I’m guessing that every mother wants to be considered a great mommy . . . I know I do. I try to do all sorts of things to keep my great mommy status – crafts, games, play activities, adventures, cooking, etc. But sometimes God has to remind me that no matter what fun things I do with Becca “Mommy is weak, but Jesus is strong.”
was a day last week, Becca and I had spent the morning doing “fun” things – baking, having a pretend picnic in her room, playing; we even had a special dessert at lunch. Then came nap time. This particular afternoon I was exhausted and could hardly keep my head up as I waited for Becca to fall to sleep. However, Becca had no plans on napping (in Becca’s words: “Becca NOT go to sleep!”) . . . she kept calling me for things. A few times when I responded to her call, she stared blankly at me and had to think of some reason she “needed mommy.” This was rather frustrating, since I had to drag myself off the couch every time Becca called (somehow Becca knew to call when I was just falling asleep). The last time Becca called I had had enough. I went charging into her room to deal with another false potty alarm. Right before I went into Becca’s room, I felt like I should pray for grace and patience, but I ignored that urging and ended up speaking very impatiently to Becca. Then I cried. I cried because all those nice mommy activities didn’t make me a more gracious and patient mother. I cried because I should have stopped and prayed for help before I went in to deal with Becca. I cried because I saw the evidence of my sin and my need for Jesus.
Becca was particularly worried that my shirt was getting wet and that mommy was crying. After I asked her forgiveness and explained that Mommy had disobeyed God, I told Becca she needed to stay in bed 15 more minutes while I went out and asked God for help. Becca later told me that evening that Mommy needed God and Jesus to help her.
of Becca’s favorite bedtime songs is Jesus Loves Me. I probably sing it 5+ times over the course of the night (sometimes at 3AM). One thing Becca likes to do is put her name and other’s names in place of “me”. . . the Bible tells Becca so, and Mommy so, and Daddy so, and Little Brother so, and Flopsie so, and Naaman so. As a reminder to me and Becca that Mommy needs Jesus, I’ve started singing, Mommy is weak, but Jesus is strong. I as a mommy am weak and need the strength of Jesus to minister grace to my little girl. I can’t do it myself. Sure – I can do fun things with Becca, but in myself I am nothing if I do not rely on the strength of Christ as I strive to lead my little girl toward the Savior. Praise God that Mommy is weak, but Jesus is strong.
Little Brother Update
Last Wednesday (2/15/12) I had another ultrasound to check on Little Brother’s progress. So far all looks normal. I asked the technician to measure the amniotic fluid – Little Brother’s amniotic fluid measured at about 16cm in diameter (Becca’s was 2.5cm around the same time). Things are looking good. My doctor says she’ll feel better after I make it another month. We’re thanking God for a healthy baby.
Another great post, and something I know I will need to re-read in the years to come! Can’t wait to see you TONIGHT!
You look darling, Amy! And you’re right, we can never do it all and have to depend on Him. I am daily reminded of that! Keep on!
I agree with Ashleigh – another great post! What a great reminder to all of us, that in our own strength we will fall and fail but thankfully we can go to our Savior for the wisdom and grace that we need to meet the challenges of every day life. So very thankful that all is going well with your little boy!
So thankful that all is going so well with new baby brother!! Enjoyed getting caught up on the blogs and pictures upon arriving home late last Thursday. SO good to be home again, especially with Grandpa not feeling too good. Looks like this is going to take a while to get over completely. And SO glad we are not getting anyone else exposed – even our good neighbors are staying their distance!
We love you all!