All posts by amy

Happy 11th Birthday, Isaiah

Last week we had Isaiah’s 11th birthday celebration at home. On his actual birthday we were in PP, for an extra check on the baby. We had Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast, went swimming and had lunch at the pool, and had Diary Queen ice cream on the drive back from the pool. But all this did not count as his actually birthday celebration, since we weren’t at home. 🙂

Isaiah’s countdown calendar had quotes from books he’s read, and each day he was supposed to guess which book the quote came from before he opened the door. Several of the days before his birthday we were in PP. His birthday movie was Boys Town.

Isaiah chose tacos for his birthday meal – it’s avocado season, so it’s a great time of year to make guacamole! He wanted a clock cake for his birthday. After gifts and cake, we watched a slide show of pictures and movies from Isaiah’s past 11 years.

Isaiah likes to take things apart and invent things – this past year he’s created a few board games. He like science, math, and reading. He plays outside almost everyday with the neighbor boys. He’s a good big brother to all his younger siblings.

We’re thankful for Isaiah and the gift he is to our family! Looking forward to his 12th year!

Phnom Penh Trip

Last week we took a trip to Phnom Penh to find a doctor for delivering the new baby and to do some other errands. The kids were delighted to spend some extra time with their friends the Nhoemvans. Kolianne waited to celebrate her birthday until our family came, and the older kids enjoyed a book-themed birthday party one afternoon.

Ayra and the girls spent two nights at the guesthouse, so we had lots of time together. Ayra helped watch the kids at different times, so they didn’t all have to come to the appointments. Becca, Isaiah, Anna, and Josh had eye appointment that the younger three kids were happy to miss! We went swimming on day while Josh did errands.

Our last evening we made dinner for two young men from our Jarai village, who are down in PP studying at Bible School. It was good to spend some time with them. We had a very successful trip and got done everything we had planned!

Mother’s Day 2023

My family celebrated Mother’s Day the evening before (Sundays are too full for us to add anything extra or special). The kids made a lovely salad and did baked potatoes, while Josh grilled chicken using a Khmer charcoal clay pot. We had cake for dessert. Then the kids gave me cards and did a play of Stone Soup.

A week before the kids gave me a Mother’s Day Countdown Calendar. Everyday the kids had homemade gifts to give me: postcards, crafts, an original book, etc.

I’m very thankful for the family God has blessed me with. So thankful for the kids He’s given us. Motherhood is a blessing and a gift that comes with many joys, and it’s also exhausting physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being a homeschool mom and missionary mom adds on many more aspects as well. I love my job and it’s a race worth running for the sake of God’s glory.

Manfreds’ Visit

We had a lovely visit from the Manfreds at the beginning of the month. We’re always delighted with the time we get to spend with them over lunch (it’s always so short). Thankful for this couple and the many years they’ve faithfully served the Lord in Cambodia.

Happy 9th Birthday, Anna Grace!

We celebrated Anna’s birthday this month, starting with her birthday countdown calendar (based on The Borrower books). As part of the calendar, Anna’s birthday movie was The Wizard of Oz (a book they’ve heard many times) and she received small gifts, a flute lessons, and flowers as part of her daily calendar surprises. She also made her own chocolate cake with almost no help.

We delayed Anna’s birthday dinner one day so Josh would be finished with teaching at the Pastor’s Bible School out of town. Anna chose tacos for dinner and a panda cake. We had a fun evening of dinner, gifts, cake, and then watching a slideshow of pictures from Anna’s 9 years of life.

Anna is a fun loving girl who loves to play and is very helpful with her siblings. She has done very well with her Khmer lessons this year and is growing in her ability to communicate in Khmer. We’re very thankful for Anna and look forward to this new year with her.

Holy Week 2023

We celebrated Holy Week from Saturday to Saturday this year, since Josh had to leave Easter Sunday to travel to teach at the Pastor’s Bible School from Sunday-Wednesday. We started the week with setting up our tree and starting our nightly Lenten Lights readings.

We did Palm Sunday on Saturday night, since Sunday nights are too busy. And then we took a break Monday to have Josh’s birthday and did our reenactment of Jesus cleansing the temple on Tuesday.

Wednesday night we had our Easter Egg hunt (we like to keep that separate from Resurrection Day). The kids had a blast finding eggs – they each had their own color. It’s always fun to watch the youngest find eggs. Then we had a store where the kids traded their eggs for goods. Prices: water guns & bags of balloons – 3 eggs each; instant coffee, shampoo, face mask, pack of gum, Oreo cookie pack – 1 egg each.

Thursday evening we had our Maundy Thursday service with feet washing and remembered the Last Supper. We have the older wash the younger’s feet – and Micah washed Josh’s.

Saturday morning we did gifts. Then we had a special lunch with some other missionaries from Ban Lung. We ended the week with a short Resurrection service in the evening. We thank God for the resurrection of His Son and what that means for us.

A side note – Sometimes people comment about our traditions and how nice they are – true. But it often comes with whining and complaining – the singing is not always peaceful. It’s hot season, and it’s hot and sweaty. Our younger kids are really tired by 7pm, so adding anything extra is hard. I’m often enduring and not so much enjoying, while I try to keep the youngers happy. The night we had our resurrection both younger boys fell asleep in my lap, and it was so peaceful. Anyway – there’s a little view into what the pictures don’t show. But it’s all worth it. It’s not all easy, so if you want to try things like this….be encouraged. It can be hard and tiring work – but you are planting seeds and giving your kids a way of living life that is so worth it. Thanks be to God.

Happy 42nd Birthday, Josh!

April 3rd we celebrated Josh’s birthday with homemade hamburgers and all the toppings and baked beans. Dessert was strawberry cake. Afterwards we had a piano recital in honor of Daddy’s birthday. This was Clara’s first time to perform in our piano recital – Becca is teaching Clara piano. All the kids did beautifully. Afterwards the kids gave cards and gifts to Josh, and we ended the evening with the cake.

It was a hot day and evening, as we’re in the swing of hot seasons, but even so we all had a good time celebrating Josh’s birthday. We’re thankful for him and all he does in leading and loving us.

Mondulkiri pt. 2

The owner of the Nature Lodge directed us to a waterfall that was not a tourist attraction and a perfect fit for our family. The kids were able to explore and swim, and we didn’t have to deal with being a foreign attraction to the other tourist. There was no one else there both days we went. So relaxing.

The second day we went we built a fire and roasted marshmallow. Josh took the older 4 kids to climb up the waterfall several times. There was also a swimming pond. The little boys enjoyed throwing rocks in the water.

Mondulkiri pt. 1

We took a week’s vacation to the Nature Lodge in Mondulkiri (about a 3.5 hour drive from our home). Besides the rats keeping us awake at night in our lodging, it was a wonderful trip. (We asked for traps and ended up catching 3 forrest rats and the last night it was quieter but still a little noisy.) It was great to take a break from people and just get away as a family. The A-frame house we stayed in was a great fit, and we didn’t have to worry about bothering anyone. There was a loft at either end of the house with bed. The kids could play outside while we sat on the steps – it was a nice relaxing atmosphere.

The Nature Lodge had a pool and we enjoyed swimming three days and the other two days we visited a waterfall. Both places we ate at had pool tables, and since there were rarely other guests, our kids got a lot of practice playing. We had lots of good Khmer and western food.

The Nature Lodge had penned sheep and 5 horses that wandered around the property. The kids enjoyed feeding the horses (Cambodian ponies) leftover lettuce and carrots we had brought. The horses were quite friendly and when the food was all gone they came up to our lodging and waiting for more.

Happy 7th Birthday, Clara!

We celebrated Clara’s birthday the first two weeks of March, ending with leaving on a family vacation the day before her birthday. Clara’s countdown calendar included a movie night, small gifts, a trip to a night carnival with rides and snacks, a peacock helium balloon, and some other things.

Clara wanted a horse cake for her birthday. She made the chocolate cake, and I decorated it per her instructions. She chose spaghetti as her birthday meal with salad and garlic bread. We had a fun night celebrating Clara’s birthday and she said (after gifts) that is was her best birthday ever.

Graduation 2022-23 School Year

March 3rd we held our yearly graduation and recital to celebrate the completion of the 2022-23 school year! We’re very proud of everyone’s hard work this year.

Graduation & Recital

Seventh Grade – Rebecca Grace Jensen
Fifth Grade – Isaiah Emil Jensen
Third Grade – Anna Grace Jensen
Fun Grade – Clara Grace Jensen
Preschool – Ezra Emmett Jensen & Micah Ebenezer Jensen

Opening Song – The Son of God Goes Forth to War

Clara – Poem
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Anna – Recitation
John 9
Isaiah – Poem
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
Becca – Recitation
The Life of Elisha – selected scenes

Presentation of Diplomas & Certificates
Volcano Experiment
Dessert Buffet and End of Year Slide Show

Our Boys!

Ages 2, 4, & 10. These boys are a bunch of fun and can be a bunch of trouble. When you hear the younger two laughing hysterically, you can almost guarantee that they are having loads of fun doing something they think they shouldn’t be doing! The other day when I went to investigate this sound, I found one trying to clean the other’s bottom on the toilet. Loads of fun. . . . It’s such a gift to watch them play together, and we’re so happy to have them all!

Valentine’s Day 2023

We had our traditional family Valentine’s Day party Tuesday night. Making 6 heart-shaped pizzas and one regular is quite a production. I had the little boys use round cake pans for theirs.

For dinner we had pizza, salad, and lemonade. After dinner we cleaned up and then had to wait for the swarms of flying termites to die down before we could turn the lights back on to continue the party. We had a 20-minute afternoon rain, unusual for this time of year, and it stirred up the termites for swarm mating. In the morning I made heart-cut-out-cookies with the little boys and we decorated them after dinner for dessert.

After we finished, eating the 4 older kids read an original story they have been working on. It was composed of 4 pages – each folded in half. Each kid wrote one side of each page for a 16-page story – the pattern was Isaiah, Clara, Anna, and then Becca. Quite an interesting progression of events during each “page.” After that we exchanged cards, and then Josh continued our tradition of his reading a book about St Valentine.

Josh bough roses for me from Ban Lung and had them delivered by taxi van. He bought each of the girls a pink rose and chocolate bars for the boys.

New Addition

Right at the beginning of the Christmas season, my electric piano died. It was a very sad day for me because it meant no beautiful Christmas music and no easy fix. We were able to send the piano to Phnom Penh and a good friend took it to a repairman who said the parts were no longer replaceable, due to the age and make of the piano. Sadness. We had an old mini keyboard that floated us through the holiday season, but that soon began to have troubles.

So back in January, my dear husband decided to take the night-bus for the first time and travel to Phnom Penh to buy us a new piano. He left on a Monday evening and was home Wednesday morning with a lovely, better than I would have hoped, new electric piano. We used Christmas money, given to us from supporting churches, to buy the piano. It’s so wonderful to have a working piano in our home again. Four of our children take piano lessons – plus I teach four other children of co-workers piano lessons – so this piano gets lots of use. It’s also what I use when I’m working on tunes for Bible verse songs. We’re so thankful that the Lord provided our family a new piano. I’m so glad to have a working instrument back in our home. And the kids have had many hours of fun playing in the huge box!!

Ending January

January is always a recovery month for me – and I don’t take many pictures. I always try to get one family picture, but since it’s the one month without a family holiday I struggle to get one. This blurry picture is the best we could get.

Random January stuff: The kids went across the street to help Davi peel and cut her cassava. Besides that we are working on finishing our last 5 weeks of the school year. I also try to prepare for the next year during this time, so I’m not doing school stuff all during our summer break.

Last week I moved Micah into the kids’ room. He’s so happy to be in the same room as his siblings, where all the evening action is going on, instead of being alone in our dark bedroom…listening to everyone else be put to bed. We’re also potty training Micah – dry season is a great time to do it, since anything wet dries in a day.