Category Archives: Little kid stuff

A Bit of Face Paint…


IMG_20151006_091618 IMG_20151006_100626A dear friend of mine sent our kids some face paint. We decided last week would be a good time to try it out. We had a panda, zebra, and a cat visit our home.

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DSC_2000 DSC_1989Our helper left last Friday for a 10-day visit with her family during the Cambodia holiday Pchum Ben. That means lots of extra cleaning for me plus cooking and some other house-sitting responsibilities, but we’ve enjoyed a week of eating American food.

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DSC_2017 DSC_2013I didn’t think Anna would want her face painted, but she was eager about it and wanted me to take multiple pictures of her.


What is your favorite children’s book?

Frog and ToadLast week Sam and Ashley sent a lovely gift to Becca, The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name. So I guess it’s time to start thinking about Becca’s literary immersion once she gets home!

We’d love to hear from you about your favorite one or two children’s books — either books that were read to you when you were young, or books you love reading to your children/nieces/nephews/grandchildren/etc. In the comments section, simply give the title and why you love that book.

Personally, I love the Frog & Toad stories. Last year Amy and I bought three Frog & Toad books for our nephews in China, but I liked them so much, I never sent them. (Charity, please don’t tell the boys!) A new favorite is the luxoriously illustrated, It’s Time to Sleep, My Love.

Now it’s your turn. (This is your big chance, Grandma Hess!)