Ever had one of those days when you experience mommy failure (or failure in whatever role you’re in)? Everyone seems cranky, everything seems to go wrong, I’m impatient with the kids multiple times, I brush my husband aside instead of showing him love by stopping my agenda to listen to what he has to say, and then I catch a glance in the
mirror to see a scary person with frizzy hair and dark circles under her eyes with a hard set mouth looking back at me, which puts me in a bad mood because now besides doing everything wrong I’m also ugly! Finally I get everyone down for their afternoon rest time and instead of using my time wisely to refresh my soul in Christ I go to my time- waster default…checking my email, facebook, or a blog. And what do you know…no other
normal mommy seems to be having a day like me. They’re all posting cute pictures of their kids, or neat craft ideas, or the wonderful ideas they have to simplify life and be better mommys. Hello mommy failure!
At the same time, I know I can appear to be one of those “picture perfect” mommys. I post cute pictures of our kids, blog about our great life here in Cambodia, blah, blah, blah…and I’m a missionary wife. So for those of you who have ever been discouraged by comparing yourself to my life…let me say, I’m just a sinful girl who desperately needs Jesus to help me be a faithful wife and mommy, and missionary. I sin. I
struggle with finding time do my devotions. I’m impatient with our children. I’m impatient with my husband. I struggle with pride and comparing myself to others. I want everyone to think I’m the best. If someone intimidates me I can tear them down in my mind. I manipulate. I struggle at showing love to people I don’t like. I struggle showing love to people who love me. I’m selfish. The list goes on…I sin multiple times a day.
So the next time you’re tempted to compare yourself to a missionary mommy or any cute facebook, blogging, whatever mommy, remember, we’re all in the same boat. We’re sinful women struggling to fight against sin as we fulfill the roles God has called us to.
so true for so many of us! But grateful for His grace.
There isn’t a mother among us that can’t identify with you and your bad day! I had many of those and am SO deeply thankful to our dear Lord for His grace and forgiveness and for changing me over the years. I am also thankful for a loving, forgiving, understanding, husband and children. Your children do not need a “perfect” Mommy, they need a real Mommy who will show them God’s grace and forgiveness when she sins. That will speak volumes to them!
With love, hugs and prayers across the miles.
That is true Amy. I’m not a mommy but as a wife and newlywed I also tend to compare myself with others. It take some courage to open up like this. And it encourages us to remember our own sin. Even though facebook looks awesome, we select what we post carefully, so we hide our true sinful nature. For your encouragement, I also feels like a failure wife somedays! We are all in need of our Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s work on us day by day. And for you I only leave a verse (that I’m sure you know but we all need to be reminded of) that helps me to rimind myself to be content. Philippians 4:11-13 KJV
[11] Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. [12] I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. [13] I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
May our Lord give you the strenght needed to live the life He assingned you to live. (Which He will sure do!)
Great blog, Amy! Thanks for keeping it real! Too often people place CCW on pedestals and think they always have it together and never struggle. That’s what grace is for! 🙂 Thanks again for sharing.
Amy, you said this so well! I’m just like this and I don’t even have kids yet! I know I have so much to work on as well. I’m impatient, angry, impulsive, and waste time too. You are right. We all need Jesus every day to help us walk in Him. Love you my friend!
Amy, you said this so well! I feel your pain. I am just like that all the time-impatient, angry, impulsive, annoyed- and I don’t even have kids yet! You are right! We all need Jesus to help us walk like Him. Love you my friend! You are doing a great job being a mommy to those 3 little ones.
Thank you.
Thank you for your honesty! It’s definitely easy to seem to “have it all together” on Facebook. 🙂 We’re all a work in progress. Praise the Lord, he doesn’t give up on us and even on our worse days he loves us no less.
Thank you dear granddaughter! I will need to pray for you more often! I appreciate your forthrightness. Love you, Grandma B