Time to go Home!

The journey has started and might be over by the time you read this. Tuesday afternoon we loaded our stuff into a van and drove to NJ. Wednesday morning we drove to the JFKennedy airport in NY. Our flight leaves at 2pm. We have a 13-hour flight to Korea, a 2-hour layover, then a 5 hour flight to Phnom Penh. Lord willing we will arrive in Cambodia around 11pm on Thursday (Eastern time: Thursday 12pm). We will spend a few days in Phnom Penh before making the days drive to our home in Ratanakiri.

Becca & Amaris

One of the highlights of our time in SC was the time Becca got to spend with her best friend, Amaris. Becca and Amaris met when they were roughly 6 and 9 months old at our church in Texas. Right before we left Texas, Amaris’ family moved to Josh’s hometown to teach at our sending church’s Christian school. We’re thankful the girls have continued their friendship over 9 years.

While in SC, we lived in a house a block from Amaris’ home. We all enjoyed the times our families spent together. I’m very thankful for Yani’s friendship. All our kids enjoyed playing together.

The girls had two sleep-overs and played at each others’ home several times.

As a mama, I’m very thankful for good friends of our children, even more so as we’re halfway across the world. It was a delight to see Becca and Amaris hit it off so well after our being away 5 years. Thankful.

Art Camp – M&G 2019

Our three oldest children attended Kids Create, the BJU Museum and Gallery’s art camp for kids. They were so excited about going and loved everyday of it.

One of Becca’s classmates was another girl named Becca. I found out later in the week that this Becca also had the middle name Grayce (spelled differently than our Becca Grace). I heard the story from my college piano teacher, Dr. Wilson. When Dr. Wilson’s grand niece was to be born Dr. Wilson suggested the middle name Grace to go with Becca, since she had heard our daughter’s name and thought it sounded pretty. So Becca Grace got to meet Becca Grayce. I spent one morning catching up with Dr. Wilson while the kids were in Art Camp.

We’re so thankful that our kids got to go to art camp. They enjoyed learning and showing off their art at the end of the week art reception for family. I ran into one of my roommates from college. She was a high school boarding student from Korea. So fun to see her and her kids.

During art camp week. Josh and I visited with Mr. Butts. It was good to spend time with him and hear about his life.

We also got together with the Johansen family. Our kids loved playing together outside.

We had a good evening with Mom’s cousins Anita and Karen.

We spent another evening with the Millers. Mrs. Miller has been working with some of our kids with their speech. We’re every thankful for all the hours she met with us to help our kids. We had a great time fishing in their pond. Everyone caught at least one fish.

SC Friends – June 2019

We spent the month of June visiting friends and family in Greenville. It was a time full of being with family and friends – catching up. We enjoyed lunch with the Hansels.

We enjoyed an evening with the Williams family. The kids enjoyed bouncing on the trampoline with a sprinkler underneath.

We attended Josh’s 20 year high school reunion. A few days before we got to spend time with the Wynn family. Lots of kids – lots of fun!

We enjoyed out evening catching up with the Pinners.

We had an enjoyable lunch with Mr. Moose. He stayed and read to our kids several Lyle the Crocodile books.

We enjoyed our time with the Collins family.

We had lunch at the Whitakers home. Mrs. Whitaker was Josh’s 1st grade teacher and Mr. Whitaker was Josh’s 6th grade teacher.

We got together with my brother Dan’s family. The kids had a blast playing in the water.

Fathers Day we had Josh’s parents over for dinner. Thankful for the heritage we have from Josh’s family. We visited Josh’s grandfather Sunday afternoon.

Thankful for the wonderful Daddy our kids have in Josh. So glad to be doing life with him!

We also go together with the Peerys and Neals.

So thankful for all our friends and family and the time we could spend with so many people (some we don’t have pictures with).

Happy 7th Birthday Isaiah!

Saturday, June 1st, was Isaiah’s 7th birthday! After celebrating his birthday early at Elijah’s Harbor, he had another party the eve of his birthday. Isaiah designed his own cake. A highlight of his party was getting to light his own candles. This boy misses building fires in Cambodia. One highlight on his actually birthday was having Uncle JD, Aunt Kim, and Nat show up as a surprise!

This year Isaiah lost 4 teeth (most recently the top two). In the past year he learned to read chapter books. He has grown in showing leadership with his sisters and he now has a little brother.

Thankful for Isaiah and the gift he is to our family!

Jensen Family Vacation – May 2019

May 27-20 we went to Elijah’s Harbor with Josh’s side of the family (minus the Erkens in China and David who had to work).

One highlight was exploring the creek. Everyone got in on the fun!

We enjoyed two afternoons in the pool. We had it all to ourselves.

We celebrated Isaiah’s birthday and had a great time hanging out together and playing games throughout the week.

The last night we were there we did s’mores. That turned into a fascinating time of watching marshmallows burn in the fire.

We had a great time getting away and being with family. So thankful for the family members God has blessed us with!

Settling in SC – May 19-26, 2019

After we had our family vacation we settled into the Hampton Park missionary house for our time in SC until the end of June. We had a lovely meal with the Casillas family (May 21). The following Sunday we were at their church. Cleveland Park Bible Church is always a highlight for our family.

We enjoyed a lovely lunch Thursday, May 23, with Dr. and Mrs. Bell. It was wonderful to have dinner with our Hebrew professor and friends. For me it was a great honor to be with our entire family in the home of a highly respected professor. It goes down as a furlough highlight.

Friday night we had a lovely meal with Donna and Amy. So good to catch up with them both.

Saturday we got together with my brother Jon’s family. We had a great time at a park and then eating at our house.

Vacation (May 13-18, 2019)

May 13-18 our family took a vacation, just the 7 of us. While we’ve enjoyed visiting with people, we were all looking forward to being together as a family without anyone else around. We rented a four bedroom house with a large yard and creek in the back. Very peaceful. It was great to just be together without any extra demands.

The kids loved the break from having to be places or with others doing things. Becca especially loved having her own room and being able to tuck herself away to read. The kids loved exploring the creek.

When we arrived I had a bad head cold. Even though I was bummed out about being sick on our vacation, I was glad to have the extra time to rest. By the last two days I was feeling much better. Josh and I enjoyed the days without a set schedule and enjoyed the extra time we had to talk with each other. It was really refreshing and we both needed it.

On Thursday Josh took Becca horseback riding. Below is an article Becca wrote about the experience.

Becca Nearly Scraped off a Wild Mustang!

In Tennessee, Becca went horseback riding and rode a wild mustang. But it was very lazy. It kept trying to eat grass on the trail for there was no one leading the horse. The horse, Nugget, suddenly ran the wrong way and under a low branch. The branch scraped Becca’s neck. Reporters rushed in from Ratanakiri, Siem Reap, and Phnom Penh.

Note – Publishers admit that the reporters are fictional.

Ezra – 9 Months

Just let this little boy melt your heart! He’s just as sweet and happy as he looks. He always gets compliments from church nursery workers and regularly naps in their arms. And no, we’re not letting anyone keep him!

Ezra has done great with all our travels. We’re so thankful that the Lord gave us this baby for such a time as this.

The last week of April Ezra cut his first tooth – bottom middle. Shortly afterwards his second tooth right besides the first. Along with the tooth came a bad cold. It was a rough 2 weeks.

Two weeks ago Ezra started sleeping through the night. I wasn’t expecting it to last – but he’s done great since then. I’m one very happy Mama – with the extra rest.

With all our traveling, I haven’t had time to keep up with Ezra’s month posts. So let me catch up.

Ezra – 8 Months

Ezra – 7 Months

NC, PA, & VA (April 25-May 12)

On April 25th left Wilson, NC to head to Burlington, NC. On the way we had lunch with our friend Nathan Rittenhouse. The next evening Nathan and his wife came to have dinner with us where we were staying.

April 25-29th we stayed in Burlington, NC at the missionary house of Beacon Baptist Church. Saturday ad Sunday we enjoyed visiting with our friends the Councilmans and some of the pastors from the church. We also stopped by the Alamance Battlefield.

Monday morning, April 29th we drove up to York, PA to participate in the Mission Festival of Church of the Open Door. We stayed with my parents that week, since they live nearby. Isaiah got to go to first grade with my mom.

We had a wonderful time at the COD Mission Festival (April 30-May 5th). It was great to see people, meet new people, and fellowship with other missionaries. Josh went to the Bible Museum with the church. Our kids loved the Saturday evening Street Faire – highlighting different missionaries and countries. I enjoyed the special missionary ladies pamper morning. One special treat was being with Rosa, a missionary who I met when I was 17, and watching my kids interact with her – their favorite Tea Lady from the Street Faire.

Tuesday, May 7th, we drove down to Arlington, VA to spend some time with the Gustafsons. It was great to see them again.

Wednesday morning, Mr. Gustafson dropped us right outside the entrance of the National Museum of Natural History. We had a great morning looking at lots of things. For lunch we met our friend Rebekah for a picnic out on the Mall green, rode the carousel, and spent a little bit of time at the Air and Space Museum. The three older kids drove the Metro with Rebekah back to her apartment and the rest of us were picked up by Mr. Gustafson to get back to our car. We’re very thankful for his generosity to us with all the time he spent driving us around.

Wednesday evening through Saturday morning we were with Richard and Rebekah Yamada. We enjoyed getting to spend time with them both. Good to catch up with Rebekah in person and get to know Richard better.

Thursday, May 9th, Josh took the older three kids to Mount Vernon. They had a great time.

Friday we drove to have lunch with Bob and Anne Headley. Bob is the author of The Cambodian and English Dictionary. Josh has enjoyed corresponding with Bob. They were a delightful couple to be with.

Saturday, May 11, we drove to Engleside Baptist Church and spent time with the Smith family. Our kids loved playing with their children. We enjoyed our time with the Smiths and with the church people on Sunday.

Tired yet? We were! So the next thing we did was to head to our long awaited vacation (see next week’s post). On May 12 we hit our halfway mark for our time in the States. Less than three months until we get to go home!

April 2019 – SC & NC

Easter 2019

Due to Grandpa Hess’ funeral, we had some extra time in Greenville from April 8-13. We took a trip to the Columbia Zoo with the Floyds and Mom J.

April 13-14 we were in Wilmington, NC visiting Grace Baptist Church. We had a lovely visit with the Martindales.

On Monday, April 15 we drove to Charleston to visit with friends and family. It was great to see my childhood friend Steffanie and meet her children.

We also spent time with Josh’s childhood friend, Joshua Pregram. Everyone got along so well we could have stayed all day.

Our main reason for visiting Charleston was to see Uncle David and Aunt Sandy. We enjoyed the time we got to spend with them from Monday to Wednesday.

We arrived back in Greenville Wednesday evening. The next morning everybody (minus Clara, Ezra, and me) went to see The Horse and His Boy. Everyone loved it! (Thanks Grandma!)

Thursday evening, I took Becca to see BJU’s Living Gallery. We enjoyed getting dressed up (I didn’t have the proper shoes to wear so I wore my Chaco flip flops that I normally wear in Cambodia. 🙂

Friday morning we decorated eggs at Grandma Jensen’s house.

We enjoyed the Easter service at Hampton Park and then a lovely afternoon with Josh’s side of the family. The kids did an Easter play and enjoyed hunting for eggs.

Sunday evening we had Uncle Joey over for supper.

Monday we enjoyed visiting with the Simpson family again. We had a picnic at the park and ice cream back at our house afterwards. Wish they lived closer.

Monday evening we enjoyed visiting with Michael our friend we met in Thailand. We are thrilled that he’ll be studying at BJU next year with his children.

Wednesday, April 24th, we set off on a 3.5 week trip to NC, PA, VA, & TN. Wednesday evening we visited Peace Church in Wilson, NC.

Florence, SC & Hess Funeral

April 6-8 we were in Florence, SC with our friends at Berean Baptist Church. We enjoyed our time with them. A highlight was using Pastor Don’s canoe!

On Monday the 8th we traveled back to Greenville to attend Grandpa Hess’ funeral. Grandpa Hess was Josh’s adopted grandfather and lived to be over 100. He was a faithful man to the end.

Happy 5th Birthday Anna

On Thursday, April 11th, we celebrated Anna’s 5th birthday with family members in SC. Anna requested a panda cake in honor of MyMy, her stuffed panda.

We started the day with going to the library to get Anna her first library card. She was very excited!

We had a special lunch for Anna with just our family. Then we gave Anna her gifts. I live our kids’ excitement when giving gifts.

In the evening, my two brothers and their families and Josh’s parents came to celebrate. There were a total of 11 cousins.

Anna is a delight and we are excited about seeing her grow as a 5 year old.

Texas 2019 (Week 3)

On Thursday, March 28th, we drove from Lubbock to Alvarado to spend a few days with our friends the Martins. We became friends right after we both got married. Our families have grown in the past almost 11 years. So good to spend time with our friends.

Sunday afternoon we drove to the Dallas area to visit with the Kroegers, one of Josh’s PhD advisors. We had a lovely time visiting with them.

Monday we drove to Mississippi to visit with the Parkersons. Tuesday morning Dr. Parkerson checked all our teeth – no cavities. Thankful for their generosity to our family.

Wednesday morning we drove to Atlanta and arrived at Josh’s grandma’s to celebrate Josh’s 38th birthday.

Thursday, April 4th, we drove to Greenville, SC. We had another birthday celebration with Josh’s family.

Saturday as we headed out for another church we stopped by to visit Josh’s grandpa.

Thankful for a good trip to Texas – it was good seeing so many friends. Thankful for time with family.

Texas 2019 (Week 2)

Train Ride

Our original plans were to head to Houston on Friday (March 22), but Karen convinced us to stay an extra day and have fun in Fort Worth. We had a great day at the Fort Worth Zoo with Karen and three of her grandchildren. Not only did Karen treat us to the zoo – but she also bought tickets to ride the carousel and the train AND bought ice cream. The kids were thrilled. (Thanks, Karen, for suggesting we do that, it was great!)

Saturday we drove to Houston and had dinner with our friends Michael & Katie and their son. So good to catch up with them.

Saturday and Sunday nights we stayed with the Kinghorns. The kids loved learning about honey bees!

We enjoyed our Sunday with North Houston Baptist Church and an afternoon and evening with the Brays

Monday (25th) we traveled back to the DFW area and visited with our friends the Woods. The Rylands came over for dinner as well.

Tuesday we drove to Lubbock to visit our friends the Siu. Lap helped Josh with his dissertation research on Vietnamese Jarai. On Wednesday we visited Texas Tech University Museum. We also visited the National Ranching Heritage Center. The kids loved seeing all the houses from to the old west.

Thursday we drove back to the DFW area.