I’m sitting at the table, waiting for this week’s pictures to upload to the blog, as the sounds of our little girl get closer to my chair. I look down and there smiling up at me is our Becca, creeping toward me with determination, knowing that if she can get to her mommy’s chair, she’ll probably make it to her mommy’s lap. As she gets closer, she looks at the computer wires, something she knows she’s not allowed to touch. She looks for a moment and decides the “pleasure” of touching them is not worth the trouble and continues to her mommy’s chair. Success – her mommy picks her up.
Becca has made great progress in her creeping around our home. This week she started creeping from our living room to the kitchen to find me when I’m working. She trails me like a (rather slow!) little puppy as I go from one side of our narrow kitchen to the other. She patiently — and sometimes not so patiently — waits for me to pick her up. It’s so cute to watch her creep around our home: she moves quickly with great determination.
This past Friday, we went to Sushi Zone with the family of two of my piano students. The Hsu (pronounced like “shoe”) family had been wanting to meet Becca, so they arranged for us to meet them for dinner, and they spoiled Becca and us. Abraham (the oldest son) picked out several gifts for Becca — books, bath toys, a little doll. Becca loves all her new books and toys!
Friday afternoon we went to a senior craft fair in Fort Worth. Our friends, the Olsons, were selling some beautiful woodwork and stain glass at the fair and gave us tickets so we could attend the event. Becca and I especially enjoyed the hats!
Becca’s new Pack-‘n-Play arrived last Wednesday. We’re all enjoying Becca’s new bed. She sleeps much better, takes naps, and is less cranky. So we’re enjoying the extra time (i.e., her longer naps!) and our happy girl. We’re still waiting on moving Becca back into the closet. So far we haven’t seen any signs of bed bugs.
These last two pictures are of Becca enjoying her new toys.