Defense Date Finalized

Becca here. I am very happy to announce that my mommy has a dissertation defense date scheduled! She’s been working on this big paper since before I was born, and I think she’s really looking forward to having it off of her list of things to do. Please pray that my mommy will be able to successfully defend her paper on March 18th, 2011. Once that happens I won’t have to read to myself, fold the laundry, or clean my potty!

The weather has been great here in Texas. I’ve enjoyed going outside with my parents. I love pushing my dolly stroller and walking on the sidewalk. I also love getting dandelions. All the dandelions that mommy picks for me I collect in my hand, and I hold on to them very tight while we walk. I don’t want anyone to take my pretty flowers away from me.

We had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Daddy made Mommy a special meal of pulled pork sandwiches, salad with homemade croutons, and homemade mint chocolates (similar to Andies Candies — whatever those are). I wasn’t allowed to stay up for the meal, but Mommy told me that it was perfect and that the chocolates were “to die for.” My Daddy and Mommy love each other a lot and they love me a lot too!

Mommy has been teaching me to be a good mommy to my animals. Every time she comes to get me up from bed, I make sure to hand her Flopsie and Wilson before I ask her to pick me up. Even when I had a fever a few weeks ago, I still made sure Mommy had my animals before she had me. I’m also learning how to put quarters in the piggy bank Great Grandma Sutter gave me. I love putting money in my bank!

That’s all the news for this week. Daddy continues to spend a lot of time working on Jarai and reading big books. Mommy and I are finding lots of things to keep us busy. Thanks for reading!

7 thoughts on “Defense Date Finalized

  1. Becca you are a GREAT writer! I loved your write-up this week. You snagged some good pictures. My favorite pictures of you are seeing you out and about in the beautiful weather and also reading those books. We love you! Can’t wait to see you in May!

  2. Thanks for all the news, Becca. You are a very sweet little girl and you have a very sweet family. Please congratulate your mommy on her defense date and assure her of our family’s prayers and confidence in her. Help your daddy with his Jarai, sometimes, too, OK? You can probably pronounce some of those sounds better than he can, and I’m sure he could profit from your phonetic instruction. Keep picking those dandelions, too. It’s fun sometimes to put them in a little water and watch how they close up at night and reopen in the morning. And finally, a happy belated Valentine’s day to all of you!

  3. Wow, Becca, I’m proud of you for writing all the news and letting us know the inside story. That is some fancy potty you have! I heard that it even quacks!! Let us know if it really works. I see that you are taking good care of “Eva” – she loves the walks and getting out for some fresh spring air. Isn’t Texas wonderful?! You even got to enjoy a little bit of winter, and now an early spring!! Love you!!

  4. Good morning, Becca Grace! Wow, what a lot of news you published!!! You are an author like your parents! I am so happy that Mommy has heard about “that big paper” she is writing! Your daddy sure worked hard “pulling all that pork! It was so nice that you and Eva could take a stroll out into the Texas sunshine and that you could pick a flower for mommy! Thank you for the lovely Valentine card, your business card, and photo. I loved your art work! XOXOXO

  5. Hello! You are a good writer. Are you practicing for your big paper someday? Mommy said she sure is glad that she didn’t have to do that and she hopes daddy never wants to. I am still keeping mommy up at night. I just want her to know how much I love being with her. Hope you have a fun weekend!

  6. Yeah! So happy about the defense date! Does that mean you’ll be hangin’ around Gville sometime in March?! Hope to see you!

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