In our home, we start our mornings with a time of prayer together. It’s been a wonderful way to start our days together. The exact way we spend our prayer time has changed over the years. When we were engaged it was over the phone; when we first got married we were able to spend longer talking, reading, singing, and praying; when Becca was born our time was considerably shortened (due to my needing more rest); and now that Becca likes to wake up very early our time is “shared” with our little girl.
urrently we’re reading through Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening. Becca sits with us during the reading and drinks her milk. When Josh finishes reading he says “the words of Spurgeon” and I respond, “Charles” – Becca gleefully waits for me to say this so she can respond “I’m not Charles, I’m Becca!” While we pray Becca usually plays or reads, but every once and a while she joins us and listens for a while as we pray. (Actually, she is always listening even when playing, which is evident by her comments during our prayers.) When Josh and I are finished we always call Becca to join us for our family morning prayer.
This week is Spring Break for Josh (time off from his University research position) and me (no music school lessons). Ph.D. students never really get Spring Breaks from researching and writing. Tuesday was our only morning we had free, so we went out to breakfast and the bought and flew a kite. We’ve enjoyed the extra time with Josh and I’ve enjoyed my two free evenings!
Photo Story: “Let’s Go Fly A Kite”
Several weeks ago I read Becca Curious George Flies a Kite. She loved the story. Since then we’ve also read “The Kite” from Days with Frog and Toad and The Berenstain Bears: We Like Kites. Becca also noticed that Lyle the Crocodile flies a kite in the last picture of his first book. Anyway – I told Becca that we would buy her a kite. She LOVED flying her kite and so did Josh. It was a happy morning for all – a perfect kite flying day!
I always want to fly kites…
the kite looks so much fun! I love the one with Becca’s mouth wide-open! too cute 🙂
The two pictures of near the top in her pink shirt are so cute. I love her facial expressions. Her face of wonderment with Josh is so fun! Someday, I’ll fly a kite too. 😉