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Our Christmas 2013

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DSC_4298DSC_4299Christmas morning we started with breakfast. Becca was especially pleased with the surprise cinnamon rolls for Daddy. The morning before, Becca had climbed into our bed and said she was excited about Christmas Day. When I asked her why she said, “because we don’t have to have oatmeal for breakfast!” After breakfast Josh read the Christmas story.

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DSC_4289DSC_4359Everyone enjoyed opening gifts. Isaiah just loves opening presents. We got him juice boxes and fruit snacks and wrapped them individually, so he had lots of presents to open. Becca went shopping with Josh for me and with me for Josh. She was excited about the gifts she was getting everyone. She was especially excited about the gift she picked out all by herself for me. So excited she had me open it Christmas Eve. It was neat to see Becca have joy giving gifts to others. A special present for the kids this year was blocks Josh made for them, with help from his dad.

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DSC_4382DSC_4386After the kids had some time to play, we headed to Dad and Mom Jensens’ for lunch and fellowship with the whole family.

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DSC_4313DSC_4394We ended our day at home with a Christmas candle-light dinner. We often eat by candle light and Becca thought it was fun to have a Christmas candle-light dinner. After putting the kids to bed we packed and got ready for our trip to PA.

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DSC_4262DSC_4269An extra note: we enjoyed visiting with some friends during the Christmas season, including some time with the Hess family the Thursday before Christmas, and later that day, dinner with the Wynn family.

Merry Christmas!

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DSC_4043DSC_4089Not counting the Christmas when Becca was in the NICU, this was our first Christmas to be in our own place Christmas morning. Becca was really excited about having “real Christmas” at home. Back in the first week of December, we enjoyed decorating our tree (on loan from the Casillas family).

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DSC_4070DSC_4030We spent Christmas afternoon with Josh’s family. Today we head up to PA for Christmas with the Sutter side and more partnership development services. (Pictures from Christmas will come next week.)

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IMG_4398 (1024x675)IMG_4407 (1024x731)The Saturday before Christmas, we went down to Florence, SC, where Josh’s sister lives and celebrated Christmas with the whole Ken Jensen Family. First time for all to be together for Christmas in a very long time.

1st Haircut & Matching Pj’s & Christmas Prep

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DSC_4139DSC_4140Friday the 6th, I gave Isaiah his first haircut. He did great sitting for it. . .thanks to three Disney Silly Symphonies. When we were finished I took Isaiah in to see Josh. Isaiah was all smiles until Josh was sad that Isaiah’s curls were gone – then Isaiah’s face fell. As soon as Josh told him how nice his hair looked, Isaiah was happy again!

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DSC_4053DSC_4077One thing Becca wanted this year was to have matching Christmas pj’s with Mommy. It took quite awhile to find them, but we finally found some girls size 14 pj’s for me to wear that matched 3T. Becca is delighted!


DSC_4187DSC_4182Last week we went to Spartanburg’s Christmas Parade. It was very cold and we also noticed Isaiah was a bit droopy (except when he saw dogs). The next day Isaiah started a 5-day nasty cold. We’re thankful he’s feeling better and back to his normal happy self!


DSC_4192DSC_4188Monday Becca and I finished our shopping for our boys. Becca did a great job wrapping and writing the names on the gifts. The gifts are now all wrapped and our stockings stuffed.

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DSC_4203DSC_4222Tuesday Becca worked on her gingerbread house. After eating some of the candy she said, “This is my delighted!”

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DSC_4247DSC_4248Wednesday we made a star for our tree and did some more cookie baking.


New York Snow & SC Christmas Cookies

DSC_3914DSC_3939 DSC_3934While in Buffalo and Syracuse, we enjoyed our first good snow of the season. It started snowing on Becca’s birthday (which we decided was a birthday gift from God). Wednesday we went outside and played in the snow for about 45 minutes. Becca especially loved eating the snow. Isaiah loved holding snowballs. (Literally — he just sat there, holding snowballs.)

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DSC_3978 DSC_3976In Syracuse, Becca got to shovel Great Grandma’s driveway and then had her first official sled ride (official meaning a real sled and not a TX laundry basket). We walked to a park with a great hill for sledding. We enjoyed some great slides down the hill. I was surprised when Becca said she was willing to climb to the top of the hill by herself. Then she decided to try going down by herself and ended up doing so several times. I was so proud of her. (I think reading the Frog & Toad story about sledding helped.)

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DSC_4146DSC_4148Saturday was our first Saturday home since September 21st (and our last for the rest of the year). It was really nice to have a whole Saturday home to do Christmas stuff with the kids. Josh was away the whole day, but the kids and I made Christmas cookies. I knew Becca would enjoy it. . . . I was delighted with how much Isaiah loved it.

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DSC_4169DSC_4165After lunch we decorated the cookies. It took quite a while and we have some sprinkle-filled cookies, but all enjoyed the process! And we’re all enjoying eating our tasty cookies!

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A Visit to PA and NY

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DSC_3880 DSC_3857Tuesday we returned from a 12-day trip to PA and NY. Both weekends were spent presenting our work in churches in PA. In between we visited with some friends and family. We started out our trip staying with Jonathan & Heather Overstreet and their five little girls. Becca especially enjoyed having so many sisters for our 4 days there. We enjoyed spending time with Jonathan and Heather and being with their family.

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DSC_3902DSC_3898After our time in Pittsburgh, we drove to Buffalo, NY, to visit with Steve & Lish Simpson and their two girls from Monday to Thursday. We visited an arboretum on Becca’s birthday and made panda cupcakes. The next day we enjoyed snow (more snow pictures next week). We enjoyed visiting with Steve & Lish – Josh catching up with Steve and me getting to know Lish and the girls.

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DSC_3974DSC_4006Thanksgiving day with drove to Syracuse, NY, to spend two days with my Grandma Buecher. Grandma made us a lovely Thanksgiving dinner. Friday morning we went sledding and Friday evening we went to a famous hotdog place and enjoyed Lights on the Lake. Saturday we headed to stay with my parents while we presented at a church about 45 minutes away. Sunday evening we helped decorate my parents’ Christmas tree.


Happy 18 Months, Isaiah!


DSC_3240DSC_3236Happy 18-month birthday to Sai-Zai! Our little man is growing up in so many ways. Isaiah’s a little climber now. The other week I found him standing over Josh’s dinner plate with a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, ready to chow down. Actually, he was standing there waiting for Mommy to notice him. He’s quite the little tease.

DSC_3713DSC_3381Isaiah is bursting with words for: hot, hat, chair, cracker, snack, Mama, Dada, Baba (Becca), truck, car, grape, help (which comes out more like haaaa), bye-bye, pumpkin, ball, bath, potty, nose, eyes, sit, tree, pencil, color, chair, knock-knock, night-night, thank you, and hi, among some others.

Sai-Zai continues to be a very happy boy who loves living life. He loves copying his big sister and enjoys teasing her. We’re so thankful to have Isaiah as our little boy.

We’re Thankful for a New Baby. . .

DSC_3681DSC_3219DSC_3222Happy Thanksgiving from the Jensen 5. This year we’re very thankful for the new little girl we get to meet in April. Becca is especially thankful for the little sister God is giving her after her many months praying. She nows reminds us to thank God for her little sister each time we pray.


DSC_3684DSC_3690This year we have many other things to thank God for: (to name a few) Josh’s successful completion of his Ph.D., our survey trip to Cambodia, our smooth move to SC, the many churches that have been open to hearing our ministry plans, safety as we’ve traveled thousands of miles for partnership development, health, Becca’s good health report (no more MRI’s), and much more. I am especially thankful for the husband God has blessed me with, and Becca, and Isaiah. My family is a precious gift from God. Happy Thanksgiving – next year in Cambodia!!



Happy 4th Birthday, Becca Grace!

ICU 11-27-20091DSC_3793DSC_3789We are delighted to celebrate Becca’s 4th birthday. We continue to thank God for bringing her through her early birth and allowing her to be cancer-free. We’ve seen so much growth in our dear daughter over the past year. (I hope to write more on Becca’s growth this past year, but presently my schedule is tight – maybe next week.)

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DSC_3564DSC_3581With traveling, we had Becca’s birthday meal and celebration a few days before her actual birthday. Her yearly panda cake is really important to her. So important that when Grammy S had a little party for Becca last week, Becca started crying that it couldn’t be her party because it wasn’t her panda cake. I quickly assured her that she could have multiple parties. And she did have multiple celebrations. The Rodriguez family brought Becca a cake and Grandma J came for a birthday breakfast.

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DSC_3828DSC_3833Becca asked for a family party with chicken, rice, carrot soup for dinner. What she was really excited about was finding out the gender of our new baby (see video). I think this was the highlight of her gifts. She was so excited to find out she’s getting a baby sister. Becca has faithfully – very faithfully – prayed for a little sister since July 2012. Almost every time we pray she adds on a request for a little sister. I cannot express how thrilled she was to open the envelope and see that the heart was pink.

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It’s a . . .

Yesterday Amy had the sono that showed the gender (yes, we’re having a new baby, due April 13). We didn’t tell Becca right away. Instead, Amy told her we would write it on a piece of paper and let her open the paper at her birthday party tonight: blue for boy, pink for girl. Here’s the video:

(Her birthday isn’t till Nov 26, but we celebrated tonight since we leave tomorrow morning for week-and-a-half-long trip.)

Angel Tree & Flowers Family

DSC_3524DSC_3461DSC_3553Early this month we visited with James and Deb Flowers and their two children Annabelle (3) and Nathaniel (3 months). Deb and I met my junior year at BJ and have been friends since. It was neat to meet both kids and see Deb in her role as mommy. Becca had a good time playing with Annabelle.

DSC_3541DSC_3518DSC_3535While in Charleston we went to see the Angel Oak Tree.Both kids enjoyed walking around the huge tree. I was wishing we could climb it.

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Aquarium – Wilmington, NC


DSC_3432DSC_3426The weekend we were in Wilimington, NC, for a missions conference, a family from the church took us to an aquarium. The highlight of the aquarium was divers in the huge tank. They played with Becca for a long time, and she loved it. Isaiah was a bit nervous about the divers, but he was willing to stand back a ways and play peek-a-boo with them.

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DSC_3397DSC_3422So far our partnership development travels have gone well. We have been in a different church every Sunday since the middle of August and will continue to have a full schedule until we take two weekends off for Christmas. We start back the first Sunday of January with a full schedule until spring. We continue to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and protection as we’ve traveled. Currently we have 67% of our needed support. Please pray with us that the Lord will provide all our support by the spring so we can head to Cambodia in the summer (June, July, or August).

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A day in late October. . .

DSC_3352DSC_3247DSC_3248We took a “quick” detour to show Becca and Isaiah the ocean when we were in Charleston. It’s hard to keep little ones out of the water, so it wasn’t as quick as we expected.

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DSC_3290DSC_3303Isaiah wasn’t sure about the waves but enjoyed playing in the sand while Becca and Josh braved the waves.

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DSC_3368DSC_3374The kids finished our visit by rolling in the dry sand in their soaked clothes, while I sat pondering how we were going to transition to the car.

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Becca Health Update

DSC_2861DSC_2874DSC_2857Last week Becca had her 4th post-surgery MRI. We were thankful that Becca continues to be tumor free. We were also thrilled to find out that Becca will no longer need MRI’s. Her doctor plans to check on her every 3 months and do an ultrasound in 6 months. He said (as long as things remain clear) that when we leave for Cambodia, Becca will be officially finished with her post-tumor check-ups. We are so thankful that the Lord has chosen to work this way – thrilled that Becca does not have to go through any more MRI’s or bloodwork.

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DSC_2838DSC_2841On a recent trip to PA, I was able to pull out some of my dolls and let Becca play with them. It was so fun to share them with our daughter. We rejoice for God’s protection in Becca’s life and look forward to what he has in store for her.

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Pumpkin Farm & Corn Maze, Etc!

DSC_3089DSC_2949DSC_2909Last Saturday we went to a pumpkin farm near my parents’ house in PA. It was the perfect fall outing and we all loved it. (And it was a real deal – kids were free, adults were $5 – all activities included.) A big hit was the hay bale maze.

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DSC_2993DSC_3024The kids enjoyed watching the tractor pull our hayride.

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IMG_5808IMG_5806We were glad to keep our annual corn maze tradition. . . even though we weren’t in TX. Becca really enjoyed figuring out the maze for us.

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DSC_3195DSC_3189The Corn Box was really cool. (I just found some leftover corn in my shoes!)

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DSC_3084DSC_3070We spent some time playing in the pumpkin field. It was a great day to spend time with the family and enjoy the fall weather.

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Friends on the Road. . .


DSC_2754DSC_2664While traveling for Partnership Development, we’ve enjoyed spending time with family and friends, as well as making new friends. We have been blessed by the hospitality of many people and are so thankful for their kindness to us.

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DSC_2701DSC_2720Last week we went to the National Children’s Museum. Both kids enjoyed spend time there – Isaiah loved driving a Tuk Tuk. We figured he’ll fit right in in Cambodia.

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DSC_2674DSC_2667The week before we visited by brother’s girlfriend at Georgetown University. Both kids enjoyed running around the campus.

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Miscarriage: what if it happens again? (It did.)

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Miscarriage: what if it happens again? This question haunted me after I finished going through a two-and-a-half-month miscarriage. This question was something I felt I must settle before another pregnancy. If God allowed a second miscarriage how would I feel about Him? Would my faith be damaged? Would I become angry with God?

I felt like I’d had my token miscarriage. I’d joined many many other women in the world who have miscarried their little ones. But a second miscarriage . . . .

I watched David Powlison’s response to the question, How do I think rightly about recurrent miscarriages?, finding nothing he said to be new. These were all things I knew already. But would I choose to believe them? This is the battle I fought. If in the future God allowed a second miscarriage, or even multiple miscarriages, would I choose to believe or disbelieve?

For me, getting pregnant after a miscarriage has always been nerve-wracking. I feel like the possibility of another miscarriage steals the joy of knowing a new life is (or may be) growing inside me. With Isaiah’s pregnancy I always spoke tentatively to Josh about “the baby.” I delayed taking a pregnancy test – better to miscarry before knowing for sure I’m pregnant. You might read this and laugh at my silly fears; in that case you’ve probably never had a miscarriage. Miscarriage brings a whole new set of fears into future pregnancies.

God is in control of all things and desires good for His people, but that doesn’t mean the good is going to be easy or painless. He doesn’t promise that a year later or even decades later the good will be evident. We live in a sin-cursed world, with pain and sorrow and suffering. This is not what God intended when He originally created the world – sin has made life hard. But someday Christ will make all things new and heal all broken hearts. We have the hope that someday when we see Jesus we will understand, and that will be enough.

It happened. A second miscarriage. Even though Isaiah’s pregnancy had been picture perfect I was still very tentative about our fourth child. I used the words maybe and if  when referring to the baby due December 10th. The day I actually started feeling confident about the baby was the day my miscarriage started. The timing was terrible: Josh’s Ph.D graduation weekend, Mother’s Day weekend, and moving weekend.

What I am about to write next is not an expression of faithlessness in God. My purpose is not to talk about the faithfulness and goodness of God. It is not meant to produce pity in readers. It is not something I particularly wish to discuss with those who have not experienced a miscarriage. I do not want replies or comments. I am writing this for the woman who will have a miscarriage in the future. I am writing this for the woman who has already had miscarriages. You are not alone. The questions, struggles, and feelings you battle with are not wrong, they are normal.

Here are some of my thoughts during and after miscarriage: Why does God allow a life to begin growing and the joy to start, only to take it away? Why do I have to deal with dreadful physical pain on top of the emotional pain? Why does God allow women to have multiple births out of wedlock and I have miscarriages? Am I not a good mommy? Have I not been faithful with the two children I have? Is this because of sin? Haven’t we been through enough for a while with Becca’s premature birth, a first miscarriage, and then Becca’s tumor?

The months go by and life has been busy. I often forget. And then I’ll see a friend updating her belly pictures on fb and remember that should be me. I’ll read something about how many weeks someone is and then remember that’s about where I would have been. I see pregnant women and think that should be me. I’m not bitter or jealous – I rejoice with the gifts God is giving these mothers. But, it’s a sad reminder of something I’ve lost.

I recently heard a song writer talk about how people don’t share their struggles with others. We talk about things that happened years ago, but we don’t like to talk about our struggles when we’re in the midst of them. I know why I don’t. I don’t want to hear someone try to empathize with me when they really don’t know how I feel. I don’t want someone to quote me the verses that I already know when all I want to do is just talk without getting a reply. I want to be happy and strong and in control. But I’m not. I struggle. I cry. I get angry. The reason I’m recording these thoughts is so maybe they can encourage someone who is going through the same thing. You might look at me and think she’s got it all together and has such cute kids too. But know that I have struggled with miscarriage. I have and am asking God those questions. I fear a third miscarriage. I weep for you. You’re not alone. You share a bond with millions of women who have lost children through miscarriages. May God give you grace and peace to bear the loss He has chosen for you and to come forth as gold.

Update By Isaiah. . .


DSC_2598DSC_2607Since my mommy is a wee bit behind and forgetful this week, I’m taking over today’s blog post to give an update on our travels. So far we’ve been in three different homes and everyone thinks I’m adorable. Partnership Development is really easy when you’re cute and most everyone wants to make you smile.

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DSC_2625DSC_2656This week we’re in the DC area, and Becca and I are delighted with the government shutdown. We’ve been saved from going to museums and monuments and instead get to go to parks . We did make it to the National Museum of the Marine Corps last Monday before the shutdown – the fishing was great. And Daddy even dressed up like a Union soldier, which is funny, because he’s from South Carolina. Well, I better crawl back in bed before I wake anyone else up – all is well and the food is good. ~Isaiah

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Off We Go. . .

DSC_2569DSC_2575DSC_2574Yesterday we headed out for a few weeks of traveling for deputation. During this trip we’ll be in NC, VA, & PA. We appreciate your prayers as we are traveling and the kids are facing a lot of “news.” Please also pray that the Lord would burden churches to partner with us in our ministry to Cambodia.


20 Braids

DSC_2538DSC_2542DSC_2546I usually ask her how many braids she wants each time I do her hair. Two weeks ago she asked for 20 braids. Becca sat very still for her braids and I’ve redone them once since the initial braiding. She’s had 20 braids for over 2 weeks and it’s going to be hard to convince her that she can’t have 20 braids all the time.

DSC_2544DSC_2545The other day we did an experiment with colors.

DSC_2535DSC_2537DSC_2015This week we move into our last home in the States (Lord willing!) before we head to Cambodia. We’ve been living in the Cleveland Park Bible Church parsonage. This week we’ve moved into their missionary cottage. We are so grateful for the housing they are providing us during our time of deputation.


Days of travel. . .

DSC_2293DSC_2284DSC_2318With all the traveling we’ve been doing we try to take some small breaks while on the road. Sometimes we just climb rocks, take pictures, and run around rest areas.

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DSC_2259DSC_2277Other times we stop and see some sights. Last month we visited Hershey’s Chocolate World. We rode Chocolate World’s free ride two times. Becca loved getting free chocolate at the end of the ride.

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