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Graduation 2023-2024

Last Friday we had our school graduation program.

Eighth Grade – Rebecca Grace Jensen

Sixth Grade – Isaiah Emil Jensen

Fourth Grade – Anna Grace Jensen

Second Grade – Clara Grace Jensen

Kindergarden – Ezra Emmett Jensen

Preschool – Micah Ebenezer Jensen

Our evening included a meal with hotdogs with mac& cheese. A program – with a piano recital and recitations by each of the kids. Everyone did so well. It was the first time Ezra had the courage to recite. Micah also did a great job. After the presentations we gave out certificates and diplomas, did sparklers outside, and ended with desserts while watching an end-of -the-year slideshow.


Micah – Poem1-2-3-4-5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive

Ezra – PoemThe Lizard – by John Gardner

Clara – PoemForeign Lands by Robert Lewis Stevenson

Anna – PoemThe Tyger by William Blake

Isaiah – PoemThe Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron

Becca – Recitation – “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.” by William Shakespeare

So proud of our students!

Happy 6-Months, Maria Grace!

What a personality change we see in Maria compared to her first few months. We can now say very confidently that she is a very happy girl. She loves interacting with her siblings. Ezra has a special talent at making Maria laugh. She loves laughing at her two very silly big brothers! (Maria is pictured above with my dress.)

Maria is now army crawling and makes it quite far – I’ve given up trying to keep her on a large mat. She has also started eating oatmeal (I grind the raw oats up), and we give her large carrots to gnaw on. (My milk supply dipped really low last month – probably from all the things I can’t eat! – but since then we solved the problem by buying beef which I eat twice a day (like taking medicine :-). Thankful for our little girl and all the joy she brings our family!

Re-entry Prep

A big part of getting ready to travel to American is trying to prepare ourselves for living with Americans who are not used to our ways. This is difficult when we don’t really know what people do in America (besides normal manners). I am often telling our kids, “I don’t know what people do in America anymore!” One of our kids is working on a family furlough handbook. There are a lot of family jokes in the book that wouldn’t make sense to anyone but us. Today I’m including the At Table section of the book.

At Table

A child should always sit up straight,

And never bang his spoon and plate,

And keep her head above the table,

At least as far as she is able.

Dinner is the best time to display your manners, consideration, and refinement. If you are rude, noisy, and cross, you will not be invited to any dinner parties, and you will have to stay home by yourself and eat burnt green soup.

  • Do not put your elbows on the table.
  • Do not lie on the table.
  • Do not squat in your chair.
  • Do not put your head under the table. Do not throw your food out the window.
  • Do not jump up and run to a private place every time you need to sneeze.
  • Do not put unwanted food on the table – just push it to the side of your bowl.
  • Do not throw food under the table unless you are eating over the ground.
  • Do not pull on the tablecloth.
  • Do not make a big fuss if you find a hair in your food – just quietly pull it out.
  • Do not throw food at your siblings.
  • Do not climb over the table to kiss people.
  • Do not fight when holding your sibling’s hand.
  • Do not force people to hold hands while praying if they don’t want to.

Our Kids

Seven kids, ages ranging from 5 months to 14 years. Different personalities. Different virtues. Different vices. All one family. We’re so thankful for our seven children and the ways we’re learning about the love of Jesus through parenting them. It’s fun and full of laughter. It’s exhausting and full of frustrations. It’s the work of planting and reaping. Thanks be to God. (Don’t let the picture deceive you – Micah is smaller than Ezra…it’s just the camera angle that makes him look bigger.)

Every morning at breakfast (oatmeal and eggs) I read one chapter of the Bible with the kids. We’re working through the Bible chronologically – today we read Jeremiah 46. This is our second time through the Bible…it takes a few years. I love learning as I’m reading and explaining.

Looking Ahead to an Exciting Year!

It’s the beginning of a new year, and we have much to be thankful in 2023 and much to look forward to. Within the first 8 months of this new year we will pack up our house (putting away all our belongings in containers to keep them safe from rats, water, mold, etc); pack bags for our family; fly to the US; visit with extended family, friends, and many churches; drive through over 15 States, pack up lots of boxes to fly back to Cambodia; and then fly home to Cambodia. It’s overwhelming to think about, and as much as we’ll enjoy seeing people, we’ll both be glad when we’re back home here in August. What other job requires people to uproot their family for 6+ months? This is a sacrifice we make and also a gift we get as we work as international missionaries. People often mention how nice it is for us to get such a long “vacation” and they don’t really understand. It’s not a vacation and it comes with joys and struggles. We are excited and we’re not. But in 8.5 months it will all be over, and we’ll be enjoying all the good memories we’ve made as a family and with others. There’s no place like home...and home for us is Cambodia. So thankful God has planted our hearts here.

This week we’re continuing Christmas celebrations with nightly singing. I guess we’re now celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas! Josh and I are trying to take more pictures of ourselves together. Each morning we get up and drink coffee and pray together. We now have two rocking chairs, received from long-time missionaries in Cambodia who no longer need them – one from the Crowleys, and one from the Carsons. We hope we will be as faithful as those two families have been to serve the Lord in Cambodia.

Christmas 2023

We had our Christmas celebrations on the 26/27. Christmas Eve we had our traditional taco meal; did some singing, while drinking hot chocolate and eating Christmas cookies; and watched The Muppets Christmas Carol.

Christmas morning we had a breakfast of omelettes and sausage, with mocha. Afterwards we sang a little bit and the kids exchanged Christmas gifts. The Crowleys joined us mid-morning for cinnamon rolls and the kids’ performance of the Christmas story. To begin the performance, Josh recited the genealogy from Matthew. We then had lunch (buffalo roast, potatoes, salad, and rolls), dessert, and an afternoon of singing Christmas carols with the Crowleys.

In the afternoon, the older kids and Josh played Catan – a gift we’d given them for Christmas; and I played games with the little boys. We then had dinner and ended the evening with singing and gift-giving to the kids from us. It was a very Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day Wedding!

We ended up delaying our family Christmas celebrations, since there was a wedding right across the street on Christmas Day. The bride was Davi’s cousin, and we’ve known the family since moving to Oyadao. You really can’t understand what having a wedding nearby is like, unless you live here. Weddings are done outside with a loudspeaker. All the ceremony stuff is blasted toward us, so loud that we can’t listen to Christmas music in our own house. The evening meal is a huge party that goes past midnight, with loud dance music and dancers on stage. This was all right across the street from our house, and it was LOUD!

Clara was asked to be a part of the morning wedding tradition of walking from the groom’s house to the bride’s house. (It’s just acted out, since the groom lived 45 minutes away!) Clara had to be ready before 5am to have her make-up done. (Somehow they roped me into having my make-up down too!) After the “walk” – they serve a breakfast of Khmer rice porridge.

I took the girls to the evening party, and we stayed for a little over an hour, leaving before the guest started dancing. Each table needs to be filled with 10 people before food is serve to the individual table. People are constantly coming in for about 2 hours. Thankfully we were seated away from the speakers and the other guests were older people. The music was so loud you really couldn’t talk with anyone. But it was a fun time to get dressed up! The ladies get really dressed up for these meals.

Christmas at Saom Kaning

Our church had their Christmas celebrations Saturday evening, Dec 23 – a meal and service; and then Sunday morning, Dec 24, a service and meal. We helped the kids/youth do a Christmas pageant again this year. Becca was assigned the role of Gabriel. The elementary children sang the 10 Commandments to a tune I wrote and the other kids groups sang different songs we’ve put together using verses from the new Bible translation. In the morning, the adults sang a new Christmas song we wrote and then Jesus Kind and Strong (City Alight), which Josh translated for them a few years ago. Josh preached at the morning service.

Christmas is a really fun time for everyone with lots of extra pictures and singing. All our kids enjoyed both times at church. It’s one of the highlights of our church year.

Advent 2023

One of the things we enjoy during Advent is our nightly singing time. This year the four oldest kids accompanied us on the piano. On a typical night we sing 8 songs, but on one night we have a concert included every song that can be played. When we have doubles, the kids decide who gets to play that song for the evening.

Our Christmas Countdown Calendar started 10 days before Christmas. It included crafts, cookie baking and decorating, reading, and other special activities for the season. One yearly tradition is Josh reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Another is the kids making giant gingerbread cookies! We made our wrapping paper this.year, with painting feet and dancing around on the paper – but I didn’t take any pictures.

We introduced some of our Jarai friends to Christmas cookie making. I made cookies with the two ladies I’ve been working with all year on learning to read their own language. And Becca made cookies with our Jarai friend who comes to teach Becca and me Jarai.

December Visitors

The first two weeks of December we were blessed to have several special visitors who came up for the Tampuan Bible dedication. It was a delight to spend two afternoons with the Carson ladies, who came back from Australia to participate in the dedication. We’ve missed this family over the past year, so it was great to catch up with them.

Other friends included the Lambrechts, Crystal, and Mee-Sun. So good to visit with people who are involved in Bible translations in Cambodia and have a heart for giving people God’s Word.

Clara’s Baptism

On December 3rd Clara, along with 11 other Jarai church people, was baptized. Thanks be to God. Clara responded to these questions as part of her baptism.

Do you wish to change your heart, abandon your sin, and believe the Lord Jesus, in order to have salvation?

* Yes, I do.

Do you wish to abandon Satan and all evil spirits, as well as all the things they tell us to do?

* Yes, I do.

Do you wish to abandon the pleasures of this world?

* Yes, I do.

Do you wish to abandon all the covetous desires of your flesh?

* Yes, I do.

Do you believe in God the Father?

* Yes, I believe in God the Father.

Do you believe in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who saves mankind from sin?

* Yes, I believe in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?

* Yes, believe in the Holy Spirit.

Advent Has Begun!

December 1st we had our annual family Christmas decorating party and started our nightly advent singing. Everyone had fun putting their individual ornaments on the tree. Our tree is mostly filled with homemade ornaments. It’s a tree full of memories. After we decorated, we started our Advent singing – each night each family member gets to pick a song to sing – that’s often 8 songs (though our younger ones sometimes fall asleep before it’s their turn).

Happy 14th Birthday, Becca!

Happy birthday to our Becca Grace! We’ve had a great two weeks celebrating in the midst of Micah’s birthday and Thanksgiving festivities. Becca’s countdown calendar had a Clue Game theme. Each frame that was opened included a treat as well as clues to who did NOT commit the crime. Becca started the game by making her own guesses. Treats included ice cream, going to the salon for nails and hair, movie, sleep-over, gifts, etc.

Becca’s birthday fell on a Sunday, so we celebrated on the Friday before and then had a sleep-over Sunday night. Becca made a brownie cake with peanut-butter icing and decorated it herself. We had lasagna and salad for her birthday meal, played Cadoo, ate cake, gave gifts, and then watched a slideshow of pictures and movies from her 14 years.

Becca is in the 8th grade and is an avid reader. She has read almost all of Dickens’ works (saving a few for our plane ride back to the US next year). Recently she was reading the works of Shakespeare. Becca is a very expressive pianist and works hard each morning to practice. She gets up at 5:30 every morning to start her day and practice the piano; she’s usually the first person up every morning. Becca teaches our younger kids a SS class during our Khmer Bible study. She plans her own lessons and activities, working through the Bible. She also teaches an English class every Sunday afternoon to our neighbor kids. Becca also enjoyed writing. She has several different non-school writing projects in process. She also produces a family newspaper once a month. Becca enjoys art – painting, drawing, and lettering. She also crochets stuffed animals. It’s been fun to watch Becca grow in so many different creative abilities.

Sunday night Josh left for Pastor’s Bible school, so Becca and I had a sleep-over. We ate popcorn and played lots of Dutch Blitz. For Becca’s birthday movie we watched Lamb & Flag Studio’s Corrie Ten Boom’s The Hiding Place. It was an excellent production and well worth the time and money to rent.

We’re delighted with God’s gift of Becca and His protection in her life. Thankful. Happy Birthday Becca!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Micah!

Today is Micah’s 3rd birthday! This is Micah’s first year to have a birthday countdown calendar, and all he cares about is being able to put it in his shelf once it’s completed. When I told him it was his birthday he said, “Then I can put the calendar in my shelf.” We went swimming for his birthday last Saturday.

We gave Micah his birthday present several weeks ago when his old moto broke. We didn’t want him to go weeks missing out on all the fun riding with Ezra.

Micah is a fun little boy who is full of energy and is almost always ready for a good time. He loves laughing and being a goof. He’s mostly potty-trained and still wears a diaper at night. He still sleeps in his pack-n-play. He eats a lot – but it’s not very evident from how skinny he is – he still wears size 12 month shorts.

He loves playing with Ezra inside and outside. They are double trouble and love laughing together. Micah loves to build with Magnatiles and to play outside with trucks in the dirt. He loves to be read to and enjoys joining in with Ezra’s school, learning his letters. I’m surprised at how much he is able to do with Ezra. Every time I see those boys playing together I’m so thankful God gave them to each other!

Micah wanted a tiger cake for his birthday. He helped bake it the day before and watched me frost it this morning. Tonight we’ll have spaghetti for dinner, eat cake, give gifts, and watch a slideshow of pictures of Micah’s 3 years. Isaiah gave his present (play dough) to Micah this morning to spread out the fun during the day!

In the afternoon, Isaiah made a fort with the boys and they did a craft together. Micah enjoyed his cake and loved the gifts his siblings gave to him: Becca – clothes, Anna – a giant dump truck, Clara – small truck, Ezra – guns.

We’re so thankful for our Micah and look forward to seeing all the ways he’s going to grow this new year!

Singing Scripture

One of the things I love to do is help people learn/memorize Scripture through music. The Word of our Lord is strong and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. My hope is that people will know God’s Word and that He will bring it to their minds throughout their lives.

Cambodian Coronation Day 2023

Today we celebrated Cambodia Coronation Day by crowning 7 Kings and Queens of Cambodia! The morning included crown-making, face-painting, and the coronation with entertainment included. This evening we will have a piano recital with recitations by each of the newly crowned monarchs.

Last Saturday we had a family carnival for our kids just for fun. It included lunch downstairs and several games, then ended with ice cream and soda.

Happy 3-Months Maria Grace!

Our little three month old loves to smile and talk…and maybe sing, since her talking sounds like singing. She’s full of smiles when I interact with her, but they are hard to capture with the camera. Since last month, Maria has become an avid thumb sucker, which is a huge help in her napping and sleeping. She is starting to take naps in her bed in the mornings. I think she was born for sucking her thumb.

Maria continues to sleep great through the night, usually from 9ish to 6amish. Becca finished her gift to Maria and presented her with Elinor, a pink elephant.

Right at the 3 month mark, Maria started rolling from her stomach to her back. This causes a slight problem, since she won’t sleep on her back. But that’s ok.

We’re all loving watching little Maria grow little by little. She still has her crying time while I put the other kids to bed at night, but Anna seems to be her favorite, and Maria quiets down soon after Anna goes out and holds her and sings to her.