I’m finding that deciding what to make for dinner is a lot harder than it used to be. Dinner for me used to be a cheese stick and some crackers, maybe a piece of fruit, or maybe the easiest option – just skip the meal (except when I was eating at the Jensens’ house – one of my weekly meals last year). Now that I’m married, I’m finding that skipping meals is not the way to go.
Tuesday I was trying to figure out what to serve my man for dinner…what can one make w
ith ground beef and potatoes (no – we didn’t have cream of mushroom soup, so beef/potato casserole options were out). Fortunately for me, Deb was online and gave me a great suggestion. After a bit of research, I threw together some ingredients and made dinner. (Don’t ask me for the recipe, because I don’t remember exactly what I did, but Josh gave the meal “two thumbs up.”)