Tomorrow (April 3rd) we’ll celebrate Josh’s 34th birthday. The biggest change this year has been moving to Cambodia and beginning to study Khmer. It’s been a joy to grow with Josh during our transition and now during our language learning months. Living overseas provides a wonderful opportunity for becoming deeper friends in marriage. I’ve enjoyed growing closer to Josh during this last year. I’ve enjoyed learning more about the wonderful man I’m married to. I love watching Josh study and use his linguistic background to learn Khmer. I’m very thankful that, while there’s always more studying to be done and that could be done, Josh makes time for our family and makes us a priority.
So, you maybe wondering:
what’s a typical day look like for missionary Josh? Monday through Friday Josh leaves our home a little before 8 to go to school. Many mornings on his way out he races Becca to the gate of our neighborhood. Josh is at language school from 8:30 to 12. He then comes home, eats lunch, and supervises the children while I meet with my language tutor. Anna sleeps during my tutoring time and Isaiah sleeps during half of it. When Isaiah gets up Josh usually reads to Becca and Isaiah. Right now they are reading the second Dr. Dolittle book.
During the afternoon Josh is able to study while supervising the kids. After I’m done with my tutor, he continues studying. After supper Josh takes the kids outside and chats with our neighborhood guard and then he comes back and does the dishes while I get the kids ready for bed. Then it’s back to studying for him. Somewhere around 8:45 we have our nightly popcorn – Josh makes delicious popcorn – and we chat about our day before we head to bed.
In a nutshell – what does missionary Josh does: study, study, study Khmer and do all the other normal things that come with being a husband and daddy. Happy Birthday Josh! (In Jan. some friends delivered one of the birthday presents I bought Josh. There are still a few left. 🙂