Last week (Monday-Thursday) we went to the Nature Lodge in Mondulkiri (about 3.5 hours drive from our home). It was nice to get away from our normal full schedules and have some time away from our regularly scheduled duties.
One highlight was climbing a huge mountain of red dirt. We made the hike once as a family and then Josh, Becca, and Isaiah went back another day so the kids could slide down the dirt mountains.
A highlight was the horses and cows that wander around the Nature Lodge property. The kids enjoyed feeding the horses carrots.
We had some friends from Phnom Penh staying at the Nature Lodge at the same time as us, so our kids enjoyed playing together. Other highlights were swimming in a pool nearby, eating at restaurants, sleeping in a cabin, and getting locked in our cabin when Isaiah broke the key from the inside (Fortunately, Josh was able to jump out the window and get a second key to unlock the door). We’re thankful for the time we had away. (Though by Anna’s face in the top picture, you wouldn’t be able to tell. 🙂