Since moving to Cambodia, we’ve been praying that the Lord would provide Khmer friends for our children. We’re watching God answer that prayer in our new home here in the town of Oyadao.
We have been blessed with several neighbor children who are great playmates for our kids. Almost everyday our kids are outside playing with their new friends.
Somehow I have become the new “rec” leader. One afternoon I went out to help the kids use our parachute. We played some games with the parachute and then played some Khmer games. Now they ask if “Ming” (Aunt) is coming out to play every afternoon. Sometimes we play outside. Sometimes I have the kids up on our porch. This week we taught them how to play Uno. I really enjoy being a Ming, but it is a bit exhausting as I also deal with attitude issues, speaking a second language, and doing some translating for our kids.
We’re so thankful for the friends God has given our children. We’re praying they choose to follow Jesus.
I’m going to take a moment to comment on life here.
This week (M-W) Josh participated in Jarai Bible school. They studied Matthew using the lessons from the book our team leader wrote. Josh was assigned to teach one lesson on Tuesday (he taught in Khmer since all the participants understand Khmer). Saturday he was asked to teach an extra lesson on Monday for someone who had another commitment. Thankfully it was the same lesson he taught at Khmer Bible school a few months ago. Then when he arrived Monday morning he was asked to fill in for another lesson that same day. So proud of my man for teaching 3 lessons.
We have yet to find a helper and so far have no leads on anyone who would be able to work for our family. My days are very full. (Just took a break to remove a dead rat from under our house!) Meal prep is time consuming. It takes hours to prepare lunch and dinner for our family. Most mornings I go nonstop from getting up, to breakfast, to teaching the kids, to kitchen things. If I stop, lunchtime comes and there’s nothing to eat. 🙂 I’ve only mopped twice since we’ve moved in and there’s plenty of housework I’m leaving undone. By the time I get done putting the kids to bed at night I’m ready for bed myself.
However, this is a good tried. I’m tried because I’ve spent the day taking care of my family and interacting with my neighbors. (Honestly, even though I enjoy it, sometimes I dread doing the latter because I just want a break.) This is the work God is giving me now.
I’m very thankful for Josh who helps so much, making the oatmeal and scrambled eggs every morning and washing the evening dishes, among other things. I’m very thankful for kids who enjoying playing with each other and have great imaginations. Thankful for all the blessings God has given our family. So while we’ve entered a new stage and my days are very full with work – we’re thanking God for everything He is providing. Thanks be to God.