2-month stats: Weight: 11lbs 14.5oz; Height: 22inches; Head: 15.5inches.
The more we know you – the more we all love you. Thanks for filling our days with joy! We’re so thankful God blessed our family with you.
On May 31st we traveled to NJ to be at a supporting church on Sunday. The church is where I was born and my dad pastored until I was 16. That Saturday all my Uncles and Aunts got together for a farewell party. It was great to be with them all (wish I took more pictures!).
Saturday evening we spent some time at my grandma’s house. Becca and Isaiah got swing rides from Uncle Johnny. My grandpa pushed me on the same swing when I was little, just like Uncle Johnny did.
On Sunday Josh preached at the church where I was born (literally – I was born in the parsonage, since my mom didn’t make it to the hospital). Sitting in the pew hearing Josh preach from the same pulpit I heard my dad preach from for 16 years was special (I was able to snap a picture when Josh was finished – the bird was not related to the sermon.). A lot of people said that Josh reminded them of my dad when he was young.
Becca and Isaiah went to my grandma’s Sunday School class. Grandma has taught three generations of her kids in Sunday School – my dad, me, and Becca & Isaiah. Isaiah was supposed to go to nursery, but once he saw Uncle Johnny and snacks he refused to go to nursery and Grandma allowed him to stay.
While in NJ we stayed with the Grooms family. I taught Raychelle 3rd grade Sunday School when I was a teen. It is so neat to see how the Lord has led her – she just graduated with a nursing degree and would like to pursue missions. We were delighted to get to know the Grooms family more. Mr & Mrs Grooms were my teachers growing up and it was good to see how the Lord has blessed them and their 6 children.
On Memorial Day my parents and all my siblings gathered in Goshen, NY, (where my older brother lives) for a last family get-together before we leave and to celebrate Jon’s 30th birthday. It was a crazy day with three babies and three other little ones (we were missing Megan). Thankful for the family God has given me. Looking forward to seeing how much the family has grown the next time we’re together.
Three new Sutter cousins were at the gathering; see the photo on the left (names l-to-r): Anna (April 11th), Jesse (April 27th), and Jude (March 8th).
Last week we visited the National Zoo in Washington, DC. Our purpose was to see the pandas for Becca. The day we went, half the zoo was closed and there were several school groups there. We had to keep in mind that our goal was to see the pandas and not have an amazing zoo trip. We were able to spot and watch Bao Bao, the baby panda, on our way into the zoo. Becca was thrilled to see a real panda. We saw the mama panda on our way out of the zoo. The trip was a success. Isaiah was happy to see elephants, and he had a close face to face encounter with a gorilla!
Sunday late afternoon as we drove from VA to PA, we saw the new ferris wheel at National Harbor. Knowing how much Becca loves Charlotte’s Web and the fact that Fern rides in a ferris wheel with Henry Fussy, we thought Becca would enjoy the ride. She could be Fern and Isaiah could be Henry Fussy (and he was fussy since he didn’t want us to stop: he was in a hurry to get to Grandpa & Grammy’s house). We took a detour and enjoyed riding the ferris wheel. It was worth the extra hassle – Becca said “this is the world’s most fun!”
Anna celebrates her 6-week birthday by going on her first long trip. Lord willing, she’ll do well with all the miles in the car and nights in different homes.
Isaiah wanted his picture with Anna – but he wanted her to have her eyes open. The photo session ended quickly after his attempt to help her!
We’ve been enjoying the warm weather this week: it gives us a chance to play outside!
Today we leave on our last post–deputation trip. We will stay in five different states: NC, VA, PA, NY, & NJ. Hard to believe it’s almost officially over. Once we return we’ll have 27 days before we leave for Cambodia – to God be the Glory!
This past weekend, all of Josh’s immediate family gathered at Dad & Mom’s for a family weekend. Caroline’s family came up from Florence, SC, and the rest of us drove each day to spend time together. We started with dinner Friday evening, then were back for family pictures (thank you to Donna Bixby) Saturday morning. We enjoyed fellowship all day Saturday. On Sunday we ended the weekend with church and Mother’s Day lunch.
The cousins all enjoyed playing with each other. Once the picture taking was over we had a relaxing day of simply hanging around the home and enjoying each other’s company.
We are very thankful for Josh’s parents. For their faithfulness in raising their three children to know and love God and for how that blesses each of their children’s spouses. We are thankful for the godly heritage they have given us. Josh and I are also grateful for Dad & Mom’s continual support as we head to Cambodia. We appreciate their excitement for us, even though it means not living so close any more.
A week after Anna was born, Becca began looking through her special cookie cookbook to decide what kind of cookies she wanted to make. Then, the week Isaiah and I had made chocolate chip cookies together, Becca decided it was her turn. To my surprise she picked Butter Cookies with Raspberries. She was pretty insistent that we were going to make these cookies. . . . Wow, they are sure good!
Monday we took a picnic to the park across the street. The main highlight for Isaiah was feeding the ducks. Becca was thrilled to ride her bike around the pond. When we were over halfway around the pond, Becca decided to get off her bike to look at a light pole. Josh and I watched as her bike headed toward the pond and splashed in. You should have heard Becca scream. All ended well: bike was rescued, though we still need to wipe the algae off.
Hard to believe this sweet girl is 3 weeks old already. She had her first cranky day on Thursday, but I attribute that to her being nervous about her daddy’s ordination exam that evening. Once he passed she was content.
After a week of crankiness, due to molars and ear pain, Isaiah is back to his normal happy self. He really wanted to hold “baby sister” the other day. He especially wanted to hold her when Becca asked for her turn!
Anna celebrated her 3-week birthday by meeting her Great Grandma Martin. Grandma Jensen and Great Grandma Martin came up for the morning and lunch. We all enjoyed visiting with them.
We celebrated Easter in stages. . .the last stage being an attempt to get a family picture a few days after Easter (above). The Saturday before Easter we had the Erkens cousins over to decorate eggs. It was a rainy day, but all the kids had fun decorating and finding the eggs around the house. Easter Sunday after church we went down to Greenville to have dinner with Josh’s parents and the Erkens.
A few other pictures of the kids below. Becca and Anna have matching dresses: I found a Dollie & Me set 70% off and thought the dresses would work for a picture. Becca couldn’t wait to have Anna’s dress for her doll.
l wouldn’t pray about it. When Josh would pray each night that God would allow Anna to be born by VBAC I would think, why pray for something when you already know that God’s answer will be no? All through Isaiah’s pregnancy I had prayed that the Lord would allow be to have a VBAC. And He said no. A VBAC after two c-sections is rare. I don’t like being told no, so I didn’t ask.
At the beginning of Anna’s pregnancy I met with a doctor who has done VBACs after two c-sections. I went to find out if it was a possibility for me. He came into the room rather abruptly and told me I was not a good candidate for a VBAC. I’d never gone into labor on my own. For a VBAC to even be considered I would have to go into labor on my own before my due date (something I’d never done before) and be far enough along that the doctors would consider a VBAC. Furthermore there were only two doctors within the hospital system that had ever done VBACs after two c-sections, so they would have to be the ones “on duty.” All the other doctors would do a repeat c-section no matter how far along the labor process was. Oh, and I was told to not labor at home since I could end up with a dead baby. In other words, the answer was no, and for the next several appointments I was told the same thing. I was ok with that. I had wanted to know if it was a possibility and now I knew that, unless God worked in several specific ways, Anna would be a third c-section. That was fine. We thank God for c-sections, for what modern medicine can do, for the way a c-section saved Becca’s life, and for God’s hand over all our pregnancies. Anna’s c-section was scheduled for April 11th – 9AM. I’ll mention here that the doctor let me choose any date between April 7th and 11th for the c-section. I chose the 11th since it was a Friday and would be easier for my mom to come. At my next few appointments the other doctors questioned to wisdom of waiting so close to my due date (April 13th) to have my c-section. They were worried that I would go into labor and have to have an emergency c-section. I kept going by what the original doctor said and the fact that my mom’s plane tickets had already been purchased.
Tuesday night before Anna’s scheduled c-section I started having contractions. They seemed more than my normal nightly Braxton Hicks. The next morning at my scheduled doctor’s appointment there was discussion about keeping me at the hospital, but I was only dilated at 1cm and they let me go home. I took it easy on Wednesday. Wednesday evening the contractions continued and I didn’t get much sleep. Thursday we had our last family of 4 outing to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. (This was actually our first ever outing to Krispy Kreme, but not our first family of 4 outing!) The kids enjoyed seeing the doughnuts being made.
Thursday night the contractions continued and grew. I didn’t sleep much. I didn’t bother timing. I didn’t want to go into the hospital early just to have them do surgery. We could wait until morning. Sometime during the night I went and slept on the couch. It was a little easier to adjust my position. Around 4:30 Isaiah woke up and wasn’t going back to bed, so I had him on the couch with me and tried reading him books, though every so often I would stop and work through a contraction. I felt it was unfair that I had to endure contraction pain only to go have a c-section.
Friday at 6:50AM we left for my c-section. As they were starting to prep me for surgery they decided since I seemed to be having contractions in regular intervals they would check me – and I was dilated 6cm. The doctor came in. It happened that the exact doctor I had initially met with — the one who has done VBACs after two c-sections — was on delivery duty that day. He came in and asked me about my first c-section and started talking about how this was my chance to try a VBAC. I realized he didn’t know that I’d already had two c-sections. I was tempted to keep my mouth shut, but when I mentioned I had already had 2 c-sections he quickly changed his tune and told the nurse and resident to continue preparing for the surgery.
I didn’t want to ask. I had hardly slept the past two nights. I’d been in pain – contracting for no purpose but to have a c-section. I was ready to get it over with. But I thought about how my dear husband had faithfully prayed for a VBAC. I had to ask for his sake. . . . So I asked if I could try a VBAC. The doctor seemed surprised that I wanted to try but said I was a good candidate for it, since I was already in active labor and dilated 6cm. He was willing to give it a try and would be around all day. If I needed an emergency c-section he had plenty of doctors around who could do one. So off they wheeled me into a labor and delivery room.
We spent the next hours wondering what God was going to do. I kept saying I couldn’t believe this was happening, but I was worried that I was going to go through all of this only to end up in surgery. They broke my water. Later in the day they started me on pitocin. The doctor wanted my labor to continue progressing, but didn’t want me to labor too long in case of rupture. A little before 3 o’clock, I dilated to the full 10cm. Things moved pretty fast after that. We were told the doctor did a happy dance out at the nurses’ desk when he was told I was ready. Anna Grace was born at 3:39PM – a VBAC after two c-sections.
I am amazed that the Lord allowed me to have a VBAC. He lined up every detail, right down to the doctor and the later c-section date, so I didn’t have to have a c-section. It was one of those unexpected blessings, a sweet undeserved gift, an answer to Josh’s prayers when I chose not to pray about it.
We came home Sunday afternoon from the hospital. What a turn of events. I left Friday morning expecting to have a 3rd c-section, and the Lord gave us the unexpected blessing of having a VBAC. More on that in a later post.
My mom was with us until Wednesday morning and we were all blessed by her many acts of service in our home. We’re so thankful she was able to come and be a part of Anna Grace’s birth. She’s also great at taking pictures for us!
Monday morning Isaiah asked to hold Anna Grace. He was eager, but than got nervous. He seemed to be worried that Anna would hurt him. When I told him that Anna wouldn’t hurt anybody he replied: “Baby hurt Mommy!” He’s also very concerned about Anna’s umbilical cord. Whenever I change her diaper her insists that I button her up so it’s covered. Yesterday Isaiah held Little Sister and seemed to enjoy it.
Becca continues to love having a little sister. She likes to hold her several times a day and is a good older sister to her.