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Cookies & Ducks


DSC_6013 DSC_6014A week after Anna was born, Becca began looking through her special cookie cookbook to decide what kind of cookies she wanted to make. Then, the week Isaiah and I had made chocolate chip cookies together, Becca decided it was her turn. To my surprise she picked Butter Cookies with Raspberries. She was pretty insistent that we were going to make these cookies. . . . Wow, they are sure good!

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DSC_6045 DSC_6053Monday we took a picnic to the park across the street. The main highlight for Isaiah was feeding the ducks. Becca was thrilled to ride her bike around the pond. When we were over halfway around the pond, Becca decided to get off her bike to look at a light pole.  Josh and I watched as her bike headed toward the pond and splashed in. You should have heard Becca scream. All ended well: bike was rescued, though we still need to wipe the algae off.

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Happy 3-Week Birthday, Anna Grace


DSC_6007 DSC_6008Hard to believe this sweet girl is 3 weeks old already. She had her first cranky day on Thursday, but I attribute that to her being nervous about her daddy’s ordination exam that evening. Once he passed she was content.


DSC_6005 DSC_6006After a week of crankiness, due to molars and ear pain, Isaiah is back to his normal happy self. He really wanted to hold “baby sister” the other day. He especially wanted to hold her when Becca asked for her turn!


DSC_6030 DSC_6035Anna celebrated her 3-week birthday by meeting her Great Grandma Martin. Grandma Jensen and Great Grandma Martin came up for the morning and lunch. We all enjoyed visiting with them.


Easter 2014


DSC_5841 DSC_5838We celebrated Easter in stages. . .the last stage being an attempt to get a family picture a few days after Easter (above). The Saturday before Easter we had the Erkens cousins over to decorate eggs. It was a rainy day, but all the kids had fun decorating and finding the eggs around the house. Easter Sunday after church we went down to Greenville to have dinner with Josh’s parents and the Erkens.


A few other pictures of the kids below. Becca and Anna have matching dresses: I found a Dollie & Me set 70% off and thought the dresses would work for a picture. Becca couldn’t wait to have Anna’s dress for her doll.

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VBAC – Unexpected answer to a prayer I refused to pray…


IMG_9191 IMG_9189l wouldn’t pray about it. When Josh would pray each night that God would allow Anna to be born by VBAC I would think, why pray for something when you already know that God’s answer will be no? All through Isaiah’s pregnancy I had prayed that the Lord would allow be to have a VBAC. And He said no. A VBAC after two c-sections is rare. I don’t like being told no, so I didn’t ask.

IMG_9187 IMG_9150At the beginning of Anna’s pregnancy I met with a doctor who has done VBACs after two c-sections. I went to find out if it was a possibility for me. He came into the room rather abruptly and told me I was not a good candidate for a VBAC. I’d never gone into labor on my own. For a VBAC to even be considered I would have to go into labor on my own before my due date (something I’d never done before) and be far enough along that the doctors would consider a VBAC. Furthermore there were only two doctors within the hospital system that had ever done VBACs after two c-sections, so they would have to be the ones “on duty.” All the other doctors would do a repeat c-section no matter how far along the labor process was. Oh, and I was told to not labor at home since I could end up with a dead baby. In other words, the answer was no, and for the next several appointments I was told the same thing. I was ok with that. I had wanted to know if it was a possibility and now I knew that, unless God worked in several specific ways, Anna would be a third c-section. That was fine. We thank God for c-sections, for what modern medicine can do, for the way a c-section saved Becca’s life, and for God’s hand over all our pregnancies. Anna’s c-section was scheduled for April 11th – 9AM. I’ll mention here that the doctor let me choose any date between April 7th and 11th for the c-section. I chose the 11th since it was a Friday and would be easier for my mom to come. At my next few appointments the other doctors questioned to wisdom of waiting so close to my due date (April 13th) to have my c-section. They were worried that I would go into labor and have to have an emergency c-section. I kept going by what the original doctor said and the fact that my mom’s plane tickets had already been purchased.


IMG_9138 IMG_9136Tuesday night before Anna’s scheduled c-section I started having contractions. They seemed more than my normal nightly Braxton Hicks. The next morning at my scheduled doctor’s appointment there was discussion about keeping me at the hospital, but I was only dilated at 1cm and they let me go home. I took it easy on Wednesday. Wednesday evening the contractions continued and I didn’t get much sleep. Thursday we had our last family of 4 outing to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. (This was actually our first ever outing to Krispy Kreme, but not our first family of 4 outing!) The kids enjoyed seeing the doughnuts being made.

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DSC_5451 DSC_5454-001Thursday night the contractions continued and grew. I didn’t sleep much. I didn’t bother timing. I didn’t want to go into the hospital early just to have them do surgery. We could wait until morning. Sometime during the night I went and slept on the couch. It was a little easier to adjust my position. Around 4:30 Isaiah woke up and wasn’t going back to bed, so I had him on the couch with me and tried reading him books, though every so often I would stop and work through a contraction. I felt it was unfair that I had to endure contraction pain only to go have a c-section.

DSC_5459-001DSC_5461Friday at 6:50AM we left for my c-section. As they were starting to prep me for surgery they decided since I seemed to be having contractions in regular intervals they would check me – and I was dilated 6cm. The doctor came in. It happened that the exact doctor I had initially met with — the one who has done VBACs after two c-sections — was on delivery duty that day. He came in and asked me about my first c-section and started talking about how this was my chance to try a VBAC. I realized he didn’t know that I’d already had two c-sections. I was tempted to keep my mouth shut, but when I mentioned I had already had 2 c-sections he quickly changed his tune and told the nurse and resident to continue preparing for the surgery.

DSC_5826DSC_5824I didn’t want to ask. I had hardly slept the past two nights. I’d been in pain – contracting for no purpose but to have a c-section. I was ready to get it over with. But I thought about how my dear husband had faithfully prayed for a VBAC. I had to ask for his sake. . . . So I asked if I could try a VBAC. The doctor seemed surprised that I wanted to try but said I was a good candidate for it, since I was already in active labor and dilated 6cm. He was willing to give it a try and would be around all day. If I needed an emergency c-section he had plenty of doctors around who could do one. So off they wheeled me into a labor and delivery room.

DSC_5668We spent the next hours wondering what God was going to do. I kept saying I couldn’t believe this was happening, but I was worried that I was going to go through all of this only to end up in surgery. They broke my water. Later in the day they started me on pitocin. The doctor wanted my labor to continue progressing, but didn’t want me to labor too long in case of rupture. A little before 3 o’clock, I dilated to the full 10cm. Things moved pretty fast after that. We were told the doctor did a happy dance out at the nurses’ desk when he was told I was ready. Anna Grace was born at 3:39PM – a VBAC after two c-sections.

DSC_5822DSC_5669I am amazed that the Lord allowed me to have a VBAC. He lined up every detail, right down to the doctor and the later c-section date, so I didn’t have to have a c-section. It was one of those unexpected blessings, a sweet undeserved gift, an answer to Josh’s prayers when I chose not to pray about it.


Family of Five


DSC_5747IMG_9086 IMG_9096We came home Sunday afternoon from the hospital. What a turn of events. I left Friday morning expecting to have a 3rd c-section, and the Lord gave us the unexpected blessing of having a VBAC. More on that in a later post.

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DSC_5679 IMG_9161My mom was with us until Wednesday morning and we were all blessed by her many acts of service in our home. We’re so thankful she was able to come and be a part of Anna Grace’s birth. She’s also great at taking pictures for us!

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DSC_5681 DSC_5684Monday morning Isaiah asked to hold Anna Grace. He was eager, but than got nervous. He seemed to be worried that Anna would hurt him. When I told him that Anna wouldn’t hurt anybody he replied: “Baby hurt Mommy!” He’s also very concerned about Anna’s umbilical cord. Whenever I change her diaper her insists that I button her up so it’s covered. Yesterday Isaiah held Little Sister and seemed to enjoy it.

DSC_5672DSC_5718 DSC_5705Becca continues to love having a little sister. She likes to hold her several times a day and is a good older sister to her.



Introducing Anna (rhymes with Donna) Grace



Anna Grace Jensen

DSC_5475 DSC_5525April 11, 2014, at 3:39 PM

7 lbs. 5 oz.

21.25 in. long

13.5 in. head circumference

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Meeting Big Sister (Becca is thrilled to have the little sister she’s been asking God for):

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Meeting Big Brother (Isaiah was a little nervous at first. Once he got snacks and Anna gave him Donald Duck, Isaiah was willing to touch her! His first comment was “baby hurt me”):

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Meeting Grandparents:

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Packing & Preparing to Unpack a Bundle of Joy

DSC_5449DSC_5437DSC_5442Last Thursday we drove back from a week in PA at one of our supporting churches’ mission conference. We had a great time getting to know the church members. A special treat was being there with Naomi Glock. During the summer of 1999 I spent a month with Aunt Na in Suriname helping her with an OT Bible Stories project for the Saramaccan people. It was great to catch up with her.

DSC_5439 DSC_5440The morning after we arrived home we took our stuff to be loaded in a container headed for Cambodia. Some other missionaries, the Hancocks, had extra space so we were able to pack up our books, kitchenwares, and other stuff to send over. Yesterday the container was officially loaded, and it left. So glad to be done with that packing process.

DSC_5448 DSC_5447Little Sister is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning. It’s been a little hectic with traveling, packing for Cambodia, and getting ready for Little Sister, but we’re all excited and looking forward to unpacking this precious bundle of joy!

Happy Birthday Josh!

DSC_5433Happy 33rd Birthday to my wonderful husband! You’ve had a full 33rd year: finishing your Ph.D, moving to SC, starting deputation, traveling every weekend to present our work for 8 months, completing deputation, buying our plane tickets to move to Cambodia. . .to name a few major  events. All the while you were a fun, loving Daddy and a wonderful, caring husband. Happy Birthday my love! Looking forward to lots of exciting events during your 34th year!

98 Days Until We Leave for Cambodia!

DSC_5162The clock is now ticking! 98 days until we fly to Cambodia. We are rejoicing in the Lord’s provision of our support and continue to thank Him for answering so many prayers since we started deputation. Last Sunday was the last time we presented out ministry at a new church. This week we head to participate in the Mission Festival at one of our supporting churches. After that we will revisit a few of our other partnering churches in May and early June, then spend the remaining Sundays at our home church.

DSC_5414 DSC_5416Little Sister’s arrival is almost 2 weeks away: 15 days! Tuesday morning Becca and I went on a Becca-Mommy date which started with Becca coming to my ultrasound. All is well with Little Sister — she’s currently 6lbs and 5oz.


DSC_5405 DSC_5401Last week we had two of Josh’s former elementary teachers over: Mrs. Whitaker (1st grade) and Mr. Whitaker (6th grade).


DSC_5396 DSC_5427Two weekends ago we were at Bethany Baptist Church and spent a few days at Uncle Rick and Aunt Kathy’s rental home. It was nice to be somewhere where I couldn’t “do” anything.


DSC_5420 DSC_5421Yesterday we nearly finished packing up our tubs/boxes to be sent in a container that some other missionaries are using to send their belongings to Cambodia. We have to have these things to the container packing place the morning after we arrive home from PA. Exciting times!


Return from CO

DSC_5245DSC_5358 DSC_5354While in CO, we participated in a missions conference at Red Rocks Baptist Church. We enjoyed the hospitality of Carol Roland and got to spend some time with our future field director, JD Crowley. JD was the featured speaker at the missions conference. “Uncle” JD made Becca’s day by bringing her a roll of pink toilet paper from Cambodia.

DSC_5266DSC_5366 DSC_5265Thursday, March 6, we drove from Denver, CO, to Waverly, KS, where we visited with the Williams family. Darin and Nancy were very kind to let us stay with them, as the older Williams family were unable to house us due to a shoulder injury.


DSC_5376 DSC_5372Friday, March 7, we drove from Waverly, KS, to Danville, IN. There we visited with the Pringle family. It was neat to visit Rebekah’s home and spend some time with her and her family. Becca loved playing with Auntie Suzie and sobbed when we had to leave.

DSC_5370DSC_5383Saturday, March 8, we took a short drive (3 hours) to Nicholasville, KY, where we met the Raslau family. We enjoyed our time with this couple and are very blessed to have their friendship.

We arrived home around 9 on Sunday night. (With time zone changes and the start of Daylight Saving Time, our internal clocks were about 4 hours behind.) We’re grateful to the many who were so hospitable to our family as we made this trip – and we were glad to be home for a few days!

The Children’s Museum in Denver

DSC_5342DSC_5292DSC_5294While in Colorado the church we were at treated us to visit to The Children’s Museum in Denver. We all enjoyed the our afternoon out.

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DSC_5309 DSC_5311Becca enjoyed being inside a bubble. Isaiah enjoyed popping bubbles. The safety glasses were a hit.

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DSC_5335 DSC_5336Becca was quite serious about her veterinarian work. I took Isaiah back to the ball room and came back to find Becca giving Josh all the animal vaccinations!

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Trip to the Midwest (SC to CO)


A brief and perhaps boring recounting of our trip  and the people we were with. In short, we traveled to CO through AL, MS, and TX and visited with many friends along the way.

DSC_4692 DSC_4690Returning late Monday (2/10) afternoon from our Georgia trip, we were told by Josh’s parents of wintery weather headed straight for us. After I went to my Tuesday morning doctor’s appointment and sonogram, we decided to leave that afternoon instead of Wednesday morning. It was a fast turn around as we quickly repacked for a month trip out west. The Hancock family graciously offered to open their home to us in Birmingham, AL. We were able to drive to AL on Tuesday and spend the night there, while the storm passed over during the night.


DSC_4698 DSC_4707Wednesday morning (2/12) we drove to Greenville, Mississippi, to visit with the Parkerson Family and have our teeth cleaned. Dr. Parkerson let us stay with them from Wednesday to Friday and took care of all our teeth. It was Becca’s first time to the dentist.

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DSC_4735 DSC_4733Friday (2/14) we drove to Houston, TX, to be with North Houston Baptist Church. We visited this church last last May and thoroughly enjoyed being with the Brays and their church family (both times!). Becca was DELIGHTED to be back with her friend Charis.

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IMG_6720DSC_4749Monday (2/17) we drove to the DFW area. We first stopped to spend the afternoon with Steven, Kristen, and Claire Ryland. Kristen had prepared Valentine cookies for the kids to decorate. It was great to visit with the Ryland family and meet Claire for the first time. That evening we drove to Alvarado, TX, where Micah and Anna Martin let us stay in their new home for the week (they had moved just 2 days before).

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DSC_4772 DSC_4774Tuesday (2/18) we had lunch with Leon and Nick Kahler and were able to see Aunt Rita Watson. We had dinner that evening with the Zollingers. Michael Zollinger used to work in AWANA at Hampton Park, and he was Josh’s worker to recited verses to.

Wednesday (2/19) we took the day off and went to the zoo. (See previous blog post.)

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DSC_4911 DSC_4916Thursday (2/20) we had dinner with Kathy, one of Becca’s main NICU nurses. We’ve enjoyed keeping up with Kathy since Becca left the NICU and are very grateful for the good care Becca received from Kathy when she was in the NICU. Isaiah LOVED the chocolate covered strawberries.

Friday (2/21) we had lunch with Kent and Alda Walton (no pictures). We spent the evening with Micah, Anna, and Adam Martin.

DSC_5136 DSC_5131Saturday morning (2/23) I joined Anna at a ladies’ meeting set up for younger mothers to be encouraged by older women. I really enjoyed being with the ladies and received several good ideas for future use. Saturday afternoon and evening we had a lovely visit with the Countryman family.


DSC_5146 DSC_5140Sunday (2/24) we were at Arlington Presbyterian Church. It was so good to be with our church family. Even though we attended for less than a year, it felt like being home. In the evening we had dinner with the Bennet family, a family from APC. Sunday night we moved into the Gamblins’ home so we could be in the Arlington area for a few days.


DSC_5150 DSC_5147Monday (2/25) I had an appointment with Dr. Moseley to check on Little Sister. We then went to lunch with Parke and Lynnelle Brown. We had dinner that evening with Gary and Karen Isham.

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DSC_5165 DSC_5203Tuesday (2/26) we had lunch with the Crook family – I taught Cayti Crook piano and voice lessons when we lived in Arlington. We had dinner with Steve and Kelly Walter.

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DSC_5208 DSC_5219Wednesday (2/27) we had lunch with Pastor Wes and Kathy O’Niel from APC (no picture). Then we said goodbye to the Gamblins and made our way to Keller, TX, to have a New Life Bible Church reunion at the Woods’ home. It was good to get together with so many TX friends. Wednesday evening we stayed with the Ishams.

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DSC_5243 DSC_5234Thursday (2/28) we left the DFW area and started our trip to CO. We drove to Lubbock, TX, and stayed with the Siu family. Lap (who is Jarai from Vietnam) was a great help to Josh with his Jarai research and became a good friend. It was good to visit with their family.


Friday (2/29) we drove to a suburb of Denver. We saw a lot of interesting countryside during our drive. Saturday through Wednesday we participated in a missions conferences at Red Rocks Baptist Church.

Today we start out trip back to SC.

Little Sister Update

DSC_4714DSC_4713DSC_4807Currently Little Sister is 32.5 weeks, and yes, people are always telling me I don’t look big enough to be due in less than 2 months. We’re thanking God for a smooth pregnancy. I’ve had several extra ultrasounds to check on Little Sister’s fluid (because of Becca’s complications). I have an anterior placenta, but it hasn’t kept me from feeling movement – this girl is a mover. I did fail my first glucose test and am very thankful to have passed the 3-hour test. Two weeks ago Little Sister weighed 3.5 lbs (according to the sono measurements). We’re looking forward to meeting Little Sister – it’s coming up fast!

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DSC_4778YDSC_4788esterday we spent the day at the Fort Worth Zoo with Anna and Adam Martin. The kids loved being back at the zoo and were very excited to ride the train. Three other highlights were feeding the birds, seeing the lions, and seeing the zebras.

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Georgia Trip

DSC_4653DSC_4642 DSC_4637Last week we had a 6-day trip to Georgia. We started on Wednesday with an afternoon visit with cousin Mike West and family and then went to their Wednesday evening service to present our ministry. After the service we drove to Josh’s Grandma Martin’s home in Marietta, GA. We spent Wednesday evening through Saturday afternoon with Grandma Martin. Thursday morning Josh presented at Grandma’s once-a-month church 10:10 (seniors’) get-together. Friday evening we had a get-together with extended family in the Atlanta area to share what we’re planning to do in Cambodia.

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DSC_4684DSC_4681Saturday afternoon we headed to Macon, GA, and stayed with the Gottwals family. The Gottwals own several used bookstores and we took 4 boxes of books to trade with them. They were very generous in their trading and with the gift card they gave to us. We got lots of books for the kids, and they have been very helpful during this week’s travels! We enjoyed staying with Shane and Abbey – they were delightful hostesses and treated us royally. Shane was glad to finally meet his twin.

Becca & Isaiah

DSC_4631DSC_4597 DSC_4606Over the past several weeks, both Becca and Isaiah have graduated to a new level of big sister/little brother playing. Becca has become more deliberate in playing with Isaiah and making up activities for him to be involved in. Isaiah loves playing with and following Becca. When the house becomes quiet, I know they are up to something. Just the other day I was starting to wonder where they were when I heard Becca say, “Isaiah, this is great fun!” They were enjoying the lavender hand sanitizer and were decorating each other with it.

DSC_4601DSC_4611 DSC_4623Becca is 31.5 lbs (18.7th percentile for her age) and is 3 ft & 3 in tall (29.7th percentile for her age). She loves books: being read to as well as reading to herself. Going to the library is a highlight. We’ll miss public libraries when we move to Cambodia. Becca has a vivid imagination and is a great storyteller.  Her current  favorite story is The Christmas Carol. She regularly acts out the Bob Cratchit family and pretends she is Scrooge. Becca is very excited about having a little sister and thanks God during every prayer for saying yes to her request. She is now praying for a little brother for Isaiah. We have been encouraged with Becca’s growth in willingness to ask Jesus for help when she’s having trouble, and we continue to see her grow in her understanding of the Gospel.

DSC_4626 DSC_4617Isaiah is 24 lbs (15th percentile for his age) and is 2 ft & 7.6 in tall (11th percentile for his age). He is a bundle of fun and always on the move. He seems to endear himself to everyone wherever we travel. He has followed in the families’ footsteps in loving books and in Becca’s love for Scrooge. Isaiah has a growing vocabulary and is starting to have two syllable words. He also has many different intonations: he has a very cute way of saying no and mine and a very monster-like way of saying the same words.

Home for Over a Week

DSC_4568DSC_4565 DSC_4564This past weekend our service was only an hour’s drive away, in Anderson, which meant we get to be in our own home for over a week. This month has been very busy with traveling up north, appointments when we’re home, and visiting with friends and family. Tuesday was the first day we planned nothing to do, and I told Becca it could be a complete Mommy and kiddos play day with no errands, extra projects, visiting, or visitors. We started out the day by making oatmeal cookies and then eating them fresh out of the oven while reading books. (Isaiah was especially excited about making cookies – he went right over to the mixer when he heard the phrase making cookies.)

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DSC_4585 DSC_4577Last week we celebrated Amaris’ 4th birthday party. We had to miss her birthday the previous week due to sickness, but we were glad we could go another night to celebrate. Becca enjoyed dressing up like a princess. We had the Wynns over for dinner the next evening. Both Mr. & Mrs. Wynn were Josh’s teachers at Hampton Park and we enjoyed our evening together.

More Friends & Family Visiting

DSC_4561DSC_4546 DSC_4537We’ve enjoyed more visiting with friends and family on our travels. This week, while at home, we had dinner with Mrs. Burch. Mrs. Burch fed me countless Sunday meals when I was in grad school, and I/we value her friendship and prayers for us. I’ll add that she wins first prize for cooking a meal that the kids loved. I don’t think they’ve ever eaten so much at someone else’s house.

DSC_4556 DSC_4544While driving from NY to PA visited with my older brother and his family who have recently moved to Goshen, NY, to take a senior pastor position. Sam and Ashley are expecting a little boy in March. Becca enjoyed playing with Colette.

DSC_4535While driving from PA to NY we visited with the Cassel family. Rachel and I have been friends since high school and were roommates during my sophomore year. Josh and Rachel were in the same choir at BJ. We enjoyed meeting Rachel’s husband Rob and their two little girls, Carmondy & Rosamond.