On December 3rd Clara, along with 11 other Jarai church people, was baptized. Thanks be to God. Clara responded to these questions as part of her baptism.
Do you wish to change your heart, abandon your sin, and believe the Lord Jesus, in order to have salvation?
* Yes, I do.
Do you wish to abandon Satan and all evil spirits, as well as all the things they tell us to do?
* Yes, I do.
Do you wish to abandon the pleasures of this world?
* Yes, I do.
Do you wish to abandon all the covetous desires of your flesh?
* Yes, I do.
Do you believe in God the Father?
* Yes, I believe in God the Father.
Do you believe in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who saves mankind from sin?
* Yes, I believe in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?
* Yes, believe in the Holy Spirit.