Happy 9 months, Smiles!



DSC_9614Recently I was visiting with a neighbor who was hosting some elderly Buddhist-monk-like ladies. One of the older ladies wanted to hold Anna, and Anna, who doesn’t always like strangers, was agreeable with that. While I was talking with the lady I realized her mouth was bleeding…her teeth and gums looked awful. Then I noticed her hands were stained red. I was thinking, “Ah – you’re holding my baby and you’re mouth is bleeding. What terrible disease are you exposing our baby to?” (I had just talked with a friend who had visited a village where her 9-month son was passed around, and she later found out that some of the woman had TB.) Fortunately Anna wanted to come back to me, and I found that to be a good time to say goodbye and head home. Later I told my tutor about the incident and she laughed. The older monk-lady was was simply chewing on betel leaf, which makes your saliva red. (I laughed too!)

DSC_9653 DSC_9635Last Sunday we celebrated Anna’s 9-month birthday. For some time I’ve thought Anna was growing up faster than our other children. I recently checked some old blog posts to confirm my suspicions. At 9 months, Isaiah was just starting to scoot across the floor. He could not sit up by himself or keep his balance once we sat him up. Anna, on the other hand, is a speedy scooter, sits up great on her own, and is now pulling up on everything to a standing position. It’s so cute to find her standing up in her bed. Slow down baby girl! And look out world!


2015-01-07DSC_9597I don’t have an accurate weight on Anna, but she appears to on the petite end of things. She’s still wearing 3-month onesies. (It’s amazing how dirty her clothes get here. Though the floors are swept and mopped everyday, the front of her onesie is gray by the end of the day.


2015-01-12DSC_9604Anna decided to celebrate her 9-month birthday by climbing our steps. Under close, hovering supervision she made it up all 22 steps by herself.

 DSC_9600  2015-01-08

DSC_9655We continue to thank God for the good health He’s given Anna. She has such a sweet and happy spirit. She loves to laugh, loves to dance, loves to be swung through the air. What a precious gift Anna Grace is to our family.

Amy 9 months 2015-01-09

Amy (April 1983) and Anna (Jan 2015) at 9 months

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