Last week for family night our kids decided to dress up. They were quite pleased with themselves and were very agreeable when I asked if I could snap a picture (getting all four to look and smile is often a challenge.)
Christmas is long over and we’re back into the swing of things. I had had big plans for the week after Christmas with lots of projects and time to prepare for the New Year, but with the accident everything was put on hold. So I started the year a week or more behind.
Thankfully I can now say, 8 weeks after the accident, that I think I am fully recovered. I was told it could take 6-8 weeks to recover from a concussion and it was true. Those weeks were hard. I didn’t feel well, had trouble with light and sound sensitivities, was tried, and had absolutely no motivation. I didn’t even want to read my messages from friends (which I was told by another concussion victim was a completely normal symptom). Probably the hardest thing was that right before the accident I was feeling really good. I had stopped nursing Clara and my energy level had returned and I probably felt the best I had felt for….years. I had all this motivation and energy to get extra things done. To go from feeling so good (much better than I had in years) to being down with a concussion was discouraging. But life had to go on. Meals still had to be made (there’s not many other food options out here and I am thankful for some meals that were sent out from Ban Lung). Kids still needed care. There really wasn’t any time for extra rest. But thanks be to God, I recovered. I feel so much better. Thanks for your prayers!