We celebrated our 9th annual Cambodian Coronation Day last week. The morning was full of crown-making and face painting. Isaiah didn’t want to have his face painted. Micah added a bunch of green glue glitter to his face after I was done. We ended the morning with a coronation ceremony. Micah was extremely pleased to be included this year. He was so proud to have a crown placed on his head. Part of the coronation entertainment is me singing and dancing. (I hide the speaker in my shirt and then lip-sync Largo Al Factotum from The Barber of Seville.)
We had a pizza dinner and afterwards had a presentation night. Each child did a presentation on a planet: Becca – Saturn; Isaiah – Mars; Anna – Jupiter; Clara – Venus; Ezra – Neptune; and Micah did one on the Sun. All the kids did great!
Other things included: Becca playing a piano set by David Kraehenbuehl. Anna gaving a poem recitation A Tragic Story by William Makepeace Thackeray. Both Anna and Clara receiving their All About Spelling Level 2 completion certificates.
It was a fun day and evening, complete with ice cream for dessert!
9th annual! Wow! love the festivities! Would love to see Amy’s lip syncing in action one day.