado season, so it’s a great time of year to make guacamole! He wanted a clock cake for his birthday. After gifts and cake, we watched a slide show of pictures and movies from Isaiah’s past 11 years.

Isaiah likes to take things apart and invent things – this past year he’s created a few board games. He like science, math, and reading. He plays outside almost everyday with the neighbor boys. He’s a good big brother to all his younger siblings.

We’re thankful for Isaiah and the gift he is to our family! Looking forward to his 12th year!