On May 31st we traveled to NJ to be at a supporting church on Sunday. The church is where I was born and my dad pastored until I was 16. That Saturday all my Uncles and Aunts got together for a farewell party. It was great to be with them all (wish I took more pictures!).
Saturday evening we spent some time at my grandma’s house. Becca and Isaiah got swing rides from Uncle Johnny. My grandpa pushed me on the same swing when I was little, just like Uncle Johnny did.
On Sunday Josh preached at the church where I was born (literally – I was born in the parsonage, since my mom didn’t make it to the hospital). Sitting in the pew hearing Josh preach from the same pulpit I heard my dad preach from for 16 years was special (I was able to snap a picture when Josh was finished – the bird was not related to the sermon.). A lot of people said that Josh reminded them of my dad when he was young.
Becca and Isaiah went to my grandma’s Sunday School class. Grandma has taught three generations of her kids in Sunday School – my dad, me, and Becca & Isaiah. Isaiah was supposed to go to nursery, but once he saw Uncle Johnny and snacks he refused to go to nursery and Grandma allowed him to stay.
While in NJ we stayed with the Grooms family. I taught Raychelle 3rd grade Sunday School when I was a teen. It is so neat to see how the Lord has led her – she just graduated with a nursing degree and would like to pursue missions. We were delighted to get to know the Grooms family more. Mr & Mrs Grooms were my teachers growing up and it was good to see how the Lord has blessed them and their 6 children.