November 16 we celebrated Micah’s 1st birthday! He enjoyed being the center of attention. He loves playing and having fun with his siblings and parents.
Anna suggested we have chili for Micah’s birthday, since he loves it. It was a perfect meal to make our boy happy. He loved eating his cake and getting gifts.
Micah is a very happy and easy going boy. He doesn’t say many words, though he seems to love yelling Ezra’s name. He has 3 teeth – two on the bottom and one on the top. He’s walking and running like a champ. Just recently he’s starting climbing up on things. He loves crawling under our bed with Ezra. The two younger boys are becoming best buddies and partners in mischief. I’m so thankful we have two boys next to each other who can be playmates.
So much to be thankful for in our November baby boy!
Pictures below are a comparison of the kids at 1 year: