We came home Sunday afternoon from the hospital. What a turn of events. I left Friday morning expecting to have a 3rd c-section, and the Lord gave us the unexpected blessing of having a VBAC. More on that in a later post.
My mom was with us until Wednesday morning and we were all blessed by her many acts of service in our home. We’re so thankful she was able to come and be a part of Anna Grace’s birth. She’s also great at taking pictures for us!
Monday morning Isaiah asked to hold Anna Grace. He was eager, but than got nervous. He seemed to be worried that Anna would hurt him. When I told him that Anna wouldn’t hurt anybody he replied: “Baby hurt Mommy!” He’s also very concerned about Anna’s umbilical cord. Whenever I change her diaper her insists that I button her up so it’s covered. Yesterday Isaiah held Little Sister and seemed to enjoy it.
Becca continues to love having a little sister. She likes to hold her several times a day and is a good older sister to her.
Love the picture of the 2 of them crying. =) Congratulations