Working with the Kachok


DSC_2100 DSC_2097This week four Kachok men came to work with Josh. Josh spent his time with them collecting words with the goal of creating an alphabet for the Kachok language. The ultimate aim is to produce Christian materials and perhaps a Bible (or portions) for this tribal group. Josh will be using the Khmer script to form the alphabet. His job is to match the Kachok sounds with Khmer letters. (He will also match Kachok sounds with Roman script.)

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DSC_2078DSC_2084The men arrived Monday morning and left Tuesday around 2:30 pm after working with Josh both days. I was a little nervous about hosting the men. In the past, some villagers have learned to prefer expats over Khmer people because some expats wine and dine them. We were told to be hospitable but not to overdo things. It was very helpful to have our helper to advise us on what was normal for our guests. It sure made breakfast easy…ramen noodles!


DSC_2095 DSC_2096The plan is to have all or some of these men work with Josh every week. If it works out, they will continue to come to our place. However, there will be some weeks that Josh will go to the village to work with the men. Our hope is that Josh will only need to collect data for three months. We appreciate your prayers as we enter this new phase of our ministry, while we also continue our Khmer language study.

Note: Josh wears wrist braces to help with tedinitis. No humans or animals were injured during the research.

A Visit to a Kachok Village


IMG_20151013_091959 IMG_20151013_092235Last week Josh and our team leader, JD Crowley, made a visit to a Kachok village to talk about Josh’s possible involvement in providing the Kachok people a written alphabet. The trip to the mountain village included a 1.5-hour car trip, a river-crossing by ferry, and a 20-minute motorcycle ride.

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IMG_20151013_121754 IMG_20151013_121907Josh and JD met with some Kachok leaders in the home of one of their pastors. JD encouraged the believers who have just suffered a church split and passed out his Khmer translation of the tract: There Are Only Two Roads. The believers are very interested in having an alphabet for their language. They are sending three to four men this Monday to our home for two days to work with Josh on collecting words in the Kachok language to analyze. (They will all stay in our home.) After this, every week or two, a group will come here for a night or Josh will go to the village to continue the research.

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IMG_20151013_125531 IMG_20151013_125528The village is building a new church building, since their old one was taken by the group that split off from them.



Two days last week Josh met with a Kachok boy who attends our church in Ban Lung to work on transcribing a Kachok story Josh recorded while in the village. It’s slow work since they have to go from Kachok to Khmer to English, and neither Josh nor the Kachok boy is fluent in Khmer. [Though the boy is better than I am! -Josh]

IMG_20151013_135144 IMG_20151013_125817Please pray for Josh as he starts working on this project and pray for wisdom as we seek God’s leading in regard to our possible future involvement with this tribe.


A Bit of Face Paint…


IMG_20151006_091618 IMG_20151006_100626A dear friend of mine sent our kids some face paint. We decided last week would be a good time to try it out. We had a panda, zebra, and a cat visit our home.

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DSC_2000 DSC_1989Our helper left last Friday for a 10-day visit with her family during the Cambodia holiday Pchum Ben. That means lots of extra cleaning for me plus cooking and some other house-sitting responsibilities, but we’ve enjoyed a week of eating American food.

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DSC_2017 DSC_2013I didn’t think Anna would want her face painted, but she was eager about it and wanted me to take multiple pictures of her.


Happy 18th Months, Smiles!


DSC_2048 DSC_2041This Sunday Anna Grace celebrates her 18-month birthday! Hard to believe she’s a year and a half already. She’s definitely growing up and joining the big kids more.  Anna continues to be an easy-going, happy little girl.

DSC_2020 DSC_2021Jokester:  This little girl loves to play jokes. She’s  funny and she knows it. The other day I asked her if she wanted to give Josh a kiss. She said yes then proceeded to kiss her stuffed bear multiple times and then have the bear kiss Josh. The other day she knew Josh was going to sit next to me on the couch, so she ran over and sat in his spot and laughed when he tried to sit down.

Teeth:  Anna now has 12 teeth, including 4 molars.DSC_2030 DSC_2023

Naps: Anna still naps twice a day. Not sure when she’ll drop her morning nap. It works well for doing reading lessons with Becca.

DSC_2042 DSC_2031Words: I have yet to count all of Anna’s words. To name a few: yes, no, please, thank youMommy, Daddy, Anna, Becca, Isaiah, (she only says Becca and Isaiah when prompted to) yam-yam (meaning food/eat in Khmer), Om Two, puppy, TruffCrunch, chicken, kitten, love you, where are you, hello, bye-bye, outside, how-y (meaning finished in Khmer), night-night….ok I’ll stop there. She does try to sing the ABC song, but she keeps singing A-B over and over again. A few weeks ago Becca helped teach Anna to say yes. Before then her yes was a really sweet no. Becca used small pieces of the waffle she bought at the market to teach Anna to say yes…and it stuck.


DSC_2017 DSC_2014Miss Friendly: Though Anna’s not so friendly with Khmer people she doesn’t know, she is very friendly with the expats here. The other day she climbed into the lap of an older missionary we’ve recently spent some time with and gave him a kiss. She’s always making friends during our weekly Saturday night missionary fellowship.

Anna continues to be a gift to our family. Can’t imagine our family without her.


Randomness from Ratanakiri

IMG_20150924_160709This is a post of randomness – complete randomness. Enjoy.

IMG_20150903_073521 DSC_1967MOLD: July through October is rainy season. It was no big deal  in Phnom Penh, but here it’s another story. Mold is growing everywhere: books, puzzle pieces, blocks, picture frames, belts, clothes in our dressers and closets, etc, etc, etc, etc!


DSC_1972 IMG_20150917_092736SLEEP: We sleep so much better here than we did in Phnom Penh.  We lived right across from some wealthy people who were heavily involved in spirit worship and Buddhism, and we can’t help wonder if that affected our kids’ sleep. There were times (one in particular) when the kids would wake up screaming, and it frightened us too. Since we’ve moved up here, our sleep has been much more peaceful.

DSC_1960DSC_1922COOKING/BAKING: I’ve started enjoying cooking/baking again. It was so hot in Phnom Penh and our house held oven/stove heat for hours that cooking was not enjoyable. Nothing like dripping with sweat while trying to make Christmas Day cinnamon rolls. Since moving here cooking/baking has been fun. I enjoy trying to find baking recipes that work with the ingredients that are easy to get here. (Which means I’m trying to find things that don’t require butter or milk, etc). We found this great chocolate cake recipe that doesn’t even require eggs, and it’s very tasty . . . and the kids love that I freely let them lick the batter!

DSC_1962DSC_1958 PUMPKIN: Pumpkin is in season right now and we’ve been enjoying homemade pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin soup (with homemade “Olive Garden” bread sticks). Right now I have eight pumpkins sitting the kitchen waiting to be cooked and pureed. [Comment from Josh: The bread sticks are much better than any I’ve had at the Olive Garden.]

IMG_20150923_102026 IMG_20150903_112028GENESIS: I’ve started studying Genesis with our house helper every Thursday afternoon. It’s fun to have the extra motivation to study a book and neat to see Genesis through our helper’s eyes. So many things we take for granted are new treasures of information for her.

IMG_20150911_111554 DSC_1941DIRT: We get so dirty here. Sometimes I have to scrub our kids’ feet/legs off with a brush. Whenever they wear new clothes it seems like they get stained the first day they wear them. I love consignment shop clothes . . . guilt-free clothes. We seem to get the dirtiest at church, and usually as soon as we get back from church all the kids get a shower.

ANTS: I don’t even know how many different kinds we have in our home. Don’t want to know how many we’ve probably eaten. Welcome to Southeast Asia.

DSC_1940 DSC_1970SHOWER WATER HEATER: In hot season it doesn’t matter, but in rainy season and cool season the shower water heater is a really nice gift from God. On those cooler damp nights, the water pressure might be bad, but I’m sure glad I don’t have to restrain my screams while taking a cold-water shower.

IMAGINE … Using a faucet that has cold and hot water options. Do they even have such things? Imagine having a hot water cycle option on your clothes washer (I’m not talking about the boil a pot of water and dump it in option, which we have!). Imagine not eating rice for almost every meal. Imagine not sleeping in a mosquito net. Imagine not wondering how long it will be until your kids get worms. These are all just normal things here and sometimes I forget that it’s not like this everywhere. What do you mean you don’t sleep in a mosquito net!? Do you want to get sick and go to the hospital!?

DSC_1976DSC_1979In other exciting news, today Becca finished Level 1 of All About Reading. Tomorrow we’ll have a party to celebrate! (She lost her second tooth last Sunday. Every time she smiles I laugh because she’s so cute.)

Our first waterfall visit


IMG_20150919_103624 IMG_20150919_103516Saturday we visited one of the four waterfalls in Ban Lung. Since it’s rainy season the water was too high to play in, but we’re looking forward to taking the kids to play once the water levels go down.


IMG_20150919_104131 IMG_20150919_104506At the waterfall they had model houses for traditional Krung marriage ceremonies: a short house for the bride-to-be and and a tall house for the groom-to-be.

How to get rid of a malfunctioning alarm cock…

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IMG_20150908_081254 IMG_20150908_081212What’s a family to do when their roosters keep waking their baby up way too early in the morning? … Eat them! The house we’re watching came with several small white chickens and two small white roosters. The owners said we could do whatever we wanted with them, so when I mentioned to Om Thu (sounds like “two”) that every time I heard the roosters crow I wanted to eat them, she graciously obliged. Om Thu also pointed out that the chickens don’t produce eggs, and there was no sense buying chicken feed for them.

DSC_1930 DSC_1931We were unsure how our children would react to the killing. Isaiah had no fear, except when some chicken blood spurted out all over his arm. He recovered quickly. Becca didn’t want to watch at first, but then she overcame that reticence and even enjoyed watching the process.

DSC_1932 DSC_1934First the chickens’ necks were slit and their blood collected in a dish. A very quiet, undramatic process. Next each chicken was placed in boiling water and plucked. We were surprised that our white chickens had black skin and bones. I put two in the crockpot and there was hardly enough meat on them to do anything with. I did make a lot of broth with the bones, and we’re looking forward to enjoying some soup soon.

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Making Khmer “Cakes”


DSC_1879 DSC_1877Two weeks ago Becca and I joined some Khmer ladies from our church to learn how to make three different kind of Khmer cakes. The ladies were getting together to teach Liesl, a lady who was finishing her two-year mission in Ban Lung, to make the cakes before she headed to the States to get married in October. (Liesl stayed with us for about two weeks right after we moved here).


DSC_1884 DSC_1886The most time consuming part of the process was preparing the banana leaves for the cakes to be wrapped in. The leaves had to be cut from the tree, dried, have their stems cut off, ripped into smaller pieces, and finally cut with scissors.


DSC_1892 DSC_1880The pumpkin cakes were the easiest to make: you mix smashed boiled pumpkin, sugar, coconut, and rice flour. After that you spoon the mix into the banana leaves, fold them, and steam them.


DSC_1888 DSC_1877-003The bean cake and coconut cake required a flour and water dough. After the dough was prepared, the fillings (bean mixed with a few spices or coconut mixed with sugar) were wrapped inside the dough. These balls were placed inside the banana leaves and folded different ways to show which cakes were which. Then all the packets were steamed.

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I was able to participate in almost all the different steps. We had fun being with the ladies. But before your mouth continues to water thinking of all these yummy cakes, I warn you: cake is not really the right word to use. Steamed rice flour isn’t exactly like baked wheat flour. And they are really only good the day you make them.

Adding #4


DSC_1868 DSC_1865You know how it goes: once your youngest turns one, people start wondering when number X is coming. Well, we decided it was time to add our number four: meet TruffCrunch.


DSC_1824 DSC_1822Our kids are delighted that we bought one of the half-beagle puppies from the home we’re living in. We told them a few days after we moved here, after we had spent a few days watching the puppies to see which one we/the kids liked best.


DSC_1812 DSC_1811So now I’ve added puppy-training to my weeks. TruffCrunch seems to be pretty agreeable, and I think it’s going well so far, even better now that 3 of the other puppies have gone to their new homes.

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Our Move to Ratanakiri


IMG_20150730_174131 DSC_1789Thursday, July 30th, we finished packing up our belongings, and the moving company came to load the truck for our move from Phnom Penh to Ban Lung, Ratanakiri. It was a busy day, and our children were very thrilled to watch hours of What’s in the Bible With Buck Denver.

DSC_1792 DSC_1799The men STUFFED all our belongings into (onto) one truck. It was piled high and then they added boards to the end of the truck to make it longer. When I saw the final product I thought that if the move was going to make me cry, that would have been the appropriate time for it. I could just imagine the truck tipping and all our stuff spread all over the road.


DSC_1800 DSC_1788Thursday night we stayed in the CMA guesthouse (with our moving truck parked outside). It was appropriate, since we spent out first night in Cambodia at the same guesthouse. The movers left about 4AM the next day, and we followed around 7. It was a good drive and we passed the truck in the early afternoon and arrived at the house a few hours before they did.

DSC_1807 DSC_1806This year we are house sitting for some Khmer-American missionaries who are in the States on home leave. It was so nice to move into a furnished home, not having to worry about finding sheets or dishes our first night. The family’s house helper prepared us a welcome sign and supper. The kids were thrilled to be greeted by 5 puppies and one kitten (who resembles Gollem: see photo below). The property came with 7 dogs (though 3 of the puppies are gone now), 5 cats (we only really see two of them), 2 turkeys, chickens, fish, a turtle, some black pigeons….it’s a child’s paradise (did I mention there is a tree house?).


DSC_1809IMG_20150731_160833By our 5th day here, the older two children had both fallen into the fish pond. Becca thought it was the best thing ever. Isaiah was scared to death until we made him get back in to help him realize he could stand. (Just in case you’re worried, there is a gate around the pond to keep Anna out, but it’s hard not to fall in when you’re leaning way over the water.)

DSC_1794DSC_1795We’re had a very smooth transition to Ratanakiri, partly because we get to house sit and didn’t have to set up everything from scratch. We’re so thankful that the Lord prepared this transition for us. Surprisingly, Anna had a very rough first 2 days. Then it took two weeks for her to get back to her happy normal self. (She also had a boat-load of teeth coming in.)

DSC_1850 DSC_1845We are very thankful for the house helper, Om Tuu. She’s become a good friend already and we’re able to talk in Khmer a lot each day.

What have we been doing since then? It took us a few days to unpack and find places for all our stuff. We had some house projects to do, and we’re working on finding the new (next) normal. Josh has been working on finishing up a Khmer language project for the school he attended in Phnom Penh. It includes recordings comparing similar sounds. This morning Josh started with his new language tutor. He’ll study five mornings a week. I’ve been attending a ladies Bible study on Tuesday afternoons and plan to start with a language tutor soon. The kids have also started school, which is simply a 20-40 minute reading lesson each day. Our schedule is already becoming full…Tuesday afternoon Khmer ladies Bible study, Wednesday morning missionary men’s breakfast, Wednesday evening Khmer men’s Bible study, Thursday night one of the Khmer pastors is meeting with Josh to encourage Josh, Saturday night missionary fellowship, and Sunday church.

Moving up here away from the capitol city is like a breath of fresh air. (Our kids actually have GRASS to play on.) Sure, we don’t have a lot of the conveniences of the city, but I’ll take Ratanakiri any day over Phnom Penh. We’re thankful to the Lord for the many ways He paved our way to move up here. We’re looking forward to the next several months of language study.

Our Favorite Khmer Restaurant in Phnom Penh



DSC_1754 DSC_1756Sometime before Christmas, we started going to Sun Heng II Restaurant every Sunday after church. Originally the restaurant was close to our home, but in February it moved to be in a better location (better for their business, not better for us!). It was still on our way home from church, so we continued to be loyal customers. We loved the Khmer food and in the new location they started making really delicious smoothies. (My favorite was mango, passion fruit, strawberry and Josh always had strawberry and banana. They also had blueberries.)

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DSC_1775 DSC_1768Our children loved the owner’s family and the staff. The owner always gave the kids treats after our meal. Becca said it was better than Chick-fil-A, since they treated our family so well. Becca really wanted to give the family Bibles, so we gave them all the Two Ways to Live tract in Khmer. Becca continues to pray each night that they will come to love Jesus.

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When God blessed me with Ayra…


DSC_1783 DSC_1781For almost our first whole year in Cambodia I didn’t have any close friends. Let me explain. When you live in a foreign country, you’re almost instantaneously friends with any other Christian expats. You bond because you are both foreigners. You feel comfortable getting together with people you’ve only met once and sharing life experiences, because you’re all in the same boat. But no one really needed my friendship.

DSC_1779DSC_1729A month and a half before we left Phnom Penh, Ayra and her family moved into a villa across from us to house-sit for their mission’s regional director while Ayra’s husband waited for an appointment for a visa. Ayra has been in Cambodia for 11 years. She came as a single missionary and is now married to a Khmer man. They have two girls (2 years old and 4 months).

DSC_1790 DSC_1731Ayra and I became quick friends in part because we both needed a friend. I think that’s what made the difference for me. I wasn’t trying to figure out how I fit into another person’s world–I just fit. I was blessed by Ayra’s vast knowledge of Khmer culture and wish I had had more time to pick her brain. For now, I’m thankful for the weeks I had to get to know Ayra and for how we encouraged each other.

DSC_1801 DSC_1804Quick update on our move: we had a good move to Ratanakiri. The first 2 days, Anna had a hard time adjusting. Becca and Isaiah are having a blast…and who wouldn’t: the home we’re house-sitting came with 5 half-beagle puppies and a wonderful helper whom the kids love.

A Visit to Yayyi’s


DSC_1732 DSC_1734Our last Saturday in Phnom  Penh we spent the morning visiting Yayyi’s home. She made us a delicious meal of curry and fried rice and insisted we eat until full. (Pictured on the right is her stove.)


DSC_1738 DSC_1745We have been truly blessed by Yayyi and her kindness to our family. I think she’ll be the thing most missed when we move.

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Happy 33!


DSC_1724 IMG_20150720_125625A quick blog post, since I’m in the middle of packing our home to move next week. Craziness. I laughed as I remembered that during my birthday last year I was unpacking — and this year I’m packing.


IMG_20150720_112622 IMG_20150720_115539For lunch we went to Sugar n’ Spice Café run by Daughters of Cambodia. The location also has a spa, so Becca and I had a pedicure. We had a nice morning. Good to celebrate with my precious gifts – my family.

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Two New Fruits


DSC_1583 DSC_1584One of the things we’ve enjoyed this past year is getting to know new fruits. For weeks Yayyi had been bringing us the fruit pictured on either side of this paragraph. It wasn’t until I saw it on a restaurant poster that I knew the English name: passion fruit. We love passion fruit. At first I was surprised the kids like it, since it can be really sour. Yayyi brings the kids some several times a week.  We eat it straight, in smoothies, in oatmeal–or drink it like tea. Delicious.

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DSC_1594 DSC_1593Dragon fruit is a big surprise. When looking on the outside I expected it to have a brightly colored inside. (There is a kind that’s purple inside, but what we buy is like what you see here.) The taste is a bit disappointing to me. It tastes like…..nothing. But the kids enjoy eating it.

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Happy 15 Months Smiles!


DSC_1662 DSC_1671Anna has now, for the most part, left crawling behind and is enjoying walking…or should we say running. She loves to go fast. She loves to walk outside. And she loves to play ring-around-the-rosy.

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DSC_1655 DSC_1652This month Anna has started bringing us books to read to her. When we finish one she goes off and gets another one. It’s really cute to see her come with a book in hand and want to sit on our laps. Anna also enjoys looking at books by herself. She can recite her favorite, Higher, Higher, by Leslie Patricelli. One night when we were in bed with the lights out, Anna recited the whole book to herself…guess she wasn’t sleepy. That night she also growled for quite some time.

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DSC_1691 DSC_1694It’s been neat to watch Anna interact with her siblings. She wants to be included in their fun and loves attacking Isaiah during our nightly reading.


DSC_1619 DSC_1650Anna’s yellow skin coloring is slowly fading. Her skin, like our other children’s, turned yellow/orange from eating sweet potatoes and pumpkin. You can still see it in her nose and and in her hair. A common question asked about Anna when we’re out is, “why is she yellow?”


DSC_1629 We’re continuing to enjoy Anna. Can’t imagine life without this sweet little girl in our family. 15 months sure do fly by.

Celebrating One Year in Cambodia



628 DSC_1542-001July 3rd, 2014 we boarded a plane and headed to our new lives in Cambodia. This week we’re celebrating our first year in Cambodia. We wanted to take a moment to highlight some answered prayer requests and to share our main discouragement with you. Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance between sharing blessings and sharing the hard things of real life. But we want you to know that, along with all the cute pictures and answered prayer requests, we’re just a normal family with joys and discouragements in what God has called us to do. Praise His name for His continual grace and encouragement.


Answered Prayer Requests
DSC_1554 DSC_1559We thank the Lord for the many delights He’s blessed us with during the past year: a smooth transition to Cambodia for all our family, a good home for us to live in, a wonderful helper for our home, good language learning opportunities, and excellent health (up to now we have been free of any “tropical” illnesses and have only had normal colds or tummy aches). We thank you for upholding these things in prayer for us.
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Language Discouragement
DSC_1566 DSC_1539Language learning can be discouraging, full of ups and downs. In the past year we’ve made good progress, but it’s never as much as we’d like and we always feel like we could be doing more. We’ve had to adjust our learning expectations and realize that it’s a slow process with good days and bad. Some days we’re really encouraged by good conversations with people and the understanding we have, and the next day we walk away from a conversation wondering if we’ve been studying the right language. On a whole we’re encouraged with our progress, but there are days when it’s discouraging. We appreciate your prayers as we continue with our language learning.
What’s Next
2015-06-24-11h37m29 DSC_1569Last week Josh finished all eight levels at his school, Gateway to Khmer. The program was a perfect fit for him and we’re thankful that the Lord opened the school just when we arrived. For the next three weeks Josh will go to the school for extra one-on-one tutoring, and he’ll also be working with his teachers on some projects to help the school. After that we plan to pack up and head to Ratanakiri the last week of July. Amy has already started with the packing and is making steady progress toward our move. We’re looking forward to making this next step.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for us as we pack and wrap things up in Phnom Penh. Please pray that the landlord would be willing to buy all the things we bought from the last renters (aircons, ceiling fans, curtain rods, etc.). If the landlord will not buy these things, we will have to either take them to Ratanakiri or find another buyer before we leave.
Please pray that the Lord would give both of us opportunities to share the gospel with our contacts in the neighborhood before we move.
Please pray for good health and continual language progress, for Josh as he receives tutoring at school and Amy as she continues with her tutors at home.


Seven Years With My Man (June 28)


DSC_0934 DSC_0935One day Josh found a frog on his university campus. He picked it up, checked it out, heard it ribbit, and watched it jump — but it wasn’t of much interest to him so he set it back down. Then one day he caught the same frog again, but this time he decided to kiss it…


Seven years later he still enjoys kissing me!

DSC_1378DSC_1384Our biggest change this year was moving to Cambodia. We changed continents, changed languages, changed . . . a lot. But we didn’t have to change spouses. So thankful that we get to be on this journey together.

DSC_1526 DSC_1512Looking back over the last seven years of marriage I’m grateful for some simple decisions we made at the beginning. We chose to intentionally go to bed at the same time at night. (Of course there have been times one of us has had to stay up late to meet a deadline, but we typically always hit the sack at the same time.) We chose to read together. We’ve really enjoyed reading books together before bed. We now laugh over lots of literary allusions. We chose to live without a TV. We think our sleeping, reading, game playing, and time spent together have benefited from this. Thankful for those simple decisions and what they’ve added to our marriage.

DSC_1533 DSC_1528Besides our anniversary this coming Sunday, last Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day. I remember during  conversation with Josh before we were dating, my heart dropped when he said he thought having two kids was a lot of work and that he didn’t know how people had more. This would have been a deal breaker for me. I was so glad when Josh went on to say that though he understood kids were a lot of work, he was open to having more than two children. I’m so thankful for the wonderful Daddy Josh is to our kids. We are blessed.


DSC_1387 DSC_1391A big thank you to Miss Lauren for watching our kiddos so we could go on some dates. Our kids think she’s the best babysitter ever!

Smiles is 14 Months!


DSC_1362 DSC_1364Last month while driving around town, we spotted a Cozy Coupe at a rundown “consignment” store (not sure that’s the appropriate word for them). Josh returned later and found out they had two: one with a broken wheel and one without a roof. For $5 extra dollars they graciously let Josh take the roof from the broken-wheel car and put it on the roof-less car. Our kids were thrilled. I’m not sure which one was more excited.


DSC_1313DSC_1312Last month Anna started taking steps on her own. She still prefers crawling–or walking while holding on to something. She loves driving the car . . . backwards.


DSC_1310DSC_1311Life here is pretty normal. We’re living life and trying to learn Khmer. I’ve started packing for our move at the end of July. If I can pack several boxes a week, our last days in Phnom Penh shouldn’t be too hectic, I hope.

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