Happy 11-Month Birthday, Smiles!

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DSC_0159 DSC_0151Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes some pictures can save a thousand words. I’ll let these pictures speak for Anna’s 11-month birthday. (Ok, it’s true I’m a mommy and I just couldn’t decide which pictures were the best…you should see all the cute ones I left out.)

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DSC_0114 DSC_0112As far as milestones: Anna now prefers real crawling over army-crawling and is very agile at walking when holding on to something. Anna takes 3 naps a day and continues to nurse every three hours during the day. She is still teeth-less (following in the steps of her Aunt Emily), but enjoys eating Khmer food. Anna especially enjoys passion fruit. [Aunt Emily has teeth now, but it took her till her first birthday before she got any.]


DSC_0124 DSC_0126March starts hot season in Cambodia, which also means heat rash for the kids. Our kids’ heat rash is pretty minimal and we’re thankful that no ones seems bothered by it. I’m trying to incorporate lots of water play into our day to help minimize heat rash.


2 thoughts on “Happy 11-Month Birthday, Smiles!

  1. Aww, love these pictures and the news!! I would love to see all the cute pics you left out! 😉

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